The "Splurge" is Working!


Will work for Scooby snacks
...or not.

The Pentagon reports to Congress, on Bush's Splurge:

Pentagon: Iraqi violence still rising

By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Thu Jun 14, 1:51 AM ET

WASHINGTON - Violence in Iraq, as measured by casualties among troops and civilians, has edged higher despite the U.S.-led security push in Baghdad, the Pentagon told Congress on Wednesday.

In its required quarterly report on security, political and economic developments in Iraq, covering the February-May period, the Pentagon also raised questions about Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's ability to fulfill a pledge made in January to prohibit political interference in security operations and to allow no safe havens for sectarian militias.

Overall, however, the report said it was too soon to judge whether the security crackdown was working.
...or not.

The Pentagon reports to Congress, on Bush's Splurge:

Pentagon: Iraqi violence still rising

By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer Thu Jun 14, 1:51 AM ET

WASHINGTON - Violence in Iraq, as measured by casualties among troops and civilians, has edged higher despite the U.S.-led security push in Baghdad, the Pentagon told Congress on Wednesday.

In its required quarterly report on security, political and economic developments in Iraq, covering the February-May period, the Pentagon also raised questions about Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's ability to fulfill a pledge made in January to prohibit political interference in security operations and to allow no safe havens for sectarian militias.

Overall, however, the report said it was too soon to judge whether the security crackdown was working.
Interesting, there is a rise in violence so the spirge is working? was that their intent????
It was predicted before it even started by the Administration that there would be an initial rise before any effect would be seen. Reporting that they were right is something I am supposed to be shocked about? Well... I can see that. We can all be shocked that they predicted that something would happen and it has. Now we can see if the new General's plan will work.
It was predicted before it even started by the Administration that there would be an initial rise before any effect would be seen. Reporting that they were right is something I am supposed to be shocked about? Well... I can see that. We can all be shocked that they predicted that something would happen and it has. Now we can see if the new General's plan will work.
Yes, and we skeptics predicted that the violence would simply move out of Baghdad and into the surrounding areas. It seems that we were right too. Who was more right? Well, time will tell. A very short span of time.
It was predicted before it even started by the Administration that there would be an initial rise before any effect would be seen. Reporting that they were right is something I am supposed to be shocked about? Well... I can see that. We can all be shocked that they predicted that something would happen and it has. Now we can see if the new General's plan will work.
I know it was predicted) it was quite obvious But I repeat the question. WAS IT INTENDED?

It seems even Gates is disappointd with the results so far.
Yes, and we skeptics predicted that the violence would simply move out of Baghdad and into the surrounding areas. It seems that we were right too. Who was more right? Well, time will tell. A very short span of time.
Yes, quite a very short span of time will tell. It's not like I have any personal victory invested in it. Whether it works or not I'll happily continue to point out that we are still in a undeclared mess.
I know it was predicted) it was quite obvious But I repeat the question. WAS IT INTENDED?

It seems even Gates is disappointd with the results so far.
This is a ridiculous question. Do you even read articles before posting questions?
was it intended I would say yes they knew just like the rest of us that all it would achieve is more dead people.

It was a stall tactic so they dont have to pull pout yet.

They want the real leaving to be done by the Next (dem) president so they and their cronies can forever blame the aftermath on the next admin.
Yes, and we skeptics predicted that the violence would simply move out of Baghdad and into the surrounding areas. It seems that we were right too. Who was more right? Well, time will tell. A very short span of time.

It will be this way until we leave.

This is guerilla warfare and we still do not have enough troops in Iraq to effectively control it, nor will we ever at this point. They blew it at the beginning and this is like dumping a ton of feathers off Everest and trying to get them all back!