APP - The troof about masks


So now that President Trump is about to kick off his rally's which scare the holy living hell out of leftists because of how effective they are, we are now being treated to more communist china virus scares. Of course when Blood Lies Money was burning down democrat run cities, you didn't hear a peep about the virus.

Now we are treated to daily warnings that we should all be wearing masks by governors who have been seen out NOT wearing masks. The hypocrisy is outstanding to see

Let's review the three most common masks people are using and how they are all flawed and can't keep you from getting the communist china virus

1) N95 - They sound very professional and effective don't they? Well these particular masks do not filter air GOING out. They only filter air going in. The CDC recommends you not use N95 masks because they are only for front line workers. But, even if you did, and you have the COVID, you aren't protecting others because you are still spilling your COVID out into the environment. Bet you didn't know that did you?

2) Surgical masks - Surgical masks are only meant to protect the wear from liquids and droplets. They are not designed for the outside world and will not filter a virus if inhaling through it. It only works on the exhale. Here is an excerpt from the FDA website

Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the mask and your face.

3) Cloth - Now to the least effective of all which Dr. Fauxi is recommending. You know that Blood Lies Money mask your grandmother made you that makes you look so cool? You would be better off wearing nothing. They block nothing going in and out, especially viruses and bacteria. Not only that, but they trap moisture which is a recipe for mold which can worsen respiratory conditions. Also you are rebreathing your CO2 which isn't good.

So all of you out there who think that wearing these masks are protecting you from the big bad communist china virus, you are being scammed again. For those of you will tout these "new" studies, I merely point you to the recently retracted hydroxychloroquine study in Lancet. The company providing that data is now defunct. They were a scam from the get go.

If it makes you feel virtuous and moral to wear a mask, then knock yourself out, but at least know the facts