The Tax Man Cometh!


Shaken, not stirred!
Reasons To Wait Until The last Minute To File Your Taxes

- You’ll feel less guilty about all the lies you’ve just put down on the file forms.

- You can justify spending all day and night alone at a nice, quiet hotel with room service by telling your spouse, “I need to concentrate on the taxes….I’m doing this for us!”

- Your defense for any crime you commit will be “the IRS drove me to it!”

- You can have fun by creating fake forms and telling people on the line at the post office, “you mean you DIDN’T fill this out??!!”…. and watch the panic that ensues.

- You can follow Alanis Morrisette’s recommendation to “run around naked in your living room”, and no one will question you.

- You can include running like a bat out of hell to your local post office at 11:30 p.m. as part of your exercise program.

Reasons To Wait Until The last Minute To File Your Taxes

- You’ll feel less guilty about all the lies you’ve just put down on the file forms.

- You can justify spending all day and night alone at a nice, quiet hotel with room service by telling your spouse, “I need to concentrate on the taxes….I’m doing this for us!”

- Your defense for any crime you commit will be “the IRS drove me to it!”

- You can have fun by creating fake forms and telling people on the line at the post office, “you mean you DIDN’T fill this out??!!”…. and watch the panic that ensues.

- You can follow Alanis Morrisette’s recommendation to “run around naked in your living room”, and no one will question you.

- You can include running like a bat out of hell to your local post office at 11:30 p.m. as part of your exercise program.


I just let my accountant handle it.
Just wait till digital currency is all you get.....and then only if your social credit score is good enough.
Also, no cop in America will arrest you for speeding or disturbing the peace as you drive by an IRS office screaming "YOU BASTARDS!" at the top of your lungs on April 16th at 9:00 am.
Reasons To Wait Until The last Minute To File Your Taxes

- You’ll feel less guilty about all the lies you’ve just put down on the file forms.

- You can justify spending all day and night alone at a nice, quiet hotel with room service by telling your spouse, “I need to concentrate on the taxes….I’m doing this for us!”

- Your defense for any crime you commit will be “the IRS drove me to it!”

- You can have fun by creating fake forms and telling people on the line at the post office, “you mean you DIDN’T fill this out??!!”…. and watch the panic that ensues.

- You can follow Alanis Morrisette’s recommendation to “run around naked in your living room”, and no one will question you.

- You can include running like a bat out of hell to your local post office at 11:30 p.m. as part of your exercise program.


What I'd like to know is why does the govt make it so complicated to give them fucking money?
#1 reason....I have to enclose a check with my tax return......why let the government have my money a moment sooner than I have to.....
Amazing how little most people actually understand about taxes. Although an extreme, Trump showed America individuals don’t pay the actual rates they think they are paying, the percentages often listed it tax tables. Few average Americans are paying the 24% or whatever it is they think they are paying, in reality, half of that is more applicable

And the other thing is the urgency most have that they need an accountant to complete their taxes, they don’t, individuals can do it on their own, just takes an ability to read and process the information available. Not all, some do need professional assistance, but most don’t
it's cute, but completely naive, that you think the government gives a fuck what you think.

One person, million thinking the same way, they take notice....especially during election time (i.e., recent Wisconsin supreme court election).

Nothing "cute" or "naive"....just the old adage of "hope springs eternal" and the good old American drive to never give up the good fight.

And then, there's the silly humor to blow off steam. ;)
I bet it thinks democrats care

Hmm, perhaps not ... as "it" didn't see the teabagger/MAGA take over of the GOP.

But that's beside the point....regardless of political affiliation, the average working stiffs of America don't like the lop sided set up of the IRS collection when they're educated or made aware of it.

And then, there's the silly humor aspect of it to blow off steam. ;)