==The Three Stages of Brent==


on indefiniate mod break
Brent don't take offense it's in mostly good fun:

  1. "The Show up Stage"- Brent Arrives back to the board like Jesus arriving at a "Gays, Drugs and Abortion Parade." He's ready to kick ass and take names. He's the daily dose of sanity. This is the phase where he decides to shock everyone by talking about "hanging [the sinners] from the HIGHEST TREE, as they are SCUMS!", and in addition talking about how the earth is hollow, the rapture, how indians are teleported jews from the holy land etc...

2. "The Fake Apology Stage" - This is the phase where Brent
starts to realize that some of his statements have perhaps gotten
out of hand. He'll claim that he will try to calm it down, and that he
will try to be more respectful. This is all an illusion. Brent has
entered a phase where he'll bottle up his emotions and convictions
for some time, lying dormant. He'll be nice here and there but
every once and a while he'll periodically emerge to the surface for a
session of touretts. You can see him struggling to contain himself
like a shaking volcano. Eventually it will culminate in a massive
blowup where he just goes batshit crazy. Usually it will happen in a
thread about gays or baby raping. He'll have a supernova outburst
FUUUUUCK YOUUUU". Thus begins the final stage in brentness.

Note: Brent is currently in this stage.
I'm going to try... - Just Plain Politics!

*See his twisted 'fuck you' at the end? This will progress more and
more as time goes on.

3. "The Self Help and Leave Stage" - After going supernova in
Stage II, the board and Brent, almost acting as a collective
consciousness, decide that Brent needs to take a SUPER CHILL PILL
and that he needs help. Brent will often admit this to be the case
and he claims he is going to take some "time out from the board to
really clear his head, as this place can often bring out the worst for
him and it's just not healthy." This concludes the Stages of Brent,
only to begin annew 6 months later.

- Fin -
Now if I only had the time, energy & desire to post "The Stages of Raw".

Nah, waste of time.
There are many posters that make me scratch my head, but Raw and Brent are the only two ones that do it in such a lunatic way. When arguing with them my jaw often just drops, and I can't maintain serious responses for long. Brent seems to be able to emulate a real human personality though, whilst Raw is always just crazy.
There are many posters that make me scratch my head, but Raw and Brent are the only two ones that do it in such a lunatic way. When arguing with them my jaw often just drops, and I can't maintain serious responses for long. Brent seems to be able to emulate a real human personality though, whilst Raw is always just crazy.

Thats because Brent's posts are based on his personal beliefs. While Raw's rants are designed to gain attention, shock people, and start arguments.

I have seen Raw argue for and against abortion, conservatives, liberals, wars, violence, individuality, and more. His own ideals or beliefs are not part of his rants. He posts what serves his purpose.
Thats because Brent's posts are based on his personal beliefs. While Raw's rants are designed to gain attention, shock people, and start arguments.

I have seen Raw argue for and against abortion, conservatives, liberals, wars, violence, individuality, and more. His own ideals or beliefs are not part of his rants. He posts what serves his purpose.

oh, they've gotten him some attention, let me tell ya...
LOL - wow. You nailed it. That's pretty much what the last 3 or 4 years have been like.