The Sound of God - WM's only attempt at rhymed/metered poetry


The Sound of God

I am not sure I am awake
All of me is on the wane
I sit on sidewalks and eat cake
And feel no feeling; feel no pain

And so I go to far away
To where the garbage people lay!

The glory of filth between my hands
I lay sprawled in mud; then curl.
‘Twas long I dwelt in garbage-land
But spaghetti hands pulled me in a whirl,

They lead me back to where I was
To senseless dreams dreamed because

I bear a price I cannot pay
And I fall to the bottom of everything.
(Has it always been this way?
I can't be who I am today…)

As I lie awake and wonder why
It’s so hard to cry yourself to sleep

I hear nothing
But the cold, eerie sound of God
And I am become nothing
You know, I honestly despise free verse. The more form, the better. And I honestly feel this poem falls apart the more I separate from the form.

And, USF, do you not 'think this post was useful' for any reason other than the second to last line? Thankyou for your input.
You know, I honestly despise free verse. The more form, the better. And I honestly feel this poem falls apart the more I separate from the form.

And, USF, do you not 'think this post was useful' for any reason other than the second to last line? Thankyou for your input.

The phrases:
To where the garbage people lay!

But spaghetti hands pulled me in a whirl,

Seemed to me to be a desperation attempt to not only rhyme; but to also somehow fit into the flow of the piece.

But then, that's just me.
I am watermark,
and I am gay
no one cares
about what i say
nothing brings me
so much glee
than the act
of sodomy

i hope some day to get the chance
to put my hand in some guy's pants
but until i can afford the fee
you'll have to read my poetry
The phrases:
To where the garbage people lay!

But spaghetti hands pulled me in a whirl,

Seemed to me to be a desperation attempt to not only rhyme; but to also somehow fit into the flow of the piece.

But then, that's just me.

The first two stanzas of the poem (the four lines and the two) were the only I had before I decided I had to write to make a grade. So maybe you have a point.
I am watermark,
and I am gay
no one cares
about what i say
nothing brings me
so much glee
than the act
of sodomy

i hope some day to get the chance
to put my hand in some guy's pants
but until i can afford the fee
you'll have to read my poetry

I am grind
I am a faggot
And I have got
No talent

That is all
I need to say
Cus who fucking cares
I'm glad to have enspired yet another round of poetry.

Give me tits
And give me ass,
All upon a lovely lass.
Let her shine with splendid fits
And fuck me hard upon the grass.
Everyone likes poetry even you guys do.

Every song lyric you sing is poetry.

Its word play and if you write something that makes no fucking sense to no one else then fuck them.

Its not about who likes it its about if you like it and it expresses what you feel even beyond the words.

Heres a little poem for you right off the top of my head.

I look at the ink and paper

It meshes together in my brain

soon a word falls to the page


How much and how little it means

This word means so many things to me

It means much less to the people who use it most
Everyone likes poetry even you guys do.

Every song lyric you sing is poetry.

Its word play and if you write something that makes no fucking sense to no one else then fuck them.

Its not about who likes it its about if you like it and it expresses what you feel even beyond the words.

Heres a little poem for you right off the top of my head.

I look at the ink and paper

It meshes together in my brain

soon a word falls to the page


How much and how little it means

This word means so many things to me

It means much less to the people who use it most

Fuck you
And fuck your horse too.
Here's a quarter, now buy a fucking clue.
See even you like poetry

Did you understand what I meant by the word god meaning more to me than christians?
Actions speak louder then words.
Can I fuck you??
only in your dreams.

Oh an of course in a political way , the way you vote fucking all of us.

I meant, that to people who believe in God , god means a certain thing.

For those of us who have questioned these types of beliefs the word means so many more things.

I at one point even reclaimed the word for my own interpitation.

I tired of explaining it.
only in your dreams.

Oh an of course in a political way , the way you vote fucking all of us.

I meant, that to people who believe in God , god means a certain thing.

For those of us who have questioned these types of beliefs the word means so many more things.

I at one point even reclaimed the word for my own interpitation.

I tired of explaining it.

But if I'm going to be accused of fucking someone, then I want to engage in the act.

I promise that their will be no pictures showing up on YouTube. :good4u: