The slimy Limey media

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

Britain, the European Union is coming for your bananas. And your kettles. Meanwhile, foreign criminals roam Britain's streets and migrants besiege its borders.

That, at least, is the impression conveyed by some British newspapers as voters prepare to decide whether to remain in the European Union.

Much of the British press views the EU as a meddlesome nuisance, showering the country in bureaucratic directives and sapping its sovereign power.

Add public concern about mass immigration and the migrant crisis, and it means Britain's EU referendum campaign is being waged amid a perfect storm of Euroskepticism.

The tabloid Daily Express recently warned that "Migrants pay just 100 pounds to invade Britain" and claimed the EU is a "threat to your pension" and even wants "to ban our kettles."

The Daily Mail told readers that "1M more migrants are on their way" and profiled "the Albanian double killer" living openly in Britain.

Strident anti-EU headlines are commonplace across a spectrum of British newspapers, from the tabloid Sun, Express and Daily Mail to the higher-toned Times and the Conservative-backing Daily Telegraph.

Of Britain's dozen or so national dailies, only the left-leaning Guardian and the business-minded Financial Times are firmly on the "remain" side of the EU debate.

British broadcasters are governed by rules about impartiality in their political coverage, but the rambunctious, partisan press has no such shackles.
Sleazy, sensationalistic tabloid journalism with dubious credibility and prepubescent sexually titillating content was invented by the limey press. Wasn't it.
It's a tiny, impoverished island with a collapsing infrastructure and a weak military.

Some Brits vainly think the people of a real world power (like the US) want to hear their incessant whining about "Brexit".

We don't care, do we?

It's pathetic.
It's a tiny, impoverished island with a collapsing infrastructure and a weak military.

Some Brits vainly think the people of a real world power (like the US) want to hear their incessant whining about "Brexit".

We don't care, do we?

It's pathetic.

They are pathetic.