The Spine of the Left


Atheist Missionary
Just reading through the BBC have your say section when I came across this comment...

That's what happens when a society is overrun by political correctness and left-wing ideology. The spine disappears. God help the West.

Tom O, Chicago, United States

You hear a lot of this, that the left has no spine, that the left is pacifistic.

This is absolute nonsense. The Left is as willing to use warfare as much as the Right, when neccesary.

It was the Left that took the first stand against Hitler and the rise of fascism in Europe, when LWers from across the world went to the aid of the Spanish Republic during their civil war, at a time when the RW governments of Europe were fawning over fascism as a 'cure' to communism, selling weapons and resources to them.

This portrayal of the Left as somehow cowardly is so far from the truth.
The media in the USA is not very left leaning any more Anyold, In spite of what Damo might tell ya ;)
There has been a lot of the right wing "projecting" it's faults onto the left thru the media for several years now. That has slowed down just a bit with Bush's fall, but is still pretty much the norm.