The Soros effect

Soros is the DNC's puppeteer.



Though the right to a jury trial is enshrined in the Bill of Rights and Constitution, it’s hardly ever enforced.

Today, jury trials are rare.

More than 95% of criminal convictions come from guilty pleas, meaning that criminal jury trials, though constitutionally prescribed, seldom happen.

The Supreme Court noted in Lafler v. Cooper (2012) that “criminal justice today is for the most part a system of pleas, not a system of trials.”

That imperils Americans’ constitutional rights by exposing them to coercive pressure to plead guilty, along with other forms of police and prosecutorial abuse that regularly produce false convictions.

In particular, coercive plea bargaining artificially lowers the cost of obtaining a criminal conviction.

Prosecutors can induce defendants to plead guilty by bringing more—and more-serious—charges than are truly warranted, particularly when combined with pretrial detention.

Many charges would implode spectacularly if tested in the crucible of an adversarial proceeding, and plea bargains protect prosecutors from having to go through the hard, constitutionally mandated work of building a case for guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

This vastly increases the number of prosecutions the government can pursue.

Potential reforms include capping how much prosecutors can offer to lower charges in plea bargains; creating watchdogs inside and outside the justice system to scrutinize the validity of a guilty plea before a conviction is entered, and preventing the government from unilaterally convicting those it has accused of crimes.

Then there’s the horrifying reality that innocent people are sometimes pressured into pleading guilty to crimes. While it is impossible to say exactly how often this happens, scholars place it between 1.6% and 8% of all felony convictions.

Ordinary citizens should get to make the call about who deserves to be punished.
Turn him loose in my old neighborhood.

A Soros-backed prosecutor would likely imprison anyone who harmed a pedophile that one of them turned loose, like the scumbag in the OP.

It was Soros-backed prosecutor George Gascón who let him off even though he confessed to raping a little ten-year old girl and had a lengthy criminal record.

Maybe leftists see nothing wrong with that.
Just saw the video.

So this DA will not charge this psycho as an adult as policy?

Well way to fucking go, dumbass DA.
You just gave a 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card to all under 17 rapists in your community.

My advice to all younger gals in that town/city?
Buy several cans of bear spray.
And always keep your hand on it whenever you go anywhere alone.
Just saw the video.

So this DA will not charge this psycho as an adult as policy?
Well way to fucking go dumbass DA.
You just gave a 'Get Out Of Jail Free' card to all under 17 rapists in your community.

Wherever the fuck this place was (I did not notice)?
I bet you that several under-17 sexual predators will see this video?
And now they know that they can go to this place and rape AT long as they do it before they are 18.
And they will serve little/no time for the crime.

My advice to all younger gals in that town/city?
But a BIG can of bear spray.

It's Los Angeles, California.ón
Soros helped Krasner become Philly’s DA. Crime is out of control there, too


Oct. 25th, 2019

Billionaire George Soros is back in Pa. with $1M to get a DEMOCRAT elected.

Soros is back in Pennsylvania politics with a new $1 million investment, and $100,000 of that is being spent in support of another DEMOCRAT seeking to become a district attorney — Jack Stollsteimer in Delaware County.

The billionaire and his team are using a scaled-back version of the same playbook they used two years ago to help Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner win a seven-candidate DEMOCRAT primary, spending $1.7 million on pro-Krasner television ads via an independent political action committee.

Those themes are evocative of Krasner’s 2017 bid in Philadelphia, and of other campaigns for district attorney that Soros has backed around the country.

The same Soros associates who ran the Krasner efforts in 2017 filed on May 2 with the Pennsylvania Department of State to create a new entity, Pennsylvania Justice and Public Safety PAC.

Soros gave the PAC $1 million in July, according to a campaign finance report.
Another Soros-backed prosecutor let these two out without bail



Homicide Suspects Released Without Posting Bail

Efrain Anzures, 27, and Alfred Castillo, 26, were being held in the slaying of Isiah Gonzalez, who was killed after what investigators say was a minor car collision.

Anzures has been charged with murder and a charging enhancement for allegedly using a gun.

Meanwhile, Castillo was charged with assault with a deadly weapon for using his car in the alleged crime

The shooting happened at around 3:40 p.m. October 31, in the 5200 block of Great Oaks Parkway. San Jose police said officers arrived to find a man suffering from at least one gunshot wound. He was taken to a hospital where he died of his injuries.

Anzures and Castillo were released on their own recognizance and without bail under the Supervised Own Recognizance Program.
Grants show Soros bankrolls dark money hub for activists pushing to dismantle police


George Soros has poured millions of dollars into a dark money hub used by far-left activists pushing to dismantle the police, grants show.

The Foundation to Promote Open Society, a nonprofit in Soros' network, pushed $3 million to the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability (CRH) in 2020, according to a search of the Open Society Foundations' grant database.

CRH is a clearinghouse of resources for local progressive activists on how to abolish and defund the police. The hub sits under the umbrella of the most prominent dark money network in the U.S., tax forms show.

Soros' nonprofit previously sent $1.5 million to the resource center in 2019. Of that, $500,000 went toward establishing the hub, tax forms show.

Soros' funding of CRH is yet another instance showing how his cash funds efforts to reshape the justice system. For years, Soros has showered district attorney races with money.

Several far-left groups contribute materials, including No Cop Academy, Cops Off Campus Coalition and The Digital Abolitionist, all of which provide resources marked under its "abolitionist" tab.

Its website further shows that CRH directly works on projects concerning police defunding. The hub "houses and staffs" the website in partnership with several national movement organizations.

According to the Soros group's tax forms, CRH is a fiscally sponsored project of the New Venture Fund, a nonprofit incubator managed by the Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm Arabella Advisors.

The New Venture Fund provides its tax and legal status to groups it houses, meaning that projects under its umbrella do not have to file tax forms to the IRS that would show information such as board members and financial information.

The New Venture Fund raked in $965 million in anonymous donations in 2020.

It is one of four funds Arabella Advisors manages, along with the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Windward Fund and Hopewell Fund.

The four funds in the Arabella-managed dark money network pulled in a combined $1.6 billion in secret donations last year, tax forms show.

But while none of the funds disclose donors on their tax forms, Soros' nonprofit states the cash is going to the New Venture Fund to be passed off to the CRH.

Soros has blood on his hands.

The crime wave sweeping across the country is the direct result of a years-long campaign by George Soros to bankroll the election of far-left district attorneys committed to undermining law and order.

Over the past six years or so, Soros has poured tens of millions of dollars into the campaigns of DA candidates from coast to coast, achieving a remarkable degree of success by simply overwhelming all the other candidates.

Whereas normal DA candidates typically run on five-figure budgets, Soros-backed DA candidates routinely enjoy seven-figure war chests.

Soros is able to do this because federal campaign-finance limitations do not apply to local races.

Many states have adopted their own laws capping the amounts that individuals and/or political action committees can contribute to candidates, but those laws are often riddled with loopholes.

In some cases, the limits only apply to statewide races. In other cases, Soros can circumvent individual contribution limits by funneling money through the PACs he has set up for this purpose, which generally go by the ironic name of “Safety and Justice.”