The tRump Clone is Trying to Kill the Amazon Rain Forest or the Lungs of the World.


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Having that same type of deranged tRump thumbs up gesture, it appears this South American despot at refusing assistance to deal with the flames of the Amazon is his intent to burn down the entire rain forest, thus the lungs of the world. Even though tRump is a world class demagogue who's destructive agenda along with his GOPer cronies is to destroy the common decency of civilization and its morals too, this Brazilian despot's atrocity is a threat against planet Earth in its own way. What is it about these global tyrants that makes them more important than the survival of humanity? This is because they are nothing but decrepit mad men who have become consumed with a evil core that cannot function or co exist in a civilization global society. As such, the current deplorable events in the world are not just a U.S. problem only but a problem that includes the entire planet.

Brazil turns down offer of G-7 assistance to fight fires in the Amazon, because burning is the goal

For weeks, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been bemoaning his inability to do anything about the fires in the Amazon. After all, it’s a big area, he has limited funds, and … large shrug. But with the forest that’s been called “the lungs of the world” burning at thousands of sites, the leaders of the G-7 summit offered up $20 million to Bolsonaro expressly to address fighting those fires. And naturally, Bolsonaro is turning them down."
The one good lesson the world is learning from Trumpism is how to use trade wars to punish Climate Deniers, environmental criminals, and other lower life forms.

As I understand it, the Europeans told the Climate Denying president of Brazil that they are going to pull the rug out from under his feet on pending trade agreements with Europe unless he commits resources to putting out the Amazon fires. Apparently a lot of these fires are not natural, and are being set by people intent on clearing land for agriculture, livestock, mining and I presume these interests feel emboldened to set these fires by the Climate Denying president of Brazil who is intent on removing environmental protections for the rain forest.

The Europeans seem to have evoked a reaction from Brazil, cause their Prez is sending the Brazillian army to fight the fires.
The one good lesson the world is learning from Trumpism is how to use trade wars to punish Climate Deniers, environmental criminals, and other lower life forms.

As I understand it, the Europeans told the Climate Denying president of Brazil that they are going to pull the rug out from under his feet on pending trade agreements with Europe unless he commits resources to putting out the Amazon fires. Apparently a lot of these fires are not natural, and are being set by people intent on clearing land for agriculture, livestock, mining and I presume these interests feel emboldened to set these fires by the Climate Denying president of Brazil who is intent on removing environmental protections for the rain forest.

The Europeans seem to have evoked a reaction from Brazil, cause their Prez is sending the Brazillian army to fight the fires.

So what about the fires in the Bolivian rain forests? You won't go near them because their president is left wing, fucking arsehole!!