"The Surge" Update: Multiple bombings in Baghdad; Hundreds dead and wounded

I know. It makes me wonder if Americans are ever going to get sick of blood and violence and death, or if they just can't enough of it.

We seem incapable of reacting to the bloodshed in Iraq in any kind of manner that even approaches how we react to the bloodshed in Va.
I know. It makes me wonder if Americans are ever going to get sick of blood and violence and death, or if they just can't enough of it.

We seem incapable of reacting to the bloodshed in Iraq in any kind of manner that even approaches how we react to the bloodshed in Va.

True. I don't know how we get so desensitized to the suffering of others. Can you imagine what iraqis are going through?

We totally wig out over this Vtech incident (and rightly so), but they deal with this (or worse) every single day of their lives.
Yeah and how many days does it take for our military deaths and serious maimings in Iraq to equal the VA Tech Massacre ?

And how much outrage about that ?, presidential speeches expressing sorrow and outrage....