The True Hate is not from Me

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I enjoy writing racist posts. But I do not hate anyone based upon color or race. What I hate is the robbery of the fatherless, the widow, the poor.

And the left do all of the above by their hatred of the family, especially the fathers.

Thus, I use my choice of hate speech inflame the lefty’s who jump on the opportunity to call me a racist and a homophobe. I love it.

I live in Hawaii. I’m Samoan. I mess with white people because growing up in the mainland I got my share of prejudice from whites. But I won’t give blacks a free pass especially given their total breakdowns of their ghettos.

The whites need to stop kissing black asses and as for me? I don’t kiss the white man’s ass by rejecting the use of their kryptonite - the allmighty n word


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