The Trump Genocide.

Genocide by coronavirus. Which is 10 times more lethal than the flu. We already have more people infected here than in China. Which is a poorer country with four times the population. A chimpanzee with syphilis could do a better job than president Chump. Partially because he apparently surrounded himself with yes men. That moron has never taken the coronavirus seriously. If nothing changes, (which it probably won't) as close as I can figure, 10 million people in the U.S. will die. If that isn't genocide, nothing is. It will make the 1918-1919 flu pandemic look like a walk in the park.

And it will keep on killing. Because if nothing changes, it will become embedded in our society just like the flu. And it will no doubt mutate. As it is, any flu vaccine never seems to be more than 50% effective. You can imagine the same thing going on with different versions of something even deadlier such as the coronavirus. Also, scientists seem to be insane. We should have a coronavirus vaccine right now. I know how it can be done. And safely. I don't know why they don't.