The Truth About Republican Racism and the “Southern Strategy”



".....What the “Southern strategy” essentially does is it identified the fact that African Americans were voting for Democrats, therefore Republicans decided they would make white voters more aware of this fact in hopes of driving the “white vote” towards the Republican party.
Doubt me? Let’s look at a comment from a 1970′s interview in the New York Times with Richard Nixon’s political strategist:
“From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don’t need any more than that…but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That’s where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.”
Essentially it was the Republican party saying, “Look, blacks are voting for Democrats so you white people need to vote for Republicans—the party that will represent whites and oppose the blacks.......With this strategy, you saw the official shift of the Republican party from the “party of Lincoln” to the party which embraced white racism towards African Americans to solidify the white vote in the South.
So, yeah, it’s easy to say Lincoln was a Republican and the KKK was largely built by Democrats, but by doing so you only prove your own ignorance of history. You’re ignoring the fact that as Democrats evolved to embrace equality for African Americans, Southern racists were left looking for a new political party — and they found one that not only embraced their racism and bigotry, it sought it out.
And that party they found was the Republican party."

There you have it. Now, let's never more have all this talk about the Democrats fought against civil rights, while brandishing the KKK, and that the Repubs are still the "Party of Lincoln". -poet
It is all a fraud used by dems to hide their racist past.

How many dem Senators other than Strom Thurmond switched parties?

Apparently the only proof of a so called southern strategy is this same tired shit.
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Stay out of my threads.
I is funny as hell that the right thinks they can just rewrite this history.

They think just doing the pwee wee defense will end the peoples memmory of how they have used race to win elelctions for decades now.

that MSM sure helped them all along the way.

then they turned on them too so they could rationalize the fox lies.
I is funny as hell that the right thinks they can just rewrite this history.

They think just doing the pwee wee defense will end the peoples memmory of how they have used race to win elelctions for decades now.

that MSM sure helped them all along the way.

then they turned on them too so they could rationalize the fox lies.

I liken it all to "The Emperor's New Clothes", which I saw as a play, in Chicago, Ill., with my mother. They imagine themselves, "pristine", "blameless", and without "sin". They
are the only ones who do, however. How on Earth could a cesspool be Mount Olympus? Their racism, bigotry, misogyny and arrogance are on display, for the whole world to see, and they prance and promenade like aristocrats during the lead up to the French Revolution, and "off came their heads", didn't they? Idiots.
and the bulk of them are aging and will be dead in a few years.

talking about a party who will need the dead to vote.

It no doubt will be the next plan of republicans to win elections.