The Template of Evil in The Modern World.


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While a few deranged religion hustlers are out in front wanting to burn the KORAN in public to gain media notoriety ,it would be useful to know that there exists a book called THE TALMUD ;a book so intrinsically EVIL it could have only been concocted inside the brain of a DEMON .

This book is and has been a useful but contemptible living GUIDE for the JEWISH population of every country in where they may reside.

In this evil book the Jewish people learn their hatred for all that is decent ,moral, ethical and sacred and openly ridicule and blaspheme all the new testament personalities ,sacred to Christians and even to Muslims.

This book is the main guide and textbook that enabled them to dominate every society that was stupid enough to extend them hospitality ;and morally justifies every form of villany known to man, even the murder of non-jews.

Stealing, forgery, killing innocent people , undermining the culture of other nations and peoples for the express purpose of financial gain.

This book more than anything else to be found in so-called Jewish culture has helped the Jews dominate the cultural and financial existence of every country they reside in.

The Jewish control of the media in America, their control of congress , our foreign policy

and financial institutions is the best proof that the Jews have learned the lessons from the TALMUD very well.

The question is what are we as Christian americans willing to do about it?
And why do we accept this?
Someone needs to learn tact. Introducing yourself in an anti-semitic rant is no way to make friends and influence people. Even Asshate is too clever for such a blunder as this. Perhaps our new wolf will stumble upon a golam. :cof1:
Someone needs to learn tact. Introducing yourself in an anti-semitic rant is no way to make friends and influence people. Even Asshate is too clever for such a blunder as this. Perhaps our new wolf will stumble upon a golam. :cof1:

Get a dictionary and learn the meaning of the word irrelevant. Or you could ask your good bud the perverted English professor to give you the meaning. I'm not trying to put you down ,just trying to help. ...SURPLUS POPULATION!
I think Dr. Charver is proud of his perverted ways, so who I am to criticize you for calling him out in this thread. As for surplus population, haven't enough Jews already been killed off, or is there something else to the matter? If you want irrelvance, just sneak a peek into your nearest mirror.
The talmud spells America's DOOM!

I think you are behind the times. I can't believe that somebody with this kind of ideation is ignorant of what we teasingly call "naugahyde" on this site, but what our resident Jewophobe constantly reminds us is "Noahide"... and some such thing about Olam-ha-ba or something of that sort. You need to upgrade your Jew Fearing rants to get with the times.
The only solution to the jewish problem is for everyone to understand their tactics. Once the various methods of subterfuge they employ are understood ;and once the disguises and masks the jews use in order to hide their identity ,become the common knowledge of the american people ;then we can safely assume their powers over the masses will be broken.

That's the only solution .. other attempts to remedy the situation have in the past failed.
The only solution to the jewish problem is for everyone to understand their tactics. Once the various methods of subterfuge they employ are understood ;and once the disguises and masks the jews use in order to hide their identity ,become the common knowledge of the american people ;then we can safely assume their powers over the masses will be broken.

That's the only solution .. other attempts to remedy the situation have in the past failed.

Want to meet somewhere and discuss this shit in person?