The Turner Diaries' Influence On White Nationalists

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The Turner Diaries is a fictional dystopic novel that's served as a foundational piece of white nationalist propaganda. It was written in the 1970s but its hold on the movement can be traced to today.

The Turner Diaries" is a piece of dystopic fiction that ends in a nuclear war after which all nonwhites are killed. It was written by a man named William Luther Pierce.

Pierce had come out of the neo-Nazi movements of the '60s and early '70s.

BERGER: The book opens with a cabal of Jews and black people who disarm white Americans, take away their guns so that they can't resist the government.

LIMBONG: So Pierce appealed to those who fear gun control as well as minorities.

BERGER: What follows is a description of a long guerrilla campaign and battle back and forth with this minority government.
Majority Says Trump Has Done ‘Too Little’ to Distance Himself From White Nationalists

56% majority says Trump has done too little to distance himself from white nationalist groups; 29% say he has done about the right amount to distance himself from such groups, while 7% say he has done too much. These views are virtually unchanged since December 2016, shortly before Trump took office.
The first right-wing book I read was "None Dare Call it Treason".by the well named John Stormer. It as a 1964 book that tore into all politicians from Ike on calling them all communist travelers. Back then rightys called that their bible. The Turner Diary was much the same.
The Turner Diaries is a fictional dystopic novel that's served as a foundational piece of white nationalist propaganda. It was written in the 1970s but its hold on the movement can be traced to today.

The Turner Diaries" is a piece of dystopic fiction that ends in a nuclear war after which all nonwhites are killed. It was written by a man named William Luther Pierce.

Pierce had come out of the neo-Nazi movements of the '60s and early '70s.

BERGER: The book opens with a cabal of Jews and black people who disarm white Americans, take away their guns so that they can't resist the government.

LIMBONG: So Pierce appealed to those who fear gun control as well as minorities.

BERGER: What follows is a description of a long guerrilla campaign and battle back and forth with this minority government.

Absolutely. McVeigh had it in his car when he was ARRESTED.