The Secret to Unlocking One of the Universe’s Greatest Mysteries


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Carlo Rovelli is an Italian physicist

I study black holes. We see them in the sky today, thanks to spectacular telescopes, but we only see the exterior. We see matter that spirals furiously, before plunging into them. What’s deep inside? Current science has no answer to this question.

How can we learn about a place we can neither travel to nor see?

To travel to places that we cannot reach physically, we need more than technology, logic or mathematics. We need imagination.
"I think that this is also how the best art works. Science and art are both concerned with the continual reorganization of our conceptual space, of what we call meaning. What happens when we react to a work of art is not happening in the art object itself, of course — still less in some unphysical “world of the spirit.” It lies in the complexity of our brain, in the kaleidoscopic network of analogical relationships with which our neurons weave what we call meaning.