The Sound Of Media Silence


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It is impossible to find one American whose mind is not made up on every media-engineered topic. You need a brain transplant if you are listening to media mouths help you make up your mind. (I happily admit that my mind is made up on every issue I talk about.)

Reading the headlines on social media news sites is all that is required. Read no further if the story below the headline is about race. The same is true of every story from climate change idiocy, to the border wall, to illegal aliens, to infanticide, to the latest rape, to the Middle East, to Russia, to China, to another Democrat announcing for the presidency.

Media mouths talk about the same things all day long every day. The only thing that changes is the mouth doing the talking. Even there the same mouths have been repeating each other for years —— even decades. In all of those years I never heard one mouth say a word about the things that matter the most to Americans —— repealing the XVI Amendment, withdrawing from the United Nations, repealing the XVII Amendment, dismantling the welfare state, and impeach every piece of government scum who even hints at violating the Constitution.

Parenthetically, television runs Hoyer telling Socialist/Communist lies more than they show Law & Order reruns. Listen to him say the IRS is essential (doublespeak for the income tax is essential):

Finally, in the last week every time I channel surfed for a few minutes I ran into the coverage media mouths give to impeaching some slimy little bastard in the state of Virginia, but nary a word for a subject that concerns every American —— concerns like impeaching the scum in our federal courts and the Congress.
Congratulations, Flanders.

You have brought "BEING A FUCKING JERK-OFF" to new heights in JPP.

Do you have a doctorate in being a jerk-off?

Any chance you teach a doctorate level course in being a jerk-off?

In any case, if you KNOW this much about what happens or does not happen on American television "all day long" for all these years...

...YOU ARE WATCHING TOO MUCH FUCKING TELEVISION!'s the weather where you are. We've got a rather dismal day going here. Expecting a bit of snow.
Congratulations, Flanders.


To Frank Apisa: Congratulations, you are the first clever little liberal on this board to remind me of something I have been telling assholes on message boards for years.

For many years I did not watch TV at all. After I got my first computer in 2000 I began watching network television so I could analyze and comment on the government’s lies. I knew I could not cure a disease until I identified the symptoms.

Analyzing government lies is the only judicious reason for an adult policy wonk to own a television.

For the record, my wife signed up for cable a few years back. Should I become a widower every television in my home will go out with the trash as soon as the funeral is over. I would not allow those people on television in my home if they knocked on my door. To me, television brings the worst humans beings into my home electronically.

Incidentally, before I fully understood the disease I made the mistake of thinking that new technologies would make television obsolete. Boy, was I wrong on that one! Television is only beginning to infect Third World shit holes.

I was right when I suggested schools should teach young children how to watch television; i.e. spot the lies, the propaganda, etc. I pointed out that material for homework assignments is unlimited. Homework would include watching a news or entertainment show and identifying at least three serious lies. Environmental garbage alone would keep the kids busy. By the time the kids were in highschool they would be inoculated for life against the ravages of TVD (Television Disease).

Finally, Americans always had a healthy distrust of government, yet many believe everything television tells them in entertainment shows and news broadcasts. A strange aberration to say the least.

NOTE: Television’s inventor, Philo T. Farnsworth (1906 - 1971), would not have a television in his home:

Later in his life, his attitude was tempered by the reality of commercial television programming. His son Kent was once asked about his father's attitude. Kent reported, "I suppose you could say that he felt he had created kind of a monster, a way for people to waste a lot of their lives. Throughout my childhood his reaction to television was, 'There's nothing on it worthwhile, and we're not going to watch it in this household, and I don't want it in your intellectual diet.' "

In any event, I prefer making my own mistakes. Nothing is more depressing than suffering for a media mouth’s opinion.
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Okay...congratulations on that then.

To Frank Apisa:
For your enlightenment:

Nothing is more depressing than suffering for a media mouth’s opinion.

There is no such thing as an unbiased political opinion. It would not be an opinion if it is unbiased. Independents, moderates, progressives, or whatever they go by these days are fence-straddlers. Every time they fall off the fence they land on the Left side. Guess which side they will land when they fall off Trump’s fence.

Anybody who refuses to listen to liberal garbage is called biased. Liberals defending Socialist garbage are called unbiased.

Socialists preach the common good while hiding behind biased labels like liberal, progressive, fair and balanced, and left of center Democrats, in order to get away with advocating a biased totalitarian government.

You are doing a hell of a job!

To Frank Apisa: You got that part right.
You definitely are doing a bang up job of making your own mistakes.

To Frank Apisa: Pay attention. I will try to explain how a stated opinion is never a mistake.

Opinions can be wrongheaded, or misguided, or pure fantasy. Opinions can change, but they are never a mistake.

opinion (noun)

1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).

2. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.

3. A judgment or an estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.

4. The prevailing view: public opinion.

5. Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

No doubt the topic is over your head; nevertheless, please stop cluttering up my thread with uninformed lamebrain responses that fail to qualify as opinion.
To Frank Apisa: Pay attention. I will try to explain how a stated opinion is never a mistake.

Opinions can be wrongheaded, or misguided, or pure fantasy. Opinions can change, but they are never a mistake.

opinion (noun)

1. A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).

2. A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.

3. A judgment or an estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.

4. The prevailing view: public opinion.

5. Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

No doubt the topic is over your head; nevertheless, please stop cluttering up my thread with uninformed lamebrain responses that fail to qualify as opinion.

YOU wrote:

"In any event, I prefer making my own mistakes. "

I congratulated you of doing a wonderful job of making plenty of them.

Then you said:

"You got that part right. "

And I congratulated you once again.

What do you want...more congratulations???

Don't think I am trying to make a fool of you, Flanders.

I'm only trying to get you to make a fool of yourself.

It is impossible to find one American whose mind is not made up on every media-engineered topic. You need a brain transplant if you are listening to media mouths help you make up your mind. (I happily admit that my mind is made up on every issue I talk about.)

Reading the headlines on social media news sites is all that is required. Read no further if the story below the headline is about race. The same is true of every story from climate change idiocy, to the border wall, to illegal aliens, to infanticide, to the latest rape, to the Middle East, to Russia, to China, to another Democrat announcing for the presidency.

Media mouths talk about the same things all day long every day. The only thing that changes is the mouth doing the talking. Even there the same mouths have been repeating each other for years —— even decades. In all of those years I never heard one mouth say a word about the things that matter the most to Americans —— repealing the XVI Amendment, withdrawing from the United Nations, repealing the XVII Amendment, dismantling the welfare state, and impeach every piece of government scum who even hints at violating the Constitution.

Parenthetically, television runs Hoyer telling Socialist/Communist lies more than they show Law & Order reruns. Listen to him say the IRS is essential (doublespeak for the income tax is essential):

Finally, in the last week every time I channel surfed for a few minutes I ran into the coverage media mouths give to impeaching some slimy little bastard in the state of Virginia, but nary a word for a subject that concerns every American —— concerns like impeaching the scum in our federal courts and the Congress.


A communist behind every bush!

Fucking loser.

OPie don't like what he hears on the news- can't deal with the reality- SO HE KILLS THE NEWSMAN!

This is a tactic that comes right out of the Republican and Russian Playbook.

OPie don't like what he hears on the news- can't deal with the reality- SO HE KILLS THE NEWSMAN!

This is a tactic that comes right out of the Republican and Russian Playbook.

OPie is a fucking fruitcake. Thinks the Civil Rights Act and concomitant civil rights legislation were intended to usurp the Constitution.

Delusional babbling. A little more extreme than the other RW morons on this forum, but still consistent with their massive, willful ignorance.
To Frank Apisa: What I want is for you to explain how opinions become mistakes in your world.

I have explained this to you several times already. I am not talking about your opinions. "Opinions" are like armpits...everyone has them and most of them stink.

You mentioned your mistakes...I spoke to your mistakes.

That seems to be bothering you.


What I prefer is you putting me on your ignore list.

Good luck with that.
To Frank Apisa: Okay. Define my mistakes. (Try to avoid going clever on me by calling the premise of my messages mistakes.)

YOU define them. You are the one who bragged about them.

To Frank Apisa:
Do not flatter yourself. You are not bright enough to bother me.

I am more than bright enough to bother you.

I would have bet that you are bright enough not to show I have.

Seems I would have lost that bet.
This could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to American children:

More parents are choosing home school over in-class instruction when school resumes this fall as school districts roll out their reopening plans during the global health crisis.

Published 7 hours ago
More parents consider homeschooling as permanent option during coronavirus pandemic
By Mitti Hicks

Homeschooling parents have a once in a lifetime opportunity to teach their children something public schools will never teach:

I was right when I suggested schools should teach young children how to watch television; i.e. spot the lies, the propaganda, etc. I pointed out that material for homework assignments is unlimited. Homework would include watching a news or entertainment show and identifying at least three serious lies. Environmental garbage alone would keep the kids busy. By the time the kids were in highschool they would be inoculated for life against the ravages of TVD (Television Disease).

Finally, Americans always had a healthy distrust of government, yet many believe everything television tells them in entertainment shows and news broadcasts. A strange aberration to say the least.
Homeschooling parents have a once in a lifetime opportunity to teach their children something public schools will never teach:

Public school Socialists/Communists do not waste time. Obviously, parasites are mounting a counterattack:


Children in an elementary school class wearing masks enter the classroom with desks spaced apart per coronavirus guidelines in Monterey Park, California / Getty Images

"Long before we teach algebra, we teach its component parts. We should structure history instruction the same way."

Virginia Mandates Slavery Lessons for Kindergarteners
Chrissy Clark
July 19, 2020 5:00 AM
This could turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to American children:

More parents are choosing home school over in-class instruction when school resumes this fall as school districts roll out their reopening plans during the global health crisis.

Published 7 hours ago
More parents consider homeschooling as permanent option during coronavirus pandemic
By Mitti Hicks

Homeschooling parents have a once in a lifetime opportunity to teach their children something public schools will never teach:

Thanks for ANOTHER fine post, Flanders.
Dave Merrick over at Canada Free Press gets a big attaboy because he:

. . . stopped watching tv in 1987.

What Is It Worth To You?
By Dave Merrick
March 20, 2021

I went in a different direction.

For many years I did not watch TV at all. After I got my first computer in 2000 I began watching network television so I could analyze and comment on the government’s lies. I knew I could not cure a disease until I identified the symptoms.

Analyzing government lies is the only judicious reason for an adult policy wonk to own a television.
I was right when I suggested schools should teach young children how to watch television; i.e. spot the lies, the propaganda, etc. I pointed out that material for homework assignments is unlimited. Homework would include watching a news or entertainment show and identifying at least three serious lies. Environmental garbage alone would keep the kids busy. By the time the kids were in highschool they would be inoculated for life against the ravages of TVD (Television Disease).

Finally, Americans always had a healthy distrust of government, yet many believe everything television tells them in entertainment shows and news broadcasts. A strange aberration to say the least.

Sparked by Pandemic Fallout, Homeschooling Surges Across US
Sunday, 25 July 2021 09:56 AM

After everything is said about homeschooling, keeping Communist garbage out your child’s emotions is the biggest gift American’s can give to their children.