APP - The Talk


Former Vice President
I hear about this so called "Talk" black parents supposedly have with their kids about how to interact with the police. I find it a funny thing and not because of my white privilege but because if these so called concerned parents were having other "Talks" with their kids maybe we wouldn't have the societal breakdown we see in the black community

How about the "Don't have kids out of wedlock" Talk


"Finish high school" Talk


"Don't do drugs" Talk


"Don't steal" Talk

Or any other myriad of talks they could have with their kids
Got a point there

Well, maybe. Just maybe it is because white parents are having OTHER talks with their children there isn't a need for "THE TALK".

But, for some, I think there is some romantic notion of a time gone by where the black man is hunted by the white man. Or it could be that the left needs these types of events to gin up anger and resentment. Otherwise one day the black might wake up and ask the question "I have been voting for the democrat party for all of these years. Democrats run my state. Democrats run my city. What do I have to show for it".

If the black man/woman ever wakes up and asks that question the democrat party is in trouble. Of course the democrat party is smartly hedging its bets and importing new voters in the way of muslims