The Serpent & CRT


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John Dewey: Bosom Serpent of American Education
Kelly OConnell
February 24, 2013

The serpent danced with the Devil in hell when the Devil told him about CRT:


Mark Twain (1835 - 1910) died 111 years ago. He know about school boards, but I doubt if he knew anything about Socialism/Communism incrementalism.

The serpent danced with the Devil in hell when the Devil told him about CRT:

CRT is the consequence of Socialism/Communism incrementalism.

assionate patriots of the day like parent Xi Van Fleet, Fairfax County Virginia school teacher Lilit Vanetsyan, and so many others will someday go down in history as the heroines who came along when they were most needed to rescue all school children from the chokehold of political indoctrination in the classroom.

“A Virginia parent, whose remarks at a Loudoun County school board meeting against critical race theory and cultural Marxism went viral this week, described on “Hannity” how the tenets public schools are using regarding CRT are similar to how Chinese Communist revolutionary Mao Zedong successfully divided the society she lived in as a young child in the 1960s.(Fox News, June 11, 2021

Xi Van Fleet can tell you about incrementalism.

“Earlier this week, Xi Van Fleet spoke during a school board meeting in Leesburg condemning the school board for the critical race theory curriculum it is imposing on young students.

“We are teaching our children to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history. Growing up in China, all of this sounds very familiar. The Communist regime use the same critical theory is to divide people. The only difference is that used class instead of race. This is indeed the American version of the Chinese cultural revolution,” she said at the time.”

Virginia parent warns of similarities between Democrats’ critical race theory and Maoist revolution

Teacher Lilit Vanetsyan warned parents about what their children are learning in school:

“Parents, the longer that you wait and don’t have your child’s schools accountable, gives these guys more time to dictate what’s best for your child’s physical, mental, and emotional health,” she said, pointing to the board as she spoke from the podium at Tuesday’s school board meeting. (Fox News, June 10, 2021)

“She joins a growing number of parents and educators who are speaking out against the controversial critical race theory, which opponents argue is a divisive curriculum that teaches adolescents to judge one another by the color of their skin.

“Students, you are on the front lines of these indoctrination camps. Challenge the staff when you are presented with a ludicrous statement, and do not allow anybody to tell you that you cannot accomplish anything because of your skin color, or to hate yourself because of your skin color,” Vanetsyan intoned. “Students, it is up to you to be the next generation of victims, or victors.”

Vanetsyan’s final message was for the school board: “And finally, to the board, this isn’t over. And your policies as just as -” she’s heard saying before her mic cut out.”

Grade school children, failing at reading and writing are being taught to hate their country

In the process, these rescuers who went down to their local school boards to turn the tide on Critical Race Theory (CRT), uncovered a long-festering dirty little secret that’s been part of every day school boards for generations.

Garden-variety school board trustees are not conscientious decent parents working as volunteers to make sure that students are being taught to read and write—but are hardcore leftwing activists working to bring their countries down. They’ve been doing so in the U.S. and Canada with impunity.

Most, if not all school board trustees, work in lockstep with town and city councils. Thousands of town and city councils work hand in hand with the United Nations which pushes a society destructive Agenda 21-2030—and have been doing so for a long time.

My gal Judi is one the few people who warn readers about the United Nations.

Stop The United Nations from OWNING your Hometown Outright:

Progressives are in the process of turning America into a socialist state in Election 2020. Towns and cities—long ago hijacked by the United Nations Agenda 21/2030—have already completed the process and are now owned lock, stock and barrel by the UN without their citizens even being aware of it.

Although it’s now a worldwide trend, the list of ICLEI-controlled cities in the U.S. and Canada is stupendous. here

Mayors, elected to fill in the potholes and take out the garbage, have run away to join the circus of leftwing politic—all for the children, of course!

Grade school children, failing at reading and writing are being taught to hate their country; they’re being deliberately confused about their very genders, and taught be be ashamed of their own skin color.

How did this ever come about?

The media, by and large, patently ignores covering what goes down at school boards and municipal/civic councils, on the mistaken belief that what is going on at the federal level is far more important.

Voters, by and large, remain apathetic about school board and civic elections—but almost everyone casts his/her vote for presidents and prime ministers.

Not all school boards are bad, but the good ones are too few and far between.

Mayors, elected to fill in the potholes and take out the garbage, have run away to join the circus of leftwing politic—all for the children, of course!

Most city and town ribbon-cutting mayors are performing clowns.

Keep chasing trustees out of their chambers, Xi Van Fleet, Lilit Vanetsyan, and so many others. In the end it will only be you—not the politicians or media— who set our children free!

My first encounter with a school board, many moons ago, was at the Toronto Board of Education, under the control of the NDP (New Democrat Party) caucus. Back in the day, board chairman, Robert Spencer, attended meetings dressed in cut-off shorts, sometimes with his two Dalmatian dogs in tow. Board trustees never talked about how children were failing in reading, writing and arithmetic, but constantly extolled the virtues of Karl Marx—during ‘regular’ board meetings.

Nothing’s much changed over the years at the school board level of governing.

But there’s a penetrating light shining at the end of the murky tunnel in the fight against school boards by Xi Van Fleet, Lilit Vanetsyan and others. They are the light at the tunnel’s end.

During this welcome coming turnaround, members of today’s school boards are ducking for cover—some even fleeing from their chambers when these patriots show up.

They are ducking and fleeing because they can’t afford to be seen when sunlight finds them.

Back in Mark Twain’s day, school board trustees were parents and upstanding community members who volunteered their spare time to make sure that the right kind of teachers and the right kind of curricula were available to all children.

Those days are long gone, now that apathy has brought leftwing activists into power.

Mark Twain, now cancel cultured, was spot-on when he penned these words: “In the first place, God created idiots. This was just for practice. Then he created school boards”.

Keep chasing trustees out of their chambers, Xi Van Fleet, Lilit Vanetsyan, and so many others.

In the end it will only be you—not the politicians or media— who set our children free!

“In the first place, God created idiots. This was just for practice. Then he created school boards”-Mark Twain
By Judi McLeod
June 14, 2021

LaVerkin Council declares town a U.N.-Free Zone
By Nancy Perkins
Deseret News correspondent
Published: July 5, 2001 12:00 am
Updated: July 5, 2001 11:12 a.m.

p.s. The education industry implementing CRT is just the motive Americans need to send the U.N. packing:

It has been 18 [20 years] years since U.N.-Free Zones first appeared. A lot has happened since 2001. Maybe there is now enough to make the entire U.S. a U.N.-free zone by passing H.R. 204:

God help us. The most misinformed woman in the House got a holiday for CRT:

"Let’s call an ace an ace. This is an effort by the Left to create a day out of whole cloth to celebrate identity politics as part of its larger efforts to make Critical Race Theory the reigning ideology of our country. Since I believe in treating everyone equally, regardless of race, and that we should be focused on what unites us rather than our differences, I will vote no," Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) said in a press release.

Congress Sends Bill to Joe Biden to Make Junteenth a Holiday
Rebecca Downs
Posted: Jun 16, 2021 10:00 PM
Everyone hates CRT, critical race theory, that bizarre, ridiculous, and morally illiterate hodge-podge of Marxist mumbo-jumbo blended with a healthy dose of the kind of racial hash that would make Democrat David Duke beam. Even the lib wine moms, who were so ecstatic about the recent lack of mean tweeting – ironic that the only man able to give them pleasure was Donald Trump, and he does it by not doing anything – despise this Marxist pestilence. The guys in the campaign business I talk to are giddy and often burst into spontaneous jigs of pure glee at the poll numbers they are seeing. Hey Congress, congratulations! Thanks to CRT, there’s something America hates even more than you!

Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jun 17, 2021 12:01 AM

Now if only hatred for the CRT spreads to these two:

The education industry implementing CRT is just the motive Americans need to send the U.N. packing:
CRT is the consequence of Socialism/Communism incrementalism.

Call this one shoot the children:

Thousands of teachers are pledging to teach critical race theory in the face of state laws seeking to ban it from classrooms.

More than 5,000 educators have signed the Zinn Education Project’s "Pledge to Teach the Truth" since June 21. In the letter, . . .

Thousands of Teachers Vow To Defy State Bans on Critical Race Theory
Alex Nester
July 9, 2021 4:22 pm

Parasite teachers that did not take the pledge will teach CRT. Pledge or no pledge not one teacher is going to risk losing a cushy job by refusing to teach CRT.
The serpent danced with the Devil in hell when the Devil told him about CRT:

If I was an angry black guy I would not emigrate to Africa where black lives are cheaper then they were when their ancestors were sold them to white traders. At least black Africans had value back then.

After the jailing of Jacob Zuma, supporters of the former president took to the streets, ostensibly to protest but actually to simply plunder at will. The official death toll already runs into the dozens, but in a country as violent as South Africa (57 murders a day) the real toll will likely never be known for certain.

South Africa — The First Country Built on “Critical Race Theory” — Officially Implodes
July 16, 2021

A Minnesota fourth-grade student and her mother expressed concern to their local school board after her class was given an "equity survey" and students were told not to tell her parents about the activity.

Fourth-grader Hayley Yasgar told "Fox & Friends" on Monday, sitting alongside her mother Kelsey, that the questions were confusing and it made her "very nervous and uncomfortable" when the students were told not to tell their parents.

According to a video uploaded by Alphanews, when students didn’t understand some of the survey questions, they were told by a teacher in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District to not repeat the survey questions to their parents.

"The survey asked questions that some students didn’t understand. Even after hearing an explanation from their teacher, some still couldn't comprehend the survey questions," The Center Square reported.

The George Floyd incident sparked a nationwide conversation on race and the role of policing. School districts across America are pushing critical race theory on students to attempt to contextualize current events on matters of race.

MN student expresses concerns over ‘equity’ survey Video

CRT curriculum has sparked a national conversation about the role of race and racism in school districts across the country. Often compared by critics to actual racism, CRT is a school of thought that generally focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities.

Kelsey Yasgar said that although parents were "informed that the equity audit was taking place, they were not informed on the date of the activity and not given other details." She explained further that due to the lack of transparency from the school district and from Equity Alliance Minnesota, the third party that administered the survey, parents were not informed of the questions being asked to the students.

Yasgar was "very upset" when her daughter told her that she was instructed by teachers not to repeat any of the questions being asked of them.

"I do want to say though I believe that this wasn't a single case that her teacher made this decision. We had been informed that this came down from the administration and Equity Alliance of Minnesota instructed them to make sure the children did not share this information with their parents and that should pose a great concern in any parents' eyes," Hayley said.

Fox News reached out to the district superintendent and Equity Alliance of Minnesota for statements but did not receive a response.

Published 41 mins ago
Minnesota fourth-graders told to hide ‘equity survey’ questions from parents
By Joshua Q. Nelson


The sad truth is that Yasgar & Mom cannot win against the school board and teachers’ unions conspiring with federal judges:

Ninth Circuit Decision Denies Parents' Rights

Parents and politicians alike were shocked when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled on Nov. 2 that parents' fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children "does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door," and that a public school has the right to provide its students with "whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise."

The Ninth Circuit decision in Fields v. Palmdale School District upheld the lower court's broad ruling that the fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of one's children does not encompass the right "to control the upbringing of their children by introducing them to matters of and relating to sex in accordance with their personal and religious values and beliefs." A three-judge Ninth Circuit panel unanimously ruled against the parents. One judge had been appointed by Jimmy Carter, one by Bill Clinton, and one by Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Newspaper of Education Rights
December 2005
As you can probably tell, I've been reading a lot of Booker T Washington lately, and it's just baffling to me how someone who was literally born into slavery could have a more positive outlook and greater sense of personal

To Primavera: Note that Booker T. Washington (1856 - 1915) became the man he was before the XVI Amendment (1913) funded the ED and teachers’ unions with income tax dollars —— making them the philosophical and political force behind today’s Parasite Class.

Parenthetically, there are two popular images of teachers. Mr. Chipping and Ichabod Crane. Hollywood movies, and television shows worked long and hard to make Americans believe that Mr. Chips is a true picture of today’s teachers. It is not working. The image of Ichabod Crane persists because he, too, was an accomplished parasite before the welfare state existed. The fact is that Americans should view teachers collectively as Ichabod Crane rather than Mr Chipping.
