the trumpy lies are being counted now

Fake News said:
The president said he had appointed “more circuit court judges than any new administration” in history. True, but appointments by Presidents Nixon and Kennedy had a greater impact since there were far fewer appellate court seats back then.

Trump said the U.S. does “more than any other country … to help the needy, the struggling, and the underprivileged all over the world.” In raw dollars of development aid, it’s true. But as a proportion of gross national income, the U.S. ranked 22nd in 2016.

Everyone read this excerpt, and then decide whether it's really worth your time...
Sad to use MS 13 as a talking point about immigration. It was started in Los Angeles. But trump has little connection with facts.
Don't you just love "beautiful clean coal'?How dumb and untrue is that? But Trumpy says whatever he wants and the right pretend it is true.
Trump wants to keep Gitmo open.. It is a recruitment tool with America giving suspects lifetime jailing without lawyers, trials or justice. There are 41 prisoners and it costs over 450 million dollars a year. It is just plain stupid . If you think they are guilty, move them to another prison. Much cheaper. Trump knows Gitmo plays with his base. I doubt he really wants to waste millions on it. But he knows his base and wants to keep them on his leash.

"Trump claimed credit for 2.4 million new jobs “since the election,” when more than a half a million of those jobs were created under then-President Obama."

2.1 million plus 234000 equals?

So right away, the lies being counted the very first one, the very first one is easily verified as true. tell me, should I waste my time with the rest given that the first lie they claim to have identified, is actually true?
Trump wants to keep Gitmo open.. It is a recruitment tool with America giving suspects lifetime jailing without lawyers, trials or justice. There are 41 prisoners and it costs over 450 million dollars a year. It is just plain stupid . If you think they are guilty, move them to another prison. Much cheaper. Trump knows Gitmo plays with his base. I doubt he really wants to waste millions on it. But he knows his base and wants to keep them on his leash.

No justice is the right's favorite kind of justice.
The Republican senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution against Russians for interfering in our elections. Pompeo even said he expects Russians to do it again in 2018 and 2020. Trump refused to take the sanctions that were passed, claiming just threatening them will scare the Russians from repeating their interference. Trump just loves Putin and the Russians, or he owes them bigly.
Lol, lib definition of "trumpy lies"=shit we don't like.

"I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering" as the World Trade Center collapsed.

"I was totally against the war in Iraq, saying for many years that it would destabilize the Middle East."

"The unemployment rate may be as high as "42 percent."

"We're the highest taxed nation in the world."

Ted Cruz’s father "was with Lee Harvey Oswald" before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

“The overall audience was, I think, the biggest ever to watch an inauguration address, which was a great thing,”

"We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this?"

"We pay more tax than anybody in the world."

Tax reform “is going to cost me a fortune — this thing, believe me, believe me, this is not good for me,”
Sad to lie and say they are a Mexican gang. Sad when you suck up to everything our lying president says. Sad to be a a Trumplestilkskin and have no analytic abilities.,

I don't recall anyone saying they are strictly a Mexican gang......I believe they are saying that many of them are illegals who have crossed the Mexican border......I'm sure that many of their members are in fact dreamers or even American citizens......get rid of them all.....dead, jailed, deported......makes no difference to me......
Sad to use MS 13 as a talking point about immigration. It was started in Los Angeles. But trump has little connection with facts.

uhm that actually helps him, it was started in LA by illegal alien salvadorians, ecuadorians, and quatemalans. So actually it's connected just fine with reality and facts.
sad to ignore MS13.......

You are thunderingly stupid. The point, which totally escapes you, is that MS-13 is not a foreign entity. Born in Los Angles. An American organization. So Trump saying it is, is just another lie. But the uninformed, like you do not know that. You also do not know Trump lies for your benefit. No matter what crap he shovels out, you will believe it and defend it. You have learned the art of deflection. Who said ignore MS-13.....Oh wait, it was you. Only you. This was argued as you typically do, horribly.
You are thunderingly stupid. The point, which totally escapes you, is that MS-13 is not a foreign entity. Born in Los Angles. An American organization. So Trump saying it is, is just another lie. But the uninformed, like you do not know that. You also do not know Trump lies for your benefit. No matter what crap he shovels out, you will believe it and defend it. You have learned the art of deflection. Who said ignore MS-13.....Oh wait, it was you. Only you. This was argued as you typically do, horribly.

wait.....let me get this're going on record as saying everyone in MS-13 is an American citizen and there is no connection between them and illegal immigration? that your final answer?......