The truth about the 1948 war of Israeli aggression


One of the largest ethnic cleansings of the 20th century. And it is a lie that it was a response to the Arab defense of the Palestinians. There was an ongoing civil war between the Palestinians, and the Zionists who wanted to remove them. After the west apologize for the Holocaust by giving away Arab land in a non-binding UNGA resolution (its so easy to compensate for your atrocities by giving away the property of others isn't it), it aggravated things even more. Israel used the non-binding UNGA resolution as an excuse to "declare independence" and launch 13 simultaneous mass ethnic cleansing campaigns to remove Arabs from "their" territory. With no intention at any point of ever actually stopping at the borders agreed upon in the non-binding UNGA resolution they claimed as their pretext.

Only after this did the weak, divided, barely just given independence Arab government intervene on the behalf of their Palestinian brothers. And at no time was the combined forces on the Arab side larger than the Zionist militias, rich with supplies from wealthy western benefactors. It was a hopeless war to stop the hapless destruction insisted on by the Zionist invaders.

Once they had removed them, they gave the Palestinians houses to immigrants and divided them up like booty. Those Palestinian families to this day live like dogs in refugee camps in Lebanon, or in their prison of Gaza. And then they have the gall to play victim and spread lies throughout the world. Poor poor small small Israel is always the victim. Always. Nothing will ever be enough for them, appease them and they will only want more.
Strange that you didn't hear about this in your decadent western history books did you

They will never tell the truth

The BBC, Voice of America, Radio Free Europe reported this and every bloody incursion into Lebanon and Syria all thru the 1950s.. It just wasn't reported in the US.
Over here we knew what was going on because the political ancestors of the current Zionist regime, Irgun and the Stern Gang (who'd tried to negotiate with the original Nazis) were already murdering our troops. I was taught by a bloke whose best friend had been murdered by one or other of them, and they used to booby-trap the bodies with bombs. Lovely people! Zionist control in the UK has been an almost incredible effort, but shitrags like the Times accuse Mr Corbyn and anyone else of anti-Semitism if they dare to criticise the nazi state occupying Palestine. Quite a feat!