
Verified User
It's common knowledge that many Democrats have drifted to the radical left of the ideological spectrum. I recently discovered a way to roughly guage the magnitude and extent of this shift. This was by researching the number of House Democrats, Democrat Senators and Presidential 2020 Democrat candidates who had read, embraced and cosponsored Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (AOC's) "Green New Deal" resolution early in 2019 before it became available for public scrutiny. It turns out that 11 Democrat 2020 candidates, 12 Democrat Senators and 100 House Democrats cosponsored AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution. This should deeply concern any American who values their individual freedom, their private property and the virtues of their nation's free - market, capitalist economy. Let me explain...

AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution is kind of like a 21st century take on Marx and Engel's 1844 "Communist Manifesto" ideologically speaking, but whereas there was some evidence of rational thought in the later document, the term "insane" is an understatement with respect to the ideas that are presented in the GND. It brigs to mind something that a drunken 19-year-old college student has concocted after a boozey Saturday night party on campus. I suppose it is imaginative (like a science fiction novel), but it most certainly is not serious public policy. The GND calls on the US to embark on a 10-year, radical, top-down, socialist "economic mobilization" with the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers.However, only a handful of proposals in the "Green New Deal" (GND) actually involve climate change,these are...

* Shutting down virtually all coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear-powered electricity generators

* Spending untold billions of dollars on new zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and and these are simply "fig leaves " covering up the naked socialist takeover of the US economy which is the real objective of the GND proposal.

* Spending untold billions on new zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing and green public transit projects.

* Eliminating as many gasoline-powered vehicles as is technologically possible.

* Upgrading ("retro-fitting) ALL existing buildings in the US to achieve maximal energy efficiency.

But "strangely", only a relatively small handful of proposals in the GND resolution involve climate change, it turns out they are only a "fig leaf" covering up a radical, top-down socialist takeover of the US economy, for the GND resolution also proposes....

(1) A basic minimum income program (for those who are either willing or unwilling to work)

(2) "Free college tuition and forgiveness of any outstanding debt

(3) "Free" home remodelling

(4) Massive federal investment in mass transit and other infrastructure

(5) "Free" health care

(6) "Free" housing

(7) "Free" retirement security

(8) A guarantee of a high-paying job to make up for those lost in transitioning to a fully green economy

(9) Paid vacations

(10) Adequate family and medical leave

(11) A promise to "mitigate deeply-entrenched racial, regional and gender - based (incl LGBTQI) inequalities in wealth and income (including without limitation, ensuring that Federal and other investment will be equitably distributed to historically impoverished, low income , deindustrialised and other marginalised communities in such a way that builds wealth and ownership at the community level). NB: This goes far beyond "Affirmative Action" and quotas, this would involve a monumental transfer of wealth of the most radical nature, a policy sure to inflame and fan racial tensions and conflicts.

SO, WHO PAYS FOR THIS COLOSSAL "FREE LUNCH" - THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW ? The entire US Federal for 2018/2019 was between 4 and 5 trillion dollars. Estimates of the cost of AOC's "Green New Deal" range from 70 to 80 to 90 trillion dollar over 10 years; it would require the US to massively expand its already bloated budget that is already burying America in debt.

But AOC claims she can make it work !

According to AOC, the extreme growth of government effected by the GND plan could be paid for by the Federal Reserve extending credit to power the scheme's multiple projects and investments; creating new public banks to extend credit and a combination of numerous taxation tools (including taxes on carbon emissions and progressive wealth taxes.

IN OTHER WORDS, by massively hiking taxes and then borrowing and ultimately printing money (which as Venezuela discovered leads to inflation and dramatically heightens the cost of living).Then it would use public banks run by unaccountable bureaucrats to carry the whole thing out.

This is not very DEMOCRATIC, but it is socialistic - it's basically an American version of a Soviet-style 5-year-plan focused on "command and control" economic solutions that have proven time and again to fail all over the world.

What prompted AOC to create the GND resolution? I mean, AOC is not the sharpest tool in the kit, but FFS, even a six-year -old child could see that the proposals in it are abject madness. One reason, I think, is that AOC is a bug-eyed, socialist zealot - a "true believer" in Marx's "scientific" socialism, one who is unsalvagable. There is point in trying to teach her how and why socialism is a fatally flawed as a political ideology, or reminding her that it has NEVER ONCE worked in ANY state where it has been attempted (and there are lots of them). This is because she is an egomaniac and she - a loud-mouthed 30 - year - old with minimal political experience - knows better. She is blind and deaf to the truth - yet another one of those deluded individuals who sees herself as an heroic moral crusader, and has chosen socialism as the ideology she will use to save the world (which she says will end in twelve (12) years time due to global warming) and destroy the evil reign of capitalism and its bloated plutocrats.

One thing AOC has learned is that she cannot sell her radical socialism on its merits, because it has none. So instead what she did is build a Trojan Horse, or perhaps a better metaphor for the GND would be that it is a watermelon, a tempting, fresh watermelon - green on the outside but deep, deep red on the inside.

One other reason AOC put together the GND resolution is that recent polls of American youth in 2018 and 2019 have shown that a majority of 18-24 year-olds would a support Democratic Party socialist candidates (61%) (Harris Poll Feb, 2019), while 55% of working age women in the US would do likewise. The polls found that many young adults, e.g. millennials and Generation-Z, have a particularly negative view of capitalism seeing it as evil and irredeemable. The majority of young American who took part in the Harris Poll were (1); White European and (2): quite well educated, having at least a High School Certificate and in a substantial number of cases, one or more college degrees, so I guess you could say that of the 2,000+ participants most were White middlle-class.

That's scary
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Yeah. A Public Health Plan for all Americans. Like 18 other Industrialized Nations. Really Radical. (place sarcasm emoji here)
Yeah. A Public Health Plan for all Americans. Like 18 other Industrialized Nations. Really Radical. (place sarcasm emoji here)

No. It's a public plan for those that don't take the responsibility that it theirs to provide for their own healthcare.
If we're radical I guess the right is just plain fist pounding demented.

It's a radical concept that you lefties think the government should take care of your every need rather than being personally responsible for things that are YOUR responsibility.
Yeah. A Public Health Plan for all Americans. Like 18 other Industrialized Nations. Really Radical. (place sarcasm emoji here)

The point I wanted to make is that the "Green New Deal" proposal is a plan for a radical socialist takeover, its not really about the environment at all, its about destroying capitalism in the US. It's barking mad, of course, anyone with half a brain can see it what it is A 29 year old nitwits,egomaniacal girl's fantasy of turning America into a socialist utopia like, erm... Venezuela, or, say Cambodia after "Year Zero", 1975, under the wise and kindly guidance of a psychopath called Pol Pot.

I'll tell you what worries me. Before AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution was made available for public scrutiny there were (as at the 12th March, 2019), !! Democrat 2020 Presidential candidate, 12 Democrat Senators and - wait for it - 100 (one hundred) House Democrats who cosponsored AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution.

EITHER these Democrats have an average IQ of 50 (and that's actually quite possible) or they are hard-core SOCIALISTS.

That's scary.

Another worry is that a Harris Poll conducted in 2019 found that a majority (61%) of American youth: Millennials and Generation-Z are embracing socialism and the policies associated with it. The 2000+ participants in this poll were majority White and had a High School certificate at the very least; a sizable number has one or more college degrees. A similar poll (Gallup Poll) carried out in 2018 found 51 % of Americans aged between 18 and 29 viewed socialism positively. This youth vote accounts for about 37 % of the US electorate. So, to sum it up we are dealing with a lot of save- the- world, peace-loving, diversity-worshiping, egalitarian, tolerant, politically correct, globalist, capitalist-reviling middle-class hipsters who don't actually know what socialism is. They think: It's COOL, dude ! They think it's some kind of fluffy duck that gives you everything for free. Maybe somone should start telling them the truth starting with the First Law of Real Socialism: PRIVATE PROPERTY IS PROHIBITED. That means you kiss your iPhone, iPad, MAC; oh, and all your hipster fashion gear,bye,bye and we'll take your VW as well, thanks !

Later, Jack
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The American fascist tories really are weird. The bloody Democrats will be abolishing slavery next! They might even fix it so you get a President elected by the majority of the people! Is there no end to their extremism?
The point I wanted to make is that the "Green New Deal" proposal is a plan for a radical socialist takeover, its not really about the environment at all, its about destroying capitalism in the US. It's barking mad, of course, anyone with half a brain can see it what it is A 29 year old nitwits,egomaniacal girl's fantasy of turning America into a socialist utopia like, erm... Venezuela, or, say Cambodia after "Year Zero", 1975, under the wise and kindly guidance of a psychopath called Pol Pot.

I'll tell you what worries me. Before AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution was made available for public scrutiny there were (as at the 12th March, 2019), !! Democrat 2020 Presidential candidate, 12 Democrat Senators and - wait for it - 100 (one hundred) House Democrats who cosponsored AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution.

EITHER these Democrats have an average IQ of 50 (and that's actually quite possible) or they are hard-core SOCIALISTS.

That's scary.

Another worry is that a Harris Poll conducted in 2019 found that a majority (61%) of American youth: Millennials and Generation-Z are embracing socialism and the policies associated with it. The 2000+ participants in this poll were majority White and had a High School certificate at the very least; a sizable number has one or more college degrees. A similar poll (Gallup Poll) carried out in 2018 found 51 % of Americans aged between 18 and 29 viewed socialism positively. This youth vote accounts for about 37 % of the US electorate. So, to sum it up we are dealing with a lot of save- the- world, peace-loving, diversity-worshiping, egalitarian, tolerant, politically correct, globalist, capitalist-reviling middle-class hipster who don't actually know what socialism is. They think: It's COOL, dude ! They think it's some kind of fluffy duck that gives you everything for free. Maybe somene should start telling them the truth starting with the First Law of Real Socialism: PRIVATE PROPERTY IS PROHIBITED. That means you kiss your iPhone, iPad, MAC; oh, and all your hipster fashion gear,bye,bye and we'll take your VW as well, thanks !

Later, Jack

Uhhhh. You seem a little paranoid. Do you live in a Recreational Cannabis State?
It's common knowledge that many Democrats have drifted to the radical left of the ideological spectrum. I recently discovered a way to roughly guage the magnitude and extent of this shift. This was by researching the number of House Democrats, Democrat Senators and Presidential 2020 Democrat candidates who had read, embraced and cosponsored Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (AOC's) "Green New Deal" resolution early in 2019 before it became available for public scrutiny. It turns out that 11 Democrat 2020 candidates, 12 Democrat Senators and 100 House Democrats cosponsored AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution. This should deeply concern any American who values their individual freedom, their private property and the virtues of their nation's free - market, capitalist economy. Let me explain...

AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution is kind of like a 21st century take on Marx and Engel's 1844 "Communist Manifesto" ideologically speaking, but whereas there was some evidence of rational thought in the later document, the term "insane" is an understatement with respect to the ideas that are presented in the GND. It brigs to mind something that a drunken 19-year-old college student has concocted after a boozey Saturday night party on campus. I suppose it is imaginative (like a science fiction novel), but it most certainly is not serious public policy. The GND calls on the US to embark on a 10-year, radical, top-down, socialist "economic mobilization" with the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers.However, only a handful of proposals in the "Green New Deal" (GND) actually involve climate change,these are...

* Shutting down virtually all coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear-powered electricity generators

* Spending untold billions of dollars on new zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and and these are simply "fig leaves " covering up the naked socialist takeover of the US economy which is the real objective of the GND proposal.

* Spending untold billions on new zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing and green public transit projects.

* Eliminating as many gasoline-powered vehicles as is technologically possible.

* Upgrading ("retro-fitting) ALL existing buildings in the US to achieve maximal energy efficiency.

But "strangely", only a relatively small handful of proposals in the GND resolution involve climate change, it turns out they are only a "fig leaf" covering up a radical, top-down socialist takeover of the US economy, for the GND resolution also proposes....

(1) A basic minimum income program (for those who are either willing or unwilling to work)

(2) "Free college tuition and forgiveness of any outstanding debt

(3) "Free" home remodelling

(4) Massive federal investment in mass transit and other infrastructure

(5) "Free" health care

(6) "Free" housing

(7) "Free" retirement security

(8) A guarantee of a high-paying job to make up for those lost in transitioning to a fully green economy

(9) Paid vacations

(10) Adequate family and medical leave

(11) A promise to "mitigate deeply-entrenched racial, regional and gender - based (incl LGBTQI) inequalities in wealth and income (including without limitation, ensuring that Federal and other investment will be equitably distributed to historically impoverished, low income , deindustrialised and other marginalised communities in such a way that builds wealth and ownership at the community level). NB: This goes far beyond "Affirmative Action" and quotas, this would involve a monumental transfer of wealth of the most radical nature, a policy sure to inflame and fan racial tensions and conflicts.

SO, WHO PAYS FOR THIS COLOSSAL "FREE LUNCH" - THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW ? The entire US Federal for 2018/2019 was between 4 and 5 trillion dollars. Estimates of the cost of AOC's "Green New Deal" range from 70 to 80 to 90 trillion dollar over 10 years; it would require the US to massively expand its already bloated budget that is already burying America in debt.

But AOC claims she can make it work !

According to AOC, the extreme growth of government effected by the GND plan could be paid for by the Federal Reserve extending credit to power the scheme's multiple projects and investments; creating new public banks to extend credit and a combination of numerous taxation tools (including taxes on carbon emissions and progressive wealth taxes.

IN OTHER WORDS, by massively hiking taxes and then borrowing and ultimately printing money (which as Venezuela discovered leads to inflation and dramatically heightens the cost of living).Then it would use public banks run by unaccountable bureaucrats to carry the whole thing out.

This is not very DEMOCRATIC, but it is socialistic - it's basically an American version of a Soviet-style 5-year-plan focused on "command and control" economic solutions that have proven time and again to fail all over the world.

What prompted AOC to create the GND resolution? I mean, AOC is not the sharpest tool in the kit, but FFS, even a six-year -old child could see that the proposals in it are abject madness. One reason, I think, is that AOC is a bug-eyed, socialist zealot - a "true believer" in Marx's "scientific" socialism, one who is unsalvagable. There is point in trying to teach her how and why socialism is a fatally flawed as a political ideology, or reminding her that it has NEVER ONCE worked in ANY state where it has been attempted (and there are lots of them). This is because she is an egomaniac and she - a loud-mouthed 30 - year - old with minimal political experience - knows better. She is blind and deaf to the truth - yet another one of those deluded individuals who sees herself as an heroic moral crusader, and has chosen socialism as the ideology she will use to save the world (which she says will end in twelve (12) years time due to global warming) and destroy the evil reign of capitalism and its bloated plutocrats.

One thing AOC has learned is that she cannot sell her radical socialism on its merits, because it has none. So instead what she did is build a Trojan Horse, or perhaps a better metaphor for the GND would be that it is a watermelon, a tempting, fresh watermelon - green on the outside but deep, deep red on the inside.

One other reason AOC put together the GND resolution is that recent polls of American youth in 2018 and 2019 have shown that a majority of 18-24 year-olds would a support Democratic Party socialist candidates (61%) (Harris Poll Feb, 2019), while 55% of working age women in the US would do likewise. The polls found that many young adults, e.g. millennials and Generation-Z, have a particularly negative view of capitalism seeing it as evil and irredeemable. The majority of young American who took part in the Harris Poll were (1); White European and (2): quite well educated, having at least a High School Certificate and in a substantial number of cases, one or more college degrees, so I guess you could say that of the 2,000+ participants most were White middlle-class.

That's scary

You are the dumbest moron on the forum
Mason, is that the only rhetorical card you can play - the low-grade ad hominem attack? Mason... TRY and keep it classy (IF POSSIBLE). I know its a big ask in your case, but give it a try.

Later, Mason
It's common knowledge that many Democrats have drifted to the radical left of the ideological spectrum. I recently discovered a way to roughly guage the magnitude and extent of this shift. This was by researching the number of House Democrats, Democrat Senators and Presidential 2020 Democrat candidates who had read, embraced and cosponsored Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (AOC's) "Green New Deal" resolution early in 2019 before it became available for public scrutiny. It turns out that 11 Democrat 2020 candidates, 12 Democrat Senators and 100 House Democrats cosponsored AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution. This should deeply concern any American who values their individual freedom, their private property and the virtues of their nation's free - market, capitalist economy. Let me explain...

AOC's "Green New Deal" resolution is kind of like a 21st century take on Marx and Engel's 1844 "Communist Manifesto" ideologically speaking, but whereas there was some evidence of rational thought in the later document, the term "insane" is an understatement with respect to the ideas that are presented in the GND. It brigs to mind something that a drunken 19-year-old college student has concocted after a boozey Saturday night party on campus. I suppose it is imaginative (like a science fiction novel), but it most certainly is not serious public policy. The GND calls on the US to embark on a 10-year, radical, top-down, socialist "economic mobilization" with the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers.However, only a handful of proposals in the "Green New Deal" (GND) actually involve climate change,these are...

* Shutting down virtually all coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear-powered electricity generators

* Spending untold billions of dollars on new zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and and these are simply "fig leaves " covering up the naked socialist takeover of the US economy which is the real objective of the GND proposal.

* Spending untold billions on new zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing and green public transit projects.

* Eliminating as many gasoline-powered vehicles as is technologically possible.

* Upgrading ("retro-fitting) ALL existing buildings in the US to achieve maximal energy efficiency.

But "strangely", only a relatively small handful of proposals in the GND resolution involve climate change, it turns out they are only a "fig leaf" covering up a radical, top-down socialist takeover of the US economy, for the GND resolution also proposes....

(1) A basic minimum income program (for those who are either willing or unwilling to work)

(2) "Free college tuition and forgiveness of any outstanding debt

(3) "Free" home remodelling

(4) Massive federal investment in mass transit and other infrastructure

(5) "Free" health care

(6) "Free" housing

(7) "Free" retirement security

(8) A guarantee of a high-paying job to make up for those lost in transitioning to a fully green economy

(9) Paid vacations

(10) Adequate family and medical leave

(11) A promise to "mitigate deeply-entrenched racial, regional and gender - based (incl LGBTQI) inequalities in wealth and income (including without limitation, ensuring that Federal and other investment will be equitably distributed to historically impoverished, low income , deindustrialised and other marginalised communities in such a way that builds wealth and ownership at the community level). NB: This goes far beyond "Affirmative Action" and quotas, this would involve a monumental transfer of wealth of the most radical nature, a policy sure to inflame and fan racial tensions and conflicts.

SO, WHO PAYS FOR THIS COLOSSAL "FREE LUNCH" - THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW ? The entire US Federal for 2018/2019 was between 4 and 5 trillion dollars. Estimates of the cost of AOC's "Green New Deal" range from 70 to 80 to 90 trillion dollar over 10 years; it would require the US to massively expand its already bloated budget that is already burying America in debt.

But AOC claims she can make it work !

According to AOC, the extreme growth of government effected by the GND plan could be paid for by the Federal Reserve extending credit to power the scheme's multiple projects and investments; creating new public banks to extend credit and a combination of numerous taxation tools (including taxes on carbon emissions and progressive wealth taxes.

IN OTHER WORDS, by massively hiking taxes and then borrowing and ultimately printing money (which as Venezuela discovered leads to inflation and dramatically heightens the cost of living).Then it would use public banks run by unaccountable bureaucrats to carry the whole thing out.

This is not very DEMOCRATIC, but it is socialistic - it's basically an American version of a Soviet-style 5-year-plan focused on "command and control" economic solutions that have proven time and again to fail all over the world.

What prompted AOC to create the GND resolution? I mean, AOC is not the sharpest tool in the kit, but FFS, even a six-year -old child could see that the proposals in it are abject madness. One reason, I think, is that AOC is a bug-eyed, socialist zealot - a "true believer" in Marx's "scientific" socialism, one who is unsalvagable. There is point in trying to teach her how and why socialism is a fatally flawed as a political ideology, or reminding her that it has NEVER ONCE worked in ANY state where it has been attempted (and there are lots of them). This is because she is an egomaniac and she - a loud-mouthed 30 - year - old with minimal political experience - knows better. She is blind and deaf to the truth - yet another one of those deluded individuals who sees herself as an heroic moral crusader, and has chosen socialism as the ideology she will use to save the world (which she says will end in twelve (12) years time due to global warming) and destroy the evil reign of capitalism and its bloated plutocrats.

One thing AOC has learned is that she cannot sell her radical socialism on its merits, because it has none. So instead what she did is build a Trojan Horse, or perhaps a better metaphor for the GND would be that it is a watermelon, a tempting, fresh watermelon - green on the outside but deep, deep red on the inside.

One other reason AOC put together the GND resolution is that recent polls of American youth in 2018 and 2019 have shown that a majority of 18-24 year-olds would a support Democratic Party socialist candidates (61%) (Harris Poll Feb, 2019), while 55% of working age women in the US would do likewise. The polls found that many young adults, e.g. millennials and Generation-Z, have a particularly negative view of capitalism seeing it as evil and irredeemable. The majority of young American who took part in the Harris Poll were (1); White European and (2): quite well educated, having at least a High School Certificate and in a substantial number of cases, one or more college degrees, so I guess you could say that of the 2,000+ participants most were White middlle-class.

That's scary

why do you hate Democracy?
You know what your problem is Jack? I think its that you're a White Anglo-European American youth ("Jack is an English working class bastardisation of "John") That you're quite young, I'd say in your 20's, because "Jack" became a popular name for boy babies about 20 or so years ago, you probably live with your parents who are middle-class folk and have cossetted you all of your life. You have probably been through college or are in the process and you didn't study a STEM course of any kind. You are probably a bit of a hipster because hipster like leftist "progressive" politics, but they don't understand that political progressivism is just a disguised form of good old socialism, the kind that murders millions of people and causes mass devastation wherever it sets its foot.

But you look around at your little patch of America (with the mowed lawns and white picket fences and late model car and you look at you white majority neighbourhood and you think to yourself, even if its true that socialism is on the march, and they're going to open up the borders to every Hispanic in Mexico and every Guatemalan and African, even if they're going to push taxes through the roof, even if America turns into a "Mad Max" landscape, it'll never happen in my lifetime or my children's lifetime, so I can keep playing the cool, hipster-Greenie-SJW-egalitarian-globalist - "all men are born equal"-"politically correct", "diversity-affirming", "immigrant-welcoming"-" gender fluid", "tolerant", "wealth redistributing" compassionate - "capitalism hating socialist with two left testicles.. I guess that's all right, so knock yourself out. BUT remember, its official by 2042 White Anglo-European Americans like you will be a majority - minority. That means there will be more Negros?African -American, Hispanics Asians and mixed-race "people of colour than White. And guess who they all vote for ? Yes, the Democratic Party - aka American Socialist Party. Also don't forget that White American have virtually stopped breeding; but that's not the case for Blacks, Hispanic and Asian in American their birth-rate are very healthy. Which mean that in the decades after 2042 White Americans will become an ever more endangered minority. I wouldn't like to be a White Anglo-European White dude living in America in the 22nd century, the country will be a worse-than-3rd-world s**thole and the Blacks will declare open-season on you in revenge for slavery.

You might be one of the "Grateful Dead" by then, but what if you have children, grandchildren, great grandchildren...??

Mason, is that the only rhetorical card you can play - the low-grade ad hominem attack? Mason... TRY and keep it classy (IF POSSIBLE). I know its a big ask in your case, but give it a try.

Later, Mason

Mason, is right: the Trump right has gone fascist. Your crazy screed in the OP is evidence.
The American fascist tories really are weird. The bloody Democrats will be abolishing slavery next! They might even fix it so you get a President elected by the majority of the people! Is there no end to their extremism?

Fascists are not Tories and Tories are not American. So if anyone is weird it's you. Also, you don't understand the American Electoral College system and why it was put in place.
Finally, American Conservatism (Trump) is not "Extreme". What IS extreme is the political ideology the Democrats are currently in the process of adopting - it's called socialism. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, they were all (Marxist) socialists Now THAT'S EXTREME, buddy.

Fascists are not Tories and Tories are not American. So if anyone is weird it's you. Also, you don't understand the American Electoral College system and why it was put in place.
Finally, American Conservatism (Trump) is not "Extreme". What IS extreme is the political ideology the Democrats are currently in the process of adopting - it's called socialism. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, they were all (Marxist) socialists Now THAT'S EXTREME, buddy.


EC was put in place to get slave states to join the union.
The fact is that we have been drifting slowly and inexorably to the right for many decades. It has not been sudden, so we don't notice it as much. If you think those on top who are redrawing the government and business are stupid, you are making a mistake. They have been chamfering the corners and grinding away until we can no longer remember where we were. The country is not like it once was. it is no accident that the wealth gap is far worse than in the past, even worse than the Gilded age. It is the plan that they have power of money over politicians and elections. That is money well spent.
It is past time for the people to demand what they have built. Is is the workers who created the wealth. But the wealthy who confiscate it.
Fascists are not Tories and Tories are not American. So if anyone is weird it's you. Also, you don't understand the American Electoral College system and why it was put in place.
Finally, American Conservatism (Trump) is not "Extreme". What IS extreme is the political ideology the Democrats are currently in the process of adopting - it's called socialism. Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, they were all (Marxist) socialists Now THAT'S EXTREME, buddy.


Tories are fascists, and the same in all countries, whatever the pretence they happen to use. Everybody understands your silly college system, you daft bugger - it is arranged so that a few States with very few people outvote the majority, originally to save slavery: you daft? You know bugger all about socialism or anything else, you stupid brainwashed turd! :)
Tories are fascists, and the same in all countries, whatever the pretence they happen to use. Everybody understands your silly college system, you daft bugger - it is arranged so that a few States with very few people outvote the majority, originally to save slavery: you daft? You know bugger all about socialism or anything else, you stupid brainwashed turd! :)

And the other big "fix" that is baked into the Senate has never had more pronounced effect given the population variance across states.
A person in Wyoming's vote has 60 times the power in the US Senate than a person in California. To their credit, a couple of the framers of the constitution
opposed the guaranteed 2 senators per state rule.

Essentially it is the result of bad deal making. If the deal did not unfairly advantage the low pop states, they weren't going to join.
The people's house, the House of Representatives got the formula part right. Is the composition in England the same, bicameral with the flow of proposals into laws
from one to another? Commons and then Lords, with a partisan tory vs lords overlay in each?

We can sort of blame you, as we followed your blueprint to great extent, got our laws from Blackstone's commentaries. :)