The story of the evil witch Jezebel - for kis!


Jeepers Kan-eepers Kidz! It's time for a spooky so scary look at the most Evil woman in the Bible, Jezebel! Some say Jezebel is a succubus to this day and she gives Daddys excuses for their Special So-Secret Girl Magazines! The real reason must be that Evil succubus! Anyways, lets see how it all began..
Jezebel was born a princess of the Phoecian Empire. She was very beautiful and she married the King of Israel, King Ahad. Jezebel was a very Evil person since she was a Pagan Witch who worshiped "God and the Goddess", and since Pagans are all Evil, she brought Evilness into the Kingdom!
1 Kings 16:31; 1 Kings 18:19; 2 Kings 9:22

She did very naughty things and had people killed who disagreed with her! She got King Ahab to worship her Evil "God and Goddess", and God got really angry!! Oh no!
1 Kings 16:33
Back then there were many wars and God wanted King Ahab to destroy the armies of the enemies of the Kingdom of Israel. God sent His prophet to tell King Ahab he would be destroyed, since God asked King Ahab to murder the enemy Ben-Hadad, and King Ahab did Evil, and disobeyed God by showing mercy to Ben-Hadad! Later the prophet Elijah told King Ahab that God was going to have him, Queen Jezebel, and their children destroyed! Jezebel told Ahab that the prophet of God was silly since she was a Pagan and all Pagans do only Evil.
1 Kings 20:35-41; 1 Kings 21:17-24
So when in battle, three years later Ahab was killed by an enemy archer. He bled everywhere and dogs came and licked up all his blood as he died. It serves him right for not murdering for God!
1 Kings 22:29-39
Since the King was dead now, the prophet Elisha had the prophet Jehu become the new King of Israel since Queen Jezebel and her children were all Evil Pagans! So Jehu went out and murdered Jezebel's sons: Joram and Ahaziah. God was happy when Jehu murdered them since their Pagan blood looked great splattered everywhere!
2 Kings 9:1-29
Jehu then went to a place called Jezreel, where Queen Jezebel was at. Jezebel found out he was coming and she was afraid, so she looked out the window. Jehu was below her and she was all like, "You are the man who claims voices in your head told you to murder my husband and children! How could you do such sick things?!"
2 Kings 9:30-31
Jehu looked up at her and shouted, "Who is on my side? Who?", and the 2 or maybe 3 servants with their penises already cut off looked at Jehu. Jehu told them to throw Jezebel down and they did! She went SPLAT on the ground and her filthy Pagan blood splattered the wall!
2 Kings 9:30-33
2 Kings 9:32-33
And then horses came and ran over her...
2 Kings 9:33

And then dogs came and ripped apart her flesh and licked up the blood and ate all her entrails that splattered everywhere.
2 Kings 9:34-37
All that was left was her skull, her feet, and her hands, which Jehu buried since he was a respectful mass murderer of God Almighty! You should be just like Jehu Kidz! Everyone from the abortion doctors to the rag-heads in Iraq, God has His plan for you to shed their blood! To learn more click the following link!!
2 Kings 9:34-37
And it is later hinted in the New Testament, in the Book of Revelations that Jezebel became a succubus because she was so Evil and does Evil still to this day, seducing and tricking men to do Evil! Now you know why Daddy and Mommy fight because of Daddy's Special So-Secret Girl Magazines. You should blame Jezebel for that! Booooooooo!!! You are Evil Jezebel!!!! Boooooo!
Revelations 2:20