The "U" Is back!!!!


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The first team in college football history to open with 4 ranked teams and beat 3 of them. 57 Freshmen and Sophomores. Look Out!
The first team in college football history to open with 4 ranked teams and beat 3 of them. 57 Freshmen and Sophomores. Look Out!

Ya'll beat Ga Tech and FL State. Turns out neither of them were much, in spite of what the polls said.

OK was gonna be great until someone took out their Heisman winner. Since then they have been mediocre at best.

Miami looks better than they have in a while, but I wouldn't say they were back.
Ya'll beat Ga Tech and FL State. Turns out neither of them were much, in spite of what the polls said.

OK was gonna be great until someone took out their Heisman winner. Since then they have been mediocre at best.

Miami looks better than they have in a while, but I wouldn't say they were back.

I think the Tide is a fine team, but how many ranked teams have they faced thus far? Oklahoma was still in the top ten. Aside from VTech, it appears the 'Bama season is just beginning. By the way, Florida was 16 points better on both sides of the ball vs Kentucky which, I think, is the reason for the pass into the end zone at the end of the game.
I think the Tide is a fine team, but how many ranked teams have they faced thus far? Oklahoma was still in the top ten. Aside from VTech, it appears the 'Bama season is just beginning. By the way, Florida was 16 points better on both sides of the ball vs Kentucky which, I think, is the reason for the pass into the end zone at the end of the game.

We faced one top 10 team that beat Miami. That should settle it.

And if the pass into the end zone was to play the game that gets a team rankings? Shouldn't that be what Saban does?

Should he try and placate the losing team or try and get his own team the best season possible?
We faced one top 10 team that beat Miami. That should settle it.

And if the pass into the end zone was to play the game that gets a team rankings? Shouldn't that be what Saban does?

Should he try and placate the losing team or try and get his own team the best season possible?

Mid-season rankings don't mean a thing. Most coaches would prefer their teams to be ranked below their capabilities so their players will avoid complacency and work harder to live up to where they feel they belong. Only that last game in January counts. Again, it was an unusual, and, some would say, an unsportsmanlike thing to do ln college football or the pros. A good team savors a conference win no matter what the score is.
Settle what?
I don't claim UM is the best team or better than The Tide because I think that honor goes to UF, no guarantees, just my opinion based on emotion and past history. However, a pre-season unranked team from a mid-sized private university without a football stadium has nothing to apologize for after winning 3 out of it's first 4 games from teams, all 4 ranked, a feat never before accomplished in college football history. That's not an opinion, but facts.
I see "schedule" used all the time here for evaluation, and I, in keeping with that theme, am giving UM the recognition I feel they deserve that, based on schedule, they appear to be on the road back to being one of the major modern era football powers. That is an opinion.
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I wouldn't want to debate Miami over bama. The u is top ten but not top five.

I agree, however, nobody even talked about them before the season began and they have been pretty successful with, thus far, the toughest schedule in college football. What happens from here, who knows? One thing I do know, Miami has always played better when they were underdogs or scored upon first.
I will say I do like Miami's slogans. The old one I remember is You either play for the U or you get beat by the U.

I really like the new one. Fear the Future; Envy the Past.

The QB is pretty awesome. He's still young but he has all the tools. What's scary for Miami is God forbid something happens to him. They have a very inexperienced freshman as his backup and I believe that's it.

Their schedule has been tough to start the year and it's impressive they are 3-1. If they continue on this pace they will be in legit national championship discussions during the next few seasons.
I will say I do like Miami's slogans. The old one I remember is You either play for the U or you get beat by the U.

I really like the new one. Fear the Future; Envy the Past.

The QB is pretty awesome. He's still young but he has all the tools. What's scary for Miami is God forbid something happens to him. They have a very inexperienced freshman as his backup and I believe that's it.

Their schedule has been tough to start the year and it's impressive they are 3-1. If they continue on this pace they will be in legit national championship discussions during the next few seasons.

Congrats, your guys gave Cal a solid whupping! They're still near the top with that ground game from backups. I'll bet the stands were a hoot.
I hadn't heard the new 'U' slogan, interesting. When Miami was beaten in the past, it was usually Miami that beat them. I thought the cycle was starting once again when the ref called a, not even close, roughing penalty on an Academy Award performance by the Sooner punter.
You're right about the QB backup, it seems the kid was so good and so young, 2 backups from LY transferred out. I wish he would spend more time in the weight room!
Help me out, your opinion about running up the score in the final minute of a conference game with a 3 score lead. I go back a long way, maybe things have changed. I've seen many a losing coach ignore the opposing coach for attempting to run up the score, passing for a score very late in a game although the lead was insurmountable. Of course there's always the old "The quarterback called the play at the line" excuse. In my eyes, rankings are fun but not at the expense of sportsmanship or maybe the other coach's job.
I will say I do like Miami's slogans. The old one I remember is You either play for the U or you get beat by the U.

I really like the new one. Fear the Future; Envy the Past.

The QB is pretty awesome. He's still young but he has all the tools. What's scary for Miami is God forbid something happens to him. They have a very inexperienced freshman as his backup and I believe that's it.

Their schedule has been tough to start the year and it's impressive they are 3-1. If they continue on this pace they will be in legit national championship discussions during the next few seasons.

Congrats, your guys gave Cal a solid whupping! They're still near the top with that ground game from backups. I'll bet the stands were a hoot.
I hadn't heard the new 'U' slogan, interesting. When Miami was beaten in the past, it was usually Miami that beat them. I thought the cycle was starting once again when the ref called a, not even close, roughing penalty on an Academy Award performance by the Sooner punter.
You're right about the QB backup, it seems the kid was so good and so young, 2 backups from LY transferred out. I wish he would spend more time in the weight room!
Help me out, your opinion about running up the score in the final minute of a conference game with a 3 score lead. I go back a long way, maybe things have changed. I've seen many a losing coach ignore the opposing coach for attempting to run up the score, passing for a score very late in a game although the lead was insurmountable. Of course there's always the old "The quarterback called the play at the line" excuse. In my eyes, rankings are fun but not at the expense of sportsmanship or maybe the other coach's job.

I'm with you belme on the running up the score, I'm not a fan. Coaches do it to impress pollsters but I always hope karma will come back and bite them.

Now as a coach you have to keep playing so if you are just calling run plays right up the middle with your back-ups and the other team can't tackle you well that's their problem. But as you mentioned you start calling downfield pass plays etc. there is no need for that.
I'm with you belme on the running up the score, I'm not a fan. Coaches do it to impress pollsters but I always hope karma will come back and bite them.

Now as a coach you have to keep playing so if you are just calling run plays right up the middle with your back-ups and the other team can't tackle you well that's their problem. But as you mentioned you start calling downfield pass plays etc. there is no need for that.

There was a time when running up the score was considered low class.

But todays programs live and die by the polls. Regardless of what we would like to think, it isn't all about the love of the game.

Also, a downfield pass is less likely to end in the injury of a player, like a running play up the middle with players piled one on top of the other.
There was a time when running up the score was considered low class.

But todays programs live and die by the polls. Regardless of what we would like to think, it isn't all about the love of the game.

Also, a downfield pass is less likely to end in the injury of a player, like a running play up the middle with players piled one on top of the other.

At 1 minute or thereabouts in the Fourth, a knee to the ground is adequate with a 3 score margin. A pass into the end zone was for nothing else but additional humiliation of the Ky players and coach who were already assured of a loss. I don't notice any difference in injuries between runs and passes.
Let me assure you if our positions were reversed and one of my teams was the culprit, my position would be the same.
I realize it's hard for a great team not to run up a score on patsies, but when the game is in the bag, the subs come in, not in this game. I'm glad the pass was incomplete and if Saban blamed it on his QB, I would accept it. Otherwise, in my opinion, it's still "low class", call me old fashioned.