The Tale Of JPP Pied Piper


Black Kitty Ain't Happy

The Pied Piper legend originated in Hamelin, Germany during the middle ages. As the story goes, the town was struggling with a rat infestation problem and was desperate for relief. ... They mayor agreed, and the man played a magical pipe to lure all the city's rats to a nearby body of water, where they drowned.

We all should be grateful to him for getting rid of the infestation problem here on JPP.

Kudos to him.

The Pied Piper legend originated in Hamelin, Germany during the middle ages. As the story goes, the town was struggling with a rat infestation problem and was desperate for relief. ... They mayor agreed, and the man played a magical pipe to lure all the city's rats to a nearby body of water, where they drowned.

We all should be grateful to him for getting rid of the infestation problem here on JPP.

Kudos to him.

Did someone get banned?