APP - The Two Cubas


Remember way back when when our favorite adulterer John Edwards talked about "Two America's"? I do

Well we are always told by our democrat party/socialist friends of what a paradise Cuba is. Well there really are Two Cubas and here are the pictures. There is the face that Castro painted for the willing dupes who had hard cash. And then there is the real life depressing nature of every day Cubans
As you might know, I just got back from a few days in Havana.

It is VERY different from the United States, the Cuban Dream is very different than the American Dream.

Crime is not tolerated and so you don't see any drug problem, I saw very few beggars on the street. Nobody goes hungry. Almost everyone is very well educated, but most live a lifestyle that we would call lower middle class.
As you might know, I just got back from a few days in Havana.

It is VERY different from the United States, the Cuban Dream is very different than the American Dream.

Crime is not tolerated and so you don't see any drug problem, I saw very few beggars on the street. Nobody goes hungry. Almost everyone is very well educated, but most live a lifestyle that we would call lower middle class.

Were you allowed to go ANYWHERE you wanted in Cuba? Or were you directed where to go? As is pointed out, you were shown the picture/propaganda they wanted you to see.

An island as gorgeous as Cuba should be so prosperous it isn't even funny, but they are crushed by the Castro brothers who live a life of opulence while people like you ignore the atrocities. I like how you say "nobody goes hungry" as if you could back that up. Again, how would you know from your "few" days that EVERYONE is well educated? You wouldn't. You are a mouthpiece for thier propaganda and very useful to them