Your self-delusion is so transparent. You are a gullible dupe who pathetically must OBEY his political slavemasters. I pity you.
Error #1: You are clearly oblivious to the large number of blacks who appreciate Trump's success in reducing their unemployment and so you have created a blind spot for the 30% of blacks who subsequently support Trump. You are forced to believe that every American black will be voting for Biden. This is where your rude awakening begins.
Error #2: You are totally clueless to the impact of the DNC's "boycott Goya" gaffe. Gaffes have consequences. When you mess with Goya you screw with every Hispanic and Latino household. Calling for a boycott of Goya forced Hispanic and Latino households to choose between Goya or the DNC ... and Goya is going to win that battle every day of the week. Trump quickly pounced on the opportunity by publishing photographs of him with Goya products in the Oval Office. The running joke now every time a Latino is in the kitchen is to grab a Goya product (you'd be hard-pressed to find an Hispanic/Latino household that is devoid of such) and say "Yep, I'm with Trump." You, on the other hand, are operating under the bizarre misconception that Hispanics/Latinos all view Trump as RACIST! and somehow live in fear that Trump is looking to deport them. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is where your rude awakening starts to take shape. Florida is not going your way.
Error #3: You completely ignore Trump's border wall. He promised it. He was elected on that promise. He has overcome impossible hurdles to keep that promise. Now, not only are those who elected Trump on his promise to build a wall thoroughly locked in, but all those other Americans who value security but who didn't think Trump was serious about the wall and thus didn't vote for him, will be voting for him now. You might be starting to see your mistake at this point.
Error #4: Trump = peace. Biden = War and endless quagmire police actions. You strangely think Americans are somehow unclear on this point. Somewhere in the back of your mind you realize that all of these Americans will be the ones casting their votes and choosing between these two options. You know how that's going to go.
Error #5: Trump is honest and works to make all of America great. Biden is a corrupt liar who seeks to sell out the American people to make Hunter and the rest of his crime family rich. Yet you strangely think Americans are somehow unclear on this point. You know that all of these Americans will be the ones casting their votes and choosing between these two options. You know how that will turn out.
Error #6: All your previous errors lead to your grand, overarching blindness to the turnouts of Trump events vs Biden events.
No matter where Trump goes, tens of thousands of people drive in from neighboring States to fill the venue and most, if not all, of the overflow seating. Biden can usually count on double-digit attendance bussed in if you count the news media and set-up crew. Heck, Biden produced a solid turnout of six people when Obama showed up to support the event, which isn't double digits but a strong showing nonetheless, right? Look, you know that nobody wants to vote for Biden and that all of America except for California (which is now jut the northernmost State of Mexico) is pulling on the leash to vote for Trump, both Republican and Democrat.
Typical short-notice Trump crowd:
Typical major Biden public event:
There is no way that your viewpoint represents any sort of sanity.