The Suicide's Soliliquoy


This is a poem that has been attributed to Abraham Lincoln.


Here, where the lonely hooting owl
Sends forth his midnight moans,
Fierce wolves shall o'er my carcase growl,
Or buzzards pick my bones.

No fellow-man shall learn my fate,
Or where my ashes lie;
Unless by beasts drawn round their bait,
Or by the ravens' cry.

Yes! I've resolved the deed to do,
And this the place to do it:
This heart I'll rush a dagger through,
Though I in hell should rue it!

Hell! What is hell to one like me
Who pleasures never know;
By friends consigned to misery,
By hope deserted too?

To ease me of this power to think,
That through my bosom raves,
I'll headlong leap from hell's high brink,
And wallow in its waves.

Though devils yell, and burning chains
May waken long regret;
Their frightful screams, and piercing pains,
Will help me to forget.

Yes! I'm prepared, through endless night,
To take that fiery berth!
Think not with tales of hell to fright
Me, who am damn'd on earth!

Sweet steel! come forth from our your sheath,
And glist'ning, speak your powers;
Rip up the organs of my breath,
And draw my blood in showers!

I strike! It quivers in that heart
Which drives me to this end;
I draw and kiss the bloody dart,
My last—my only friend!
Considering what Lincoln saw, and what was a result of (casualties on both sides) the Civil War (not to mention his wife's condition.), I'd be rather depressed also. This could also explain why Bush looks the way he does lately.
Rather nackard I'd say.
Considering what Lincoln saw, and what was a result of (casualties on both sides) the Civil War (not to mention his wife's condition.), I'd be rather depressed also. This could also explain why Bush looks the way he does lately.
Rather nackard I'd say.
No, Lincoln's depression stretched far back before the war. The presidency merely added to it to the extent that it was so noticable on his face that he grew out the famous beard to hide the physical signs. One of the problems was his strained relationship with his wife, because he had walked out on her once for another woman before they got back together and were married. Deaths of children were another factor, and of course, his incredibly poor origins were another factor (Nixon suffored emotionally from the poverty that he grew up in as well, for example).
Considering what Lincoln saw, and what was a result of (casualties on both sides) the Civil War (not to mention his wife's condition.), I'd be rather depressed also. This could also explain why Bush looks the way he does lately.
Rather nackard I'd say.

No you moron he didn't write it during the fucking civil war.
"Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in our day, faith would be simple and easy. But in their day, they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to date and made meaningful to the day's problems. When the Church and the world are one, then those days are at hand."
*St. Anthony the Abbot - Fourth Century

ZOMG such wonderful insite he wuz so far aheads of his times ZOMG?!!???11

Anyone ever wonder why the world is always ending? It's been ending since the begin of time, according to fanatics.
"Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in our day, faith would be simple and easy. But in their day, they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to date and made meaningful to the day's problems. When the Church and the world are one, then those days are at hand."
*St. Anthony the Abbot - Fourth Century

ZOMG such wonderful insite he wuz so far aheads of his times ZOMG?!!???11

Anyone ever wonder why the world is always ending? It's been ending since the begin of time, according to fanatics.

Actually, this is not a doomer statement. A doomer would say "the times are bad, society sux, and the world is about to end." The good Abbot is praising his day and the Christian community. The issues of conformity were not imminent; they didn't even appear until modern times. Its not really prophetic, because he could have simply studied spirituality in past societies.
Suicide is not a cure for pain. It may cure it for the person, but it causes pain for their friends and family that can last longer than you would believe.

yes it does. But does the selfishiness of the many outweigh the selfishness of the one ?
yes it does. But does the selfishiness of the many outweigh the selfishness of the one ?

The pain caused to others ouyweighs the pain felt by the one. The pain of the one will pass. The loss of a loved one to suicide lasts far longer.
The pain caused to others ouyweighs the pain felt by the one. The pain of the one will pass. The loss of a loved one to suicide lasts far longer.

The pain of the one does not always pass. How can you say this is so ?
I have seen people troubled all their lives, the pain of a death of a loved one passes for most respects within 5 years or so. You will always miss them but life goes on.
It is the cycle of things.
The pain of the one does not always pass. How can you say this is so ?
I have seen people troubled all their lives, the pain of a death of a loved one passes for most respects within 5 years or so. You will always miss them but life goes on.
It is the cycle of things.

I disagree. The pain of losing a loved one to suicide can last far longer. I had a good friend kill himself in '76. The last time I talked to his family (probably around '04) they still had difficulties in August.

Yes, there are people who have emotional troubles their entire lives. But therapy and medication can often help.

And I do not believe that the majority of teen suicides are because of pain that would last their entire lives.
I disagree. The pain of losing a loved one to suicide can last far longer. I had a good friend kill himself in '76. The last time I talked to his family (probably around '04) they still had difficulties in August.

Yes, there are people who have emotional troubles their entire lives. But therapy and medication can often help.

And I do not believe that the majority of teen suicides are because of pain that would last their entire lives.

Teens no, it is generally driven but the fitting in game and hormones. It will generally pass. But for a notable portion of them it is just the beginning of a road of fear and pain.
Most traditional homeless people are full of fear and pain. it is what drives them to be homeless. I am not talking about the ones that loast all and are there for temporary reasons, I am talkig about those who choose that lifestyle.

I myself will choose my time to die if my quality of life drops below acceptable levels. I do not believe in continuing life jsut to continue life.

I went thru many years of fear and pain after Nam. I was not suicidal, but did consider and dismiss it.

There are only a very few I have mde that clear to. Many would try and get me locked up for such thoughts. Just to keep me alive for their selfish reasons.
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Teens no, it is generally driven but the fitting in game and hormones. It will generally pass. But for a notable portion of them it is just the beginning of a road of fear and pain.
Most traditional homeless people are full of fear and pain. it is what drives them to be homeless. I am not talking about the ones that loast all and are there for temporary reasons, I am talkig about those who choose that lifestyle.

I myself will choose my time to die if my quality of life drops below acceptable levels. I do not believe in continuing life jsut to continue life.

I went thru many years of fear and pain after Nam. I was not suicidal, but did consider and dismiss it.

There are only a very few I have mde that clear to. Many would try and get me locked up for such thoughts. Just to keep me alive for their selfish reasons.

And you chose your own time based on rational decisions about the quality of life. I have no problems with that.