The social cell


Now think about this...

In the beginning of time we had a bunch of individual cells running around, causing chaos. They were nothing great, you could barely call them life. Then one day two cells got together and said "Hey, let's work together!" They were the first mosses, the first lichens. Then the lichens and mosses got together and made the first primitive sea animals... like fish. These fish got on land and made land animals, and here we are today, with humans, a great and noble being, formed together by a bunch of cells that put off their petty differences and decided to sacrifice themselves into something greater. Sure there were some stupid rugged individualist cells that refused, but what are they today? Bacteria.

Now think of humankind. We started out as a bunch of stupid people wandering the wilderness. Then we put aside our differences and made something greater... civilization. The petty inviduals sacrificed themselves for the greater good. Right now we are at the lichen stage in this further development. One day we will form together greater, all our parts will go together, and we will absorb ourselves into a vast, great movement. Then all you stupid rugged individuals may escape the greatness... but what will you be but bacteria?
Promoting Communism ? True communism that is.

I am just contrary to ordinary and refuse to be absorbed by the Borg, resistance is not futile.
In the beginning of time we had a bunch of individual cells running around, causing chaos. They were nothing great, you could barely call them life. Then one day two cells got together and said "Hey, let's work together!" They were the first mosses, the first lichens. Then the lichens and mosses got together and made the first primitive sea animals... like fish. These fish got on land and made land animals, and here we are today, with humans, a great and noble being, formed together by a bunch of cells that put off their petty differences and decided to sacrifice themselves into something greater. Sure there were some stupid rugged individualist cells that refused, but what are they today? Bacteria.

Thats not how life developed Water.

Marine animals did not evolve from lichens. Plants and animals diverged at the protist level. Algae's became the plant kingdom. Protozoans the animal kingdom. The first true animals were metazoans which were protozoans who had cobbled together.

Protists are in fact the result of different bacteria organizing into a collective as well. Each respective bacterium became an organelle.

However there is nothing about bacteria that make them inferior. In fact bacteria are more resilient than protists and multi-cellular animals and can survive more harsh enviorments.

Collectivization has biological benefits and detriments.
In the beginning of time we had a bunch of individual cells running around, causing chaos. They were nothing great, you could barely call them life. Then one day two cells got together and said "Hey, let's work together!" They were the first mosses, the first lichens. Then the lichens and mosses got together and made the first primitive sea animals... like fish. These fish got on land and made land animals, and here we are today, with humans, a great and noble being, formed together by a bunch of cells that put off their petty differences and decided to sacrifice themselves into something greater. Sure there were some stupid rugged individualist cells that refused, but what are they today? Bacteria.

Thats not how life developed Water.

Marine animals did not evolve from lichens. Plants and animals diverged at the protist level. Algae's became the plant kingdom. Protozoans the animal kingdom. The first true animals were metazoans which were protozoans who had cobbled together.

Protists are in fact the result of different bacteria organizing into a collective as well. Each respective bacterium became an organelle.

However there is nothing about bacteria that make them inferior. In fact bacteria are more resilient than protists and multi-cellular animals and can survive more harsh enviorments.

Collectivization has biological benefits and detriments.

True. And it behooves us to know when are leaders are acting in our interest, or selling us out to other world leaders to consolidate their own personal power.
In the beginning of time we had a bunch of individual cells running around, causing chaos. They were nothing great, you could barely call them life. Then one day two cells got together and said "Hey, let's work together!" They were the first mosses, the first lichens. Then the lichens and mosses got together and made the first primitive sea animals... like fish. These fish got on land and made land animals, and here we are today, with humans, a great and noble being, formed together by a bunch of cells that put off their petty differences and decided to sacrifice themselves into something greater. Sure there were some stupid rugged individualist cells that refused, but what are they today? Bacteria.

Thats not how life developed Water.

Marine animals did not evolve from lichens. Plants and animals diverged at the protist level. Algae's became the plant kingdom. Protozoans the animal kingdom. The first true animals were metazoans which were protozoans who had cobbled together.

Protists are in fact the result of different bacteria organizing into a collective as well. Each respective bacterium became an organelle.

However there is nothing about bacteria that make them inferior. In fact bacteria are more resilient than protists and multi-cellular animals and can survive more harsh enviorments.

Collectivization has biological benefits and detriments.

IHG, I know very well the logic is faulty. I posted this on April fools day, I was sort of making fun of all the people who've been saying I've become some sort of socialist.

Although obviously the laws of physics are different at the micro and macro scales (meaning that multi-cellular organisms couldn't get much out of combining like cells did), and individual intelligence has reached a point to where combining it usually provides little but overhead, in all reality you could probably say that bacteria are more successful than human beings.

They will be on this world long after we're gone. They will follow us wherever we go, and therefore will always equal our progress, even into space. Most of all, most life on planet Earth would die without them, while life on planet Earth would be helped if we weren't here.