The sound of silence? Researchers prove people hear it


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Silence might not be deafening but it’s something that literally can be heard, concludes a team of philosophers and psychologists who used auditory illusions to reveal how moments of silence distort people’s perception of time.

“Our approach was to ask whether our brains treat silences the way they treat sounds. If you can get the same illusions with silences as you get with sounds, then that may be evidence that we literally hear silence after all.”
Silence is the absence of sound meaning you can never hear it.

If you hear something it is not silence.


What a dumb study.
PERCEPTION & MIND LAB at John Hopkins U.

There's some exciting media surrounding our newest work — led by lab graduate student Rui Zhe Goh, in collaboration with Ian Phillips — on the perception of silence! Highlights include original stories in The New York Times, Science, and Scientific American. There is also an article and multimedia package on JHU's Hub, which was picked up by other leading news outlets. Stay tuned for more, including some podcast appearances by members of the team! And congratulations to Rui Zhe for leading such a successful interdiscplinary project. (July 2023)

For those wondering about the empirical research.

I can hear the Sound of Silence too. I thought everyone could hear that song! Weird that so many folks think they can't hear it.