The U.N.’s Replacement For Biden?


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QUESTION: Which one of the herd will get the New World Order crowd’s financial support?


The U.N. crowd prefer the dirty old Commie, but he is too toxic to get the nod. When an internal U.N. poll is taken after the global government crowd drops Biden like a used condom I am betting Cherokee Warren gets the edge over the other contenders. WHY? Because none of the others have Harvard professor in their résumé.


Whenever I think of Harvard I am reminded of the plots in two 1964 movies:


Both movies promoted the Left’s favorite line of crapola. In both pictures a nuclear bomb is accidentally dropped on the USSR. In a show of good faith the American president makes a deal. The Soviets can bomb one American city in order to avert an all-out nuclear war. My suggestion was to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s mullahs they can bomb Harvard to even the score.

I would rather be governed by the first two thousand people in the Boston telephone directory than by the two thousand people on the faculty of Harvard University. William F. Buckley, Jr. (1925 - 2008)

Look up eligible bureaucrats in the line of succession if you have the time. If I am correct, a whopping 41 percent attended Harvard at some point. None served on Harvard’s faculty.

Barack Obama attended Harvard; so I decided to see how many of the Nifty Nine also went to Harvard. Lo and behold, 5 out of 9 made the cut. I am pretty sure the percentage in the lower courts is the same or higher.

Elena Kagan must be Mr. Buckley’s worst nightmare come true because she attended Harvard and also served on Harvard’s faculty:

Elena Kagan

John Roberts

Neil Gorsuch

Ruth Ginsburg

Stephen Breyer

It all reaffirms what I always said:

Schools for government are nothing but Socialist seminaries. The evil done by Harvard’s graduates makes this one the worst of the lot:

The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (also known as Harvard Kennedy School and HKS) is a public policy and public administration school, of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. The school offers master's degrees in public policy, public administration, and international development, grants several doctoral degrees, and many executive education programs. It conducts research in subjects relating to politics, government, international affairs, and economics. Since 1970 the school has graduated 17 heads of state, the most of any educational institution.

Finally, this article details a frightening connection to Harvard. Both Merrick Garland and Jamie Gorelick graduated from Harvard although Jack Cashill did not include that fact:

Da Noive! President Barack Obama has chosen to nominate United States Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.

We are told he is a “moderate,” but we know how that works. The other “moderates” on the Court somehow manage to march their way in lockstep to the officially designated liberal position on every single major case. Can anyone name an exception?

But that is the least of my objections. Whatever his merits, Garland served as Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick’s “principal deputy” during the two most corrupt years in American political history—the years leading up to Bill Clinton’s reelection in 1996--and that service alone should kill his candidacy.

Although Garland has no known connection with the TWA 800 investigation, it happened during his watch, and his boss oversaw its unprecedented misdirection.

My newest book on the subject, “TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-up, And the Conspiracy,” spells out Gorelick’s role in all its unseemly detail. The book will be published before the crash’s twentieth anniversary in July, but I would be happy to share an advanced copy with any U.S. Senator who wants to know the truth.

In sum, Gorelick and the Clintons pulled off the most successful cover-up in American peacetime history. As a reward, the otherwise unqualified Gorelick was named vice-president of Fannie Mae in 1997, in which job she made more than $25 million during the next six years.

In 2004, Gorelick resigned from Fannie Mae to assume one of only five Democratic seats on the 9/11 Commission, a position no one challenged until Attorney General John Ashcroft testified before the commission on April 13, 2004.

"The single greatest structural cause for the September 11 th problem was the wall that segregated or separated criminal investigators and intelligence agents,” said Ashcroft. “Government erected this wall, government buttressed this wall and before September 11th government was blinded by this wall.”

Ashcroft spoke of the memorandum that established the wall and added a detail that had gone previously unspoken, “The author of this memorandum is a member of the commission.” He was referring, of course, to Gorelick.

Thanks to a mother lode of unearthed CIA documents and one key FBI video, we now know that Gorelick breached her own "wall" to allow the CIA and FBI to work hand and glove in the subversion of the TWA 800 investigation. Senators need to ask Garland what he knew about TWA 800 and when he knew it.

Garland was deeply involved with another questionable investigation, that of the Oklahoma City bombing. In fact, he supervised the prosecutions of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. What someone needs to ask Garland is what happened to John Doe #2.

In the way of background, twenty minutes before the April 19, 1995, blast in downtown Oklahoma City, employees at a tire store spotted McVeigh and a short Mid Eastern-looking man, in the infamous Ryder truck, and even gave the pair directions to the Murrah building intersection.

Witness Daina Bradley cried out to the rescuers who were trying to extricate her after the blast—they had to amputate her leg to do so--“It was a Ryder truck. It pulled up, a foreign looking man got out, and then before long, everything went black.”

Five minutes before the blast, printing operator Jerry Nance noticed an unusual car in the downtown Oklahoma City parking lot near where he worked. It was a dilapidated yellow Mercury Marquis. Behind the wheel was a dark-skinned, Middle Eastern-looking man in a ball cap.

When Nance walked back towards the car, after getting some stuff from his own car, the Mercury Marquis almost ran him over. The Middle Eastern man was now sitting in the passenger seat, and a tall white man was driving the car out of the parking lot, recklessly at that.

Two minutes later, the Murrah building blew. Nance informed the FBI of this incident before anyone knew McVeigh was apprehended in a yellow Mercury Marquis.

A week later, the FBI quoted Nance and the tire store employees in its request before a federal judge to hold McVeigh over for trial. One of the tire store employees picked McVeigh out of a line-up of look-alikes even before he saw McVeigh on TV.

According to the Washington Post of April 28, 1995, a federal judge ordered McVeigh to be held after an FBI agent “described eyewitness accounts of a yellow Mercury with McVeigh and another man inside speeding away from a parking lot near the federal building.” (Italics added).

For the next six weeks, John Doe #2 was the most hunted man in the world until, without explanation, he just kind of went away, again without the media even commenting on his disappearance. Perhaps Garland could shed some lights on his whereabouts.

Garland was also involved with the Olympic Park bombing. As the reader may recall, security guard Richard Jewell was patrolling the grounds of Centennial Park in Atlanta.

Right around midnight he spotted a large olive-green military-style backpack under a bench. He immediately shared this info with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Jewell and the GBI agent then started to clear an area around the pack.

Soon afterwards, the pack exploded. Two people died and more than a hundred were injured. If Jewell had not seen this 40-pound bomb, it might have killed hundreds.

Likely fearing an Islamic connection as they did in Oklahoma City, the Clinton people turned on the transparently innocent Richard Jewell and hounded him all the way to the November election. Our Senators might want to ask who authorized the hounding.

In fact, there are a lot of questions they should ask, and to start, they might call in Gorelick and Hillary as character witnesses.

Obama's Supreme pick tied to TWA 800, OKC bombing
Posted By Jack Cashill
March 16, 2016 to_SuprCourt.htm

p.s. I would rest easy if the percent of Harvard graduates in prison was the same percentage of Harvard graduates in government.