The truth won't stay buried, no matter how much bs Fox News and the GOP heap on

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
With Fox News-incensed conservative white people storming beleaguered school board meetings to demand that progressive demon du jour Critical Race Theory be banned for daring suggest that racial discrimination (plus enslavement, oppression, and straight-up genocide) played any part in the founding of this great, slave-built, Native peoples-murdering nation, Ruffin kicked off a segment of Friday’s Amber Ruffin Show by introducing viewers to Georgia’s Lake Lanier. Created by flooding a primarily Black town called Oscarville in 1912, the lake’s happy boaters and floaters now paddle directly on top of the still in place remains of a town which was hounded out of literal existence by white mobs whipped into a racist frenzy after the deeply sketchy conviction of two Black teenagers for crimes against a white woman. As Ruffin noted, when Americans think of water-related catastrophes from 1912, there’s only one that James Cameron made an Oscar-reaping movie about, and it’s not Oscarville.

“It’s ugly, and it’s gross, and we don’t even know all of it,” said Ruffin, who yet held out the never-sinking hope that, by actually confronting the past rather than literally whitewashing it so white people don’t have to feel bad, we can work toward “loving what this country could become instead.”