The Smiling Turd Sure Knows How To Pick Them


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Tucker: Biden's pick to head ATF is an 'unhinged' man

Here is another sterling pick by the:


President Joe Biden´s pick to lead the U.S. Justice Department's criminal division is facing new scrutiny over a plea deal he brokered with a Louisiana district attorney who was accused of coercing sexual favors from as many as two dozen women.

A former FBI agent blasted Kenneth Polite in a whistleblower letter unsealed this week, saying he lacked the courage to seek justice and left victims in the dark about the 2016 case while serving as New Orleans´ top federal prosecutor.

At issue is the case of Harry Morel, the longtime district attorney in suburban St. Charles Parish who was accused of trading sex for leniency for years from women facing criminal charges in his jurisdiction.

But Morel, 78, was never charged with sexual misconduct, even after Polite received Justice Department approval to indict him on racketeering charges.

Instead, he served less than two years in prison after pleading guilty to a single count of obstructing the federal investigation - a deal the former FBI agent likened to the notoriously lenient plea bargain financier Jeffrey Epstein struck with federal prosecutors in Florida in 2008.

At issue is the case of Harry Morel, the longtime district attorney in suburban St. Charles Parish who was accused of trading sex for leniency for years from women facing criminal charges in his jurisdiction

As in the Morel case, the many victims of Epstein´s sexual predation were left out of plea negotiations under then-U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta, who later stepped down as labor secretary after new sex trafficking charges were brought against Epstein in New York.

'Polite was supposed to come in and save the day,' said a woman who accused Morel of sexually assaulting her and asked not to be identified. 'The handling of the Harry Morel case was a joke.'

Polite, who served as U.S. attorney in New Orleans from 2013 to 2017, referred questions to the Justice Department, which declined to comment.

If confirmed by the Senate, Polite would supervise more than 600 federal prosecutors and oversee a wide range of criminal cases as assistant attorney general.

Polite has defended Morel´s sentence as a just outcome, noting a previous U.S. attorney declined to bring any charges in the case. The plea deal, Polite told reporters at the time, reflected 'significant evidentiary concerns,' including victims who 'would prove to be very difficult witnesses' if brought into court.

But former FBI agent Michael S. Zummer wrote in a 31-page letter that 'several of the witnesses were prepared to testify and several did not have any `baggage´ of any concern.' Polite, he wrote, 'blamed the victims and witnesses instead of admitting to his and his own office´s failures.'

Polite, who served as U.S. attorney in New Orleans from 2013 to 2017, referred questions to the Justice Department, which declined to comment

Tammy Glover, the mother of another Morel victim, said she was in disbelief at Polite's recent appointment given the way she was treated on his watch.

Glover's daughter, Danelle Keim, told investigators Morel groped her while she was facing drunken-driving charges in 2010, when she was 24. Keim later wore a wire for the FBI and recorded Morel when he came to her home and sought sexual favors in exchange for help with a DWI charge.

Keim died of an overdose in 2013 just as the investigation became public.

'It was disgusting,' Glover told The Associated Press. 'Danelle did everything she was supposed to do and they did nothing with this case. It was like she did it for nothing.'

Morel, in pleading guilty, admitted ordering Keim to destroy a memory card containing photos of the two of them meeting. He also acknowledged he 'solicited sex from other individuals who were defendants or who had family members' facing charges.

The Morel case stands out because of the wide gulf between what prosecutors publicly alleged about the district attorney and the actual charge they brought in court. Morel´s defense attorney, Ralph Capitelli, has said that 'smear tactic' was intended to shame Morel in the absence of stronger evidence.

The FBI fired Zummer for sending his whistleblower letter without approval to the federal judge who sentenced Morel. The long-sealed letter alleges misconduct involving several prosecutors working under Polite and describes 'systemic corruption' in the Justice Department.

In an interview with the AP this week, Zummer said he has no regrets.

'Nominating Ken Polite is no way to restore faith in the federal government,' he said. 'He didn´t do the right thing then. He won´t do the right thing now.'

Biden's pick to lead the DOJ criminal division under fire for brokering plea deal with Louisiana district attorney who 'coerced two dozen women into performing sexual favors'
Associated Press, by Staff
Posted By: Ribicon
Published: 14:09 EDT, 21 April 2021 | Updated: 17:13 EDT, 22 April 2021

1: yielding an odor : odorous

2: morally offensive
//odoriferous legislation

Biden really is an odoriferous piece of shit:

In the midst of a border crisis he claims isn't happening, Joe Biden has a peculiar means of stopping it:

By inviting more of them in.

According to Breitbart News:

President Joe Biden’s administration may provide immigration rights and citizenship to many foreign “climate migrants” who claim they are being displaced by climate change, the Associated Press (AP) reported this week.

Which doesn't exactly make sense. If the entire Earth is frying up hot from global warming, why would changing the latitude and longitude of a particular group of foreign nationals make any difference to them, or, for that matter, help the Earth to 'heal,' as the lefties like to put it? Isn't the prospect of bringing foreign nationals to hurricane and wildfire zones afflicting the states as a supposed result of global warming, taking them from the frying pan to the fire? Some refugee logic going on there, but that's far from the worst of it.

The climate-change canard is specifically mentioned in lefty literature as the reason why Central American peasants are leaving their subsistence farms and claiming asylum in the United States.

Never mind that urbanization of this kind has happened all over Latin America, and for many, many years. Climate had nothing to do with it. Poverty did. Where did the favelas of Rio de Janeiro come from? Tell us about the shantytowns of Caracas. For uneducated subsistence farmers, it often makes more sense to leave a hand-to-mouth existence in the zero-infrastructure countryside where the government does nothing, than to try one's luck on the outskirts of the region's miserable oversized cities and live on garbage scraps and Chiclet sales. In places such as Bogota, Medellin, and Lima, the countryside refugees flowing into the cities are actual war refugees, escaping communist guerrilla brutality. I've been to those places -- and I asked.

Joe didn't include them in his invitation, of course, he just rang the triangle for "climate" refugees. If someone mismanages their land, or wants better salary or a country with rule of law, well then, blame the climate, and come on in.

What's obnoxious about this is that pretty much anyone in El Salvador, Honduras, or Guatemala can claim that. Climate change doesn't come for just conuco farms, though, by its own logic it's supposedly all over. So anyone who lives in those places now, country or city, hard-hit farm, or shantydown, has a right to asylum, on climate grounds, since we're the bad guys, you see, and we owe it. Quick, get over here, the time is now, get in before Joe changes his addled mind, so the invitation reads.

Let's also talk about those conuco farms -- farms which subsist by burning brush and forest -- which is why Brazil and Bolivia had a air pollution crisis a couple years ago. These farms exist all over Latin America. What Joe's doing is offering asylum in the states to the very people who are contributing to the polluting by burning all the brush. Those carbon emissions from those subsistence farms, blameworthy or not, add a lot of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Joe's not rewarding greenies with green cards in this current dinner triangle for climate refugees, he's offering it to the biggest polluters.

And the nonsense about climate refugees itself is nonsense, too. Land mismanagement, a failure of government to issue title-deed to peasants for their property rights, all make the land vulnerable to mismanagement, overuse, and burning. It's the tragedy of the commons, as the matter is known. Fix that, and you get American-style greenery and bona fide ownership management.

Breitbart noted that Joe didn't see fit to invite any of the presidents of these Central American countries where the migrants are surging in to the states to his low-viewer conference, you'd think their input might be valuable.

Most hideous of all is that Joe is issuing this climate refugee invitation right in the middle of a border surge.

His previous invitation was to unaccompanied minors, but it's apparently not been enough. That blunder led to many Latin American presidents condemning his idiocy, as tens of thousands surge over and find themselves in overcrowded government detention facilities, filling not just those but stadiums, convention centers and military bases all around the U.S.

Biden's denied that he's the one responsible, but the double-digit surges in numbers, as well as the news stories of toddlers dumped over the border wall and left alone, killed in high speed car crashes, or abandoned in the desert by smugglers tell another story. Or, you could ask those migrants in Biden t-shirts why they're coming, they'd point to Biden, too.

There was an incentive offered to do things this way instead of use the legal channel, and now Joe's encouraging more of it, inviting pretty much all of Central America and anyone else from any country to claim a chimerical climate refugee status.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that Joe Biden really doesn't care that there's a border surge and actually wants a bigger one. He's likely to get his wish with this one, with a bigger surge about to begin.

April 23, 2021
Biden rings another dinner triangle for illegals to surge on in
By Monica Showalter

Congress is not exactly sweet-smelling either.

Americans do not want to hear Democrat Party parasites moralize about anything, let alone hear it from a mentally deficient foreign teenager moralizing in the U.S. Congress.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg tells Congress 'subsidizing fossil fuel' companies is a 'disgrace'
Lauren Frias
Thu, April 22, 2021, 10:12 PM
Congress is not exactly sweet-smelling either.

Every member of Congress knows the answers:

Asked how many of these would be green jobs, Psaki did not give a number but said that plans to modernize infrastructure would help create climate-friendly jobs.

1. Green jobs are parasite-friendly jobs.

"First of all, it will create millions of jobs, put people back to work, and invest in industries of the future," Psaki said, before reading aloud several questions.

2. Communist Joe Biden’s “. . . industries of the future . . .” will always need tax dollar subsidies in order to survive. Even if private sector innovators develop a new energy source that is more efficient, and much less expensive, than the parasitic green industry, the subsides will never stop. In short: No parasite will ever be chased away from the public trough.

It’s how our nation intends to build an economy that gives everybody a fair shot.”

White House won’t say how many green jobs will be created by infrastructure plan
by Katherine Doyle, White House Correspondent |
April 23, 2021 02:01 PM

3. Communist Joe Biden intends to build a voodoo Socialist economy:

Every time Socialism/Communism fails the next generation of parasites resurrects this crap:

And how can anybody forget the turd’s pick almost became president?

Americans do not want to hear Democrat Party parasites moralize about anything, let alone hear it from a mentally deficient foreign teenager moralizing in the U.S. Congress.

Joan the Baptist is the United Nations favorite proselytizer. Unfortunately for everybody who will not fall for Thunberg’s crazy-crap, her Asperger's syndrome is getting worse:

She's known worldwide for her climate-change activism, but now Sweden's Greta Thunberg is targeting the way your food is produced.

"Our relationship with nature is broken. But relationships can change," Thunberg said in a video she posted Saturday to mark the International Day of Biological Diversity.

"If we don't change, we are f***ed," she boldy declared.

"The climate crisis, ecological crisis and health crisis, they are all interlinked. We no longer see thinks between them. We only see this far," she said, placing her palm close to her face.

"Millions have died from COVID-19, Zika, Ebola, West Nile Fever, SARS, MERS. Up to 75% of all new diseases come from other animals. Because of the way we farm and treat nature, cutting down forests and destroying habitats, we are creating the perfect conditions for diseases to spill over from one animal to another and to us. The next pandemic could be much, much worse. But we can change."

She claimed switching to a plant-based dies could save up to 8 billions tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere annually.

Her remarks are getting a variety of reaction on Twitter, with comments including:

"Thank you so much for producing this hugely important film and giving Mother Nature and the animals a voice. We need to get this message to as many people as possible before its too late. Humans are destroying the whole world and ourselves."
● "As long as we value money above life, nothing will change. Stop capitalism. Change our values."
● "We must value Nature by the way we spend our money, everything that hurts and downgrades nature must have very high tax, so high to replace all other taxes except for a wealth tax!"
● "Your plant based diet (especially meat replacements) are often worse for the environment than a normal meat and animal product diet. You need meat. And if your a man the pure amount of soy you have to consume is dangerous."

'We are f***ed': Greta Thunberg now targets your food production
'The next pandemic could be much, much worse'
By Joe Kovacs