The Size Of The Sacks


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I always said that Obama is the biggest lying sack of shit in the Party of Liars. That is quite an achievement considering all of the Democrat liars that came and went in my lifetime.


Now comes beetle-eyes Adam Schiff vying for the title:

"Adam Schiff is a lying sack of excrement!" radio talk-show his Rush Limbaugh exclaimed on his national broadcast Tuesday, adding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "chose a bug-eyed, lying sack of excrement to be the face of this."

Adam Schiff blasted as 'lying sack of excrement'
By Joe Kovacs
Published November 12, 2019 at 1:17pm

The first thing that came to my mind after reading El Rushbo’s definition of Pencil Neck was “There are so many liars in the Democrat Party I should classify them by sack-size. Obama easily fills a 50 pound sack. Schiff requires a 40 pound sack and so on down to 10 lb. sacks for smalltime liars.
Of course, every time Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi opens her mouth she sprays so much shit on everything in sight the House of Representatives smells like a backed up public toilet.
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You are nuts, living in a right-wing bubble. Trump has busted the needle in lying while Obama was a very honest president. Do you ever wonder having such strong beliefs that are contrary to all the evidence? Trump is a thief and a liar.
I always said that Obama is the biggest lying sack of shit in the Party of Liars. That is quite an achievement considering all of the Democrat liars that came and went in my lifetime.

Now comes beetle-eyes Adam Schiff vying for the title:

"Adam Schiff is a lying sack of excrement!" radio talk-show his Rush Limbaugh exclaimed on his national broadcast Tuesday, adding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "chose a bug-eyed, lying sack of excrement to be the face of this."

Adam Schiff blasted as 'lying sack of excrement'
By Joe Kovacs
Published November 12, 2019 at 1:17pm

The first thing that came to my mind after reading El Rushbo’s definition of Pencil Neck was “There are so many liars in the Democrat Party I should classify them by sack-size. Obama easily fills a 50 pound sack. Schiff requires a 40 pound sack and so on down to 10 lb. sacks for smalltime liars.
Of course, every time Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi opens her mouth she sprays so much shit on everything in sight the House of Representatives smells like a backed up public toilet.

I suppose that you're going to tell us That trump doesn't lie.
I always said that Obama is the biggest lying sack of shit in the Party of Liars. That is quite an achievement considering all of the Democrat liars that came and went in my lifetime.

Now comes beetle-eyes Adam Schiff vying for the title:

"Adam Schiff is a lying sack of excrement!" radio talk-show his Rush Limbaugh exclaimed on his national broadcast Tuesday, adding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "chose a bug-eyed, lying sack of excrement to be the face of this."

Adam Schiff blasted as 'lying sack of excrement'
By Joe Kovacs
Published November 12, 2019 at 1:17pm

The first thing that came to my mind after reading El Rushbo’s definition of Pencil Neck was “There are so many liars in the Democrat Party I should classify them by sack-size. Obama easily fills a 50 pound sack. Schiff requires a 40 pound sack and so on down to 10 lb. sacks for smalltime liars.
Of course, every time Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi opens her mouth she sprays so much shit on everything in sight the House of Representatives smells like a backed up public toilet.

Perfect timing, as I just commented to one of your comrades, it is pure comedy when an individual who worships Trump labels anyone else a liar, again, it is like a Bernie Madoff apologist calling someone else a thief
All presidents bend the truth and tell lies sometimes.

To Nordberg: Presidents lie to protect the country as Eisenhower did:

Instead of Democrats openly defending Hiss in their first attempt to whitewash his crime the Party of Liars called President Eisenhower a liar over the U-2 Spy Plane Affair. (Ike did not lie to the American people. He lied to the Russians to protect this country. Democrats lie to betray the country)

Obama lied to help enemies defeat this country. Not one Democrat, nor one television mouth called Obama a liar for the treasonous lies he told. They even had trouble calling him a liar for the lies he told to pass Obamacare.
I always said that Obama is the biggest lying sack of shit in the Party of Liars. That is quite an achievement considering all of the Democrat liars that came and went in my lifetime.

Now comes beetle-eyes Adam Schiff vying for the title:

"Adam Schiff is a lying sack of excrement!" radio talk-show his Rush Limbaugh exclaimed on his national broadcast Tuesday, adding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "chose a bug-eyed, lying sack of excrement to be the face of this."

Adam Schiff blasted as 'lying sack of excrement'
By Joe Kovacs
Published November 12, 2019 at 1:17pm

The first thing that came to my mind after reading El Rushbo’s definition of Pencil Neck was “There are so many liars in the Democrat Party I should classify them by sack-size. Obama easily fills a 50 pound sack. Schiff requires a 40 pound sack and so on down to 10 lb. sacks for smalltime liars.
Of course, every time Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi opens her mouth she sprays so much shit on everything in sight the House of Representatives smells like a backed up public toilet.

I believe Adam The Schiff-ty-Eyed Bastard has got the Kenyan born bastard beat on this one. I think Barry told the truth sometimes, but I don't think Pencil Neck knows how to do this. And, like Barry, he has a thing for men.
I believe Adam The Schiff-ty-Eyed Bastard has got the Kenyan born bastard beat on this one. I think Barry told the truth sometimes, but I don't think Pencil Neck knows how to do this. And, like Barry, he has a thing for men.

To Steven VanderMolen: Lol. It is hard too tell which lies Schiff tell are his own creation, or if they originate with Obama or Pelosi.

Of course, every time Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi opens her mouth she sprays so much shit on everything in sight the House of Representatives smells like a backed up public toilet.

Yesterday the stench of Democrat lies was so unbearable I had to put a cloths pin on my nose so I could tape Pencil Neck’s theater of the absurd. I occasionally tape congressional hearings so I can fast forward thru everything Democrats say. Even then, lousy theater bores me to tears. Luckily, I was awake when Ambassador William Taylor said:

"In an instant, I realized that one of the key pillars of our strong support for Ukraine was threatened," he said. "The irregular policy channel was running contrary to goals of longstanding U.S. policy."

Those 32 words told me everything I needed to know —— “. . . longstanding U.S. policy." means foreign policy defined and implemented by federal bureaucrats. Everything else Democrats said or will say about impeaching President Trump is incidental. In short: President Trump’s constitutional authority to implement his policy is secondary to the unconstitutional authority federal bureaucrats postulate.
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I wonder if Flanders is just being contrarian, or is he stupid enough to believe what he posts. He has things all wrong and seems proud of his ignorance.
If you actually turned off everything the dems said, then you are certainly unqualified to comment. This is just an example of how you receive information. Your right wing bubble keeps you stupid .
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Luckily, I was awake when Ambassador William Taylor said:

"In an instant, I realized that one of the key pillars of our strong support for Ukraine was threatened," he said. "The irregular policy channel was running contrary to goals of longstanding U.S. policy."

James Rosen better wear a hazmat suit if he plans on asking Diarrhea Mouth embarrassing questions. Note that Pelosi flipped out when Rosen spoke to her power. Also note that Pelosi’s “. . . experience in intelligence . . .” proves her lack of intelligence:

I have more experience in intelligence than anybody in Congress, than anybody who has ever served, 25 years on the committee as top Democrat. I was there when we wrote the whistleblower laws. The whistleblower is there to speak truth to power and have protection for doing that. Any retribution or harm coming to a whistleblower undermines our ability to hear truth about power.”

Pelosi gets curt with ‘Mr. Republican talking points’ James Rosen for basic question
November 14, 2019
Vivek Saxena

This is why Diarrhea Mouth sprayed excrement all over Rosen:

Losing control over the intelligence community frightens Democrats more than losing a liberal seat on the Supreme Court. President Trump’s fight to wrest control over the Director of National Intelligence from the global government crowd will not get 1/100[SUP]th[/SUP] of the coverage a Supreme Court nominee gets. Needless to say whatever time television gives to coverage it will advance the U.N.’s worldview.


Every intelligence agency was betraying this country for the United Nations long before NASA joined the queue:

During the height of the Cold War I knew one thing above everything else: Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency. I began pounding on Democrats infiltrating the intelligence community on my first message board in 2000. Today, Democrats control the entire intelligence community through the Director of National Intelligence. God only knows what Democrats are doing to the country in the Department of Homeland Security.


Communism is not making a comeback. IT NEVER WENT AWAY.

The U.S. did not defeat Communism, or China, when the Soviet Union imploded. The reported demise of the Soviet Union caused Americans to drop their guard. Media Communists encouraged a false sense of security with claims that Americans had nothing to fear because Communism was dead. The Left was so successful in announcing the death of Communism the country ignored the Clintons while they went about salvaging Communism’s worldwide infrastructure left behind by the Soviet Union. Today, the country has a piss-pot full of Clinton and Obama Communists in high places; most notably in intelligence agencies.

During the height of the Cold War I knew one thing above everything else: Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency. I began pounding on Democrats infiltrating the intelligence community on my first message board in 2000. Today, Democrats control the entire intelligence community through the Director of National Intelligence.


U.N.-loving Democrats and their machinery were up and running before Obama took control of every intelligence agency as well as controlling the Department of Justice. President Trump barely scratched the surface in his first encounter with Obama’s holdovers:

Democrats always trot out former military officers who served honorably in combat. West Point graduate Ambassador William Taylor is one example. Democrats called upon him because of his military record not because he knew anything about impeaching President Trump.

A few politically astute Americans always identified the United Nations as this country’s most dangerous enemy from within. My point is: Senator McCarthy was right. Indeed, Communists were infiltrating every branch of the armed services. Such men were fairly easy to identify as the years passed. In the decades since the Army-McCarthy hearings congressional Democrats & RINO advanced the careers of military officers they could “trust.”

Parenthetically, this observation reinforces my opinion:

Generals and admirals endorsing Hillary Clinton were loyal to the United Nations first. Generals and admirals endorsing Donald Trump were loyal to the country first. (If Hillary did not have so much trouble with the truth she would add her generals and admirals to her list of excuses for losing.)

Finally, I truly believe that everything Pelosi & Company do to remove Donald Trump from office is done on orders from the New World Order crowd.
The funny thing about the right wing apologists and Trump snowflakes is there is no need to criticize them, they do that to themselves with childish graphics and cartoons. Of course being that they follow a child as their leader it is appropriate. Trump lies, what is the count now of demonstrable lies? Thousands and yet the resentful conservative follows, for all Trump has to do is mention Hillary and Obama and the children cheer. Foes make the easily led fun to watch. Like trained animals they cheer.

'32 Donald Trump Quotes You Have To Read To Believe'

' I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump' Jonna Ivin

This is an excellent piece on Trump. Trumpettes beware you may gain some insight which is scary and extremely rare in the fearful conservative mind.

"Trump’s problem is that so many voters, including a growing number in his base, conclude his presidency is fake. Only a fake president would spend so much time watching cable television and so little time learning about policies like healthcare.

Only a fake president would spend so much time writing tweets about himself and those he hates. Only a fake president could spend so much time on the golf course and going from Trump properties to Trump resorts without passing even one major piece of legislation during the first seven months of his presidency — with a Congress his party controls."
. . . so little time learning about policies like healthcare.

To midcan5: The problem is that you and your kind spend too much time trying to justify welfare state programs like socialized medicine. Parasites would not have to lie so much if they spend more time learning about limited government in the Constitution.