APP - The true cost of regulations on our economy and standard of living

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

This is a very long read and very complex. I suspect many on this forum will understand it. For those that won't take the time to read it or can't understand it, I will summarize its findings

Federal regulations added over the past fifty years have reduced real output growth by about two percentage points on average over the period 1949-2005. That reduction in the growth rate has led to an accumulated reduction in GDP of about $38.8 trillion as of the end of 2011. That is, GDP at the end of 2011 would have been $53.9 trillion instead of $15.1 trillion if regulation had remained at its 1949 level.

Thinks about what $38.8 trillion of added GDP over those years could have done for our prosperity?

Sadly it was "bipartisanship" that got us there. That is why I have divorced the Republican Party. I once bought into their NAFTA, interventionist BS. But no more. I thank President Bush for my awakening. It is time to finally put America and its citizens first.