The Truth about the Deep State

The "deep state" myth was created by the right because they control all three branches of the Government and the lemmings needed a scapegoat, what better, a undefinable generalized entity that can be applied to almost anything, amazing how conservatives are played by their demogogues
The "deep state" myth was created by the right because they control all three branches of the Government and the lemmings needed a scapegoat, what better, a undefinable generalized entity that can be applied to almost anything, amazing how conservatives are played by their demogogues

Played like a cheap fiddle
"Deep State" is little more than a political novel term.

Not that it matters. The known universe is in deep SHIT if America's most pathetic idiots keep exercising their right to vote.

How did we end up with so many of them? Failing to complete Reconstruction is part of it. But the genuinely stupid "no college white male" segment is completely out of control.
We needed to make a more serious commitment to education--college and good vocational schools--to avoid this quagmire. It's probably too late now.
The "deep state" myth was created by the right because they control all three branches of the Government and the lemmings needed a scapegoat, what better, a undefinable generalized entity that can be applied to almost anything, amazing how conservatives are played by their demogogues

It's a known fact there are 237 communists that work in the State Department.
It's a known fact there are 237 communists that work in the State Department.

It's not a crime to belong to any political party, including the communist party, and work in the state department.

It should be, however. The idea of Republicans in government jobs turns my stomach.
Trump is using fear to galvanize his followers. The right made up a deep state ,and it took seconds to sell it to the conservatives. Those idiots actually believe it. Who is in this super ,super secret society? They should know since they made it up. But is is absolute crap and they should be ashamed.