The Uk Continues Its Decline

I'd guess there was a little more to it, but if true she'll be able to content herself with suing the local education authority for a hefty sum.

Having some experience of the school system, i can vouch for the fact that the level of sheer stupidity and incompetence amongst some teaching staff and local education authorities is staggering.
I don't think it is the UK, it sounds like something that could happen here too...

Of course we don't have racism laws to arrest people over.
I have to wonder how the rest of the world views our education system with all the shootings lately .....
I have to wonder how the rest of the world views our education system with all the shootings lately .....
Honestly, most of them have nothing to do with the education system. Successful shootings were perpetrated by strangers entering the schools, not by people inside the system.
Oh I understand and agree Damo, but perception is pretty much everyting now-a-days... and I just wonder how the rest of the world percieves the shootings. At least the british school had a cop assigned to it, even though his head appears to be up his arse ;) How many schools over here have perm cops ?
The school in Bailey also had a cop assigned. He was out filling at paperwork at a substation at the time it all began.
It might be OTT arresting this racist little chav but she should certainly be disciplined.

Baring in mind the source is the racist Daily Mail, it is highly likely that she did more than she is claiming in this article. If she was, or threatened to get, violent then it was right that the police be called.

If not, she should have been suspended or expelled.
His substation should be in the school.
I personally have not seen any cops at any schools in KY. Or even rent a cops.
Security procedures do not seem to have changed in the last few years here.