The Sureal Face of Political Protest in Pakistan.


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This Op-Ed piece is from the Washington Post but was in my local newspaper. It is a very interesting image of the lawyer in another country. Would never happen here because the bulk of lawyers in the US are too complacent in their comfort and would do NOTHING to upset the Apple Cart.

My favorite paragraph in the piece.

Men in suits don't throw things. If they confront police, they do it politely, in letters, in words spoken softly, reasonably, between reasonable men. Brooks Brothers doesn't tailor the revolution.
Strange that you don't hear anyone in the press or the "big" candidates talking about the threat posed by Pakistan (as opposed to Iran). Pakistan has nuclear weapons, is ruled by a military dictatorship, and is cozy with North Korea. Mind you, I don't view them as a threat, we should trade and talk with all nations. But it should make an intelligent person question the motives of those who call for war with Iran - including those spineless Dems who support resolutions condemning the Iranian military. Should we not similarly condemn dozens of other repressive governments in the world? Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Turkey, to name just a few.