The Slave Trade

cancel2 2022

This was posted on Facebook.

The people supporting the rioting in the US (and encouraging similar actions here in Britain) don't know that the first serious debt incurred by the UK government was to buy the African slaves out of slavery nearly 200 years ago.

They also don't know that we sent the Royal Navy to halt the shipping lanes facilitating the trade, a dangerous and costly act for any nation to take at the time. 20,000 British sailors died fighting slavers.

We were the only ones who did this. Like in WW2, we stood alone against evil. If we hadn't stopped it, it would not have stopped. That's because Britain is a great country. That's why so many people want to move here, and have moved here.

We didn't pay that debt off until 2014. If you paid tax in the UK up to 2014, you literally paid to stop transatlantic slavery.

The African slaves in the American plantations were enslaved by other Africans, then sold on to Arab Muslim slave traders, who took them up the Atlantic Coast to the slave markets of North Africa (where Arab Muslim run slave markets - exclusively selling black Africans - exist to this day in what was once Libya.)

The people supporting the rioting think the ancestors of white people who stopped trans Atlantic slavery - by refusing to work slave cotton and manning the Royal Navy - should pay reparations for this slave trade. No, really.

They think those white people have "white privilege."

They do not think the Africans that sold the slaves to the Muslim slave traders should pay reparations. Nor do they think the Muslim slavers who then sold them on to the plantation bound slave ships should pay reparations.

Britain and its white people stopped transatlantic slavery. African/Muslim slavers profited from it. Just as they do in Libya today.

Watching people like Diane Abbott, who have benefitted greatly from British society, whine and moan about how racist the country that built them is, boils my piss.

The woke Left thinks non-white British history started with slavery 300 years ago. They are morons. There were non-white Phoenicians trading for tin here 4000 years ago.

There were north African legionaries fighting alongside romanised Celts against invading bands of Angles and Saxons for centuries before the word "England" existed.

The people supporting these murderous rioters, though, think non-white British history started in the 1700s.

Because, with a sickening twist of irony, they are ignorant racists.

Click to enlarge.

"The Royal African Company - Supplying Slaves to Jamestown"

"The Start of English Slave Trade
As early as 1618, King James I had granted a patent to a company that wanted to trade for gold and precious woods in Africa. Other groups also received rights to trade in Africa, but never dealt with slaves in any major way. English involvement in the slave trade would intensify after 1663, when a new patent was issued to the Company of Royal Adventurers. England had realized the money to be made trading slaves to the West Indies and Virginia. By 1668, over a quarter of the new company’s profits was derived from the slave trade."

"The first documented arrival of Africans to Virginia was in 1619, when an English warship, White Lion, arrived at Point Comfort in present-day Hampton. The African captives had been forcibly removed from a Portuguese slave ship subsequent to being attacked by the White Lion and another English warship, Treasurer, while sailing in the Bay of Campeche. The White Lion's English captain, John Jope, carried letters of marque from the Dutch Prince Maurice making it legal for his ship to sail as a privateer and attack any Spanish or Portuguese ships it encountered. The "20 and odd" Africans on the White Lion were traded to colony officials for food. These Africans were much-needed workers to cultivate tobacco, the new cash crop of Virginia. The institution of slavery slowly crept into Virginia legislation. By 1660, slavery as we think of it today was established in Virginia. Tobacco was extremely labor-intensive, and more and more workers were needed. The sale of Africans to Virginia planters promised to be a profitable endeavor."

Guess what ... after the Riots are over ... you'll be getting ANOTHER Bill. :(
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"The Royal African Company - Supplying Slaves to Jamestown"

"The Start of English Slave Trade
As early as 1618, King James I had granted a patent to a company that wanted to trade for gold and precious woods in Africa. Other groups also received rights to trade in Africa, but never dealt with slaves in any major way. English involvement in the slave trade would intensify after 1663, when a new patent was issued to the Company of Royal Adventurers. England had realized the money to be made trading slaves to the West Indies and Virginia. By 1668, over a quarter of the new company’s profits was derived from the slave trade."

"The first documented arrival of Africans to Virginia was in 1619, when an English warship, White Lion, arrived at Point Comfort in present-day Hampton. The African captives had been forcibly removed from a Portuguese slave ship subsequent to being attacked by the White Lion and another English warship, Treasurer, while sailing in the Bay of Campeche. The White Lion's English captain, John Jope, carried letters of marque from the Dutch Prince Maurice making it legal for his ship to sail as a privateer and attack any Spanish or Portuguese ships it encountered. The "20 and odd" Africans on the White Lion were traded to colony officials for food. These Africans were much-needed workers to cultivate tobacco, the new cash crop of Virginia. The institution of slavery slowly crept into Virginia legislation. By 1660, slavery as we think of it today was established in Virginia. Tobacco was extremely labor-intensive, and more and more workers were needed. The sale of Africans to Virginia planters promised to be a profitable endeavor."

Guess what ... after the Riots are over ... you'll be getting ANOTHER Bill. :([/QUOTE]

Click to enlarge.

"The Royal African Company - Supplying Slaves to Jamestown"

"The Start of English Slave Trade
As early as 1618, King James I had granted a patent to a company that wanted to trade for gold and precious woods in Africa. Other groups also received rights to trade in Africa, but never dealt with slaves in any major way. English involvement in the slave trade would intensify after 1663, when a new patent was issued to the Company of Royal Adventurers. England had realized the money to be made trading slaves to the West Indies and Virginia. By 1668, over a quarter of the new company’s profits was derived from the slave trade."

"The first documented arrival of Africans to Virginia was in 1619, when an English warship, White Lion, arrived at Point Comfort in present-day Hampton. The African captives had been forcibly removed from a Portuguese slave ship subsequent to being attacked by the White Lion and another English warship, Treasurer, while sailing in the Bay of Campeche. The White Lion's English captain, John Jope, carried letters of marque from the Dutch Prince Maurice making it legal for his ship to sail as a privateer and attack any Spanish or Portuguese ships it encountered. The "20 and odd" Africans on the White Lion were traded to colony officials for food. These Africans were much-needed workers to cultivate tobacco, the new cash crop of Virginia. The institution of slavery slowly crept into Virginia legislation. By 1660, slavery as we think of it today was established in Virginia. Tobacco was extremely labor-intensive, and more and more workers were needed. The sale of Africans to Virginia planters promised to be a profitable endeavor."

Guess what ... after the Riots are over ... you'll be getting ANOTHER Bill. :(

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This is a phenomena in the Developed World. It will be interesting to see how the Ruling Class deals with it. Capitalists will continue to 'Divide & Conquer' the Worker Drone Class.
(notice how Rep. Jim Clyburn quickly anointed Biden as the Messiah for Blacks, rather than Sanders, who would have actually made a radical change in the Distribution of The Economic Pie)

"James Enos Clyburn is an American politician of the Democratic Party serving as House Majority Whip since 2019. He is a two-time Majority Whip, having previously served in the post from 2007 to 2011 and served as House Assistant Minority Leader from 2011 to 2019.Wikipedia"
This was posted on Facebook.

The people supporting the rioting in the US (and encouraging similar actions here in Britain) don't know that the first serious debt incurred by the UK government was to buy the African slaves out of slavery nearly 200 years ago.

They also don't know that we sent the Royal Navy to halt the shipping lanes facilitating the trade, a dangerous and costly act for any nation to take at the time. 20,000 British sailors died fighting slavers.

We were the only ones who did this. Like in WW2, we stood alone against evil. If we hadn't stopped it, it would not have stopped. That's because Britain is a great country. That's why so many people want to move here, and have moved here.

We didn't pay that debt off until 2014. If you paid tax in the UK up to 2014, you literally paid to stop transatlantic slavery.

The African slaves in the American plantations were enslaved by other Africans, then sold on to Arab Muslim slave traders, who took them up the Atlantic Coast to the slave markets of North Africa (where Arab Muslim run slave markets - exclusively selling black Africans - exist to this day in what was once Libya.)

The people supporting the rioting think the ancestors of white people who stopped trans Atlantic slavery - by refusing to work slave cotton and manning the Royal Navy - should pay reparations for this slave trade. No, really.

They think those white people have "white privilege."

They do not think the Africans that sold the slaves to the Muslim slave traders should pay reparations. Nor do they think the Muslim slavers who then sold them on to the plantation bound slave ships should pay reparations.

Britain and its white people stopped transatlantic slavery. African/Muslim slavers profited from it. Just as they do in Libya today.

Watching people like Diane Abbott, who have benefitted greatly from British society, whine and moan about how racist the country that built them is, boils my piss.

The woke Left thinks non-white British history started with slavery 300 years ago. They are morons. There were non-white Phoenicians trading for tin here 4000 years ago.

There were north African legionaries fighting alongside romanised Celts against invading bands of Angles and Saxons for centuries before the word "England" existed.

The people supporting these murderous rioters, though, think non-white British history started in the 1700s.

Because, with a sickening twist of irony, they are ignorant racists.

Fantastic post, thanks.