Which do you choose?

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I would likely trade any of the other senses to keep sight, but not all of them. If I were blind, I could listen to electronic books, enjoy food, move to Nevada and get sex through hookers, and so forth. Plus, I simply cannot live without conversation in my life, which would be impossible except through writing/IM/etc.
Losing the sense of feeling would be massively damaging to your ability survive.

Also, does this include non-traditional senses like your sense of balance? That would be an absolute disaster. You just wouldn't be able to function at all. There are plenty of blind people who can function in society, not many non-feeling, non-balancing, non-hearing, non-smelling, non-tasting people though. Plus, I definitely need music in my life. That's honestly more important than sight, although to produce music I'd probably need a second person to operate the DAW. Although losing sight would make it difficult to write, it wouldn't make it impossible. Plus without balance I couldn't get up off of a bed anyway.

It would be a shame to lose reddit and facebook, though. And texting. And with time those sorts of communication are becoming more and more important.
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Blindness separates us from things, but deafness separates us from people”. Helen Keller

Losing hearing completely would be my worst thing.
hellen keller didn't know what the fuck she was talking about since she didn't get to experience the senses and can't know for sure which one would be better
i like to SEE THINGS.
I like to feel sex, the smooth skin of a beautiful woman, smell her perfume, taste food (and other things).

I like to be able to know when my hand is burning on the stove, I like to be able to know when I am in danger of freezing to death because it is cold.

While I love to see things too, losing all four of the other senses would be totally unacceptable. If I had to choose between the above two options I would rather be able to enjoy sex than see.
I like to feel sex, the smooth skin of a beautiful woman, smell her perfume, taste food (and other things).

I like to be able to know when my hand is burning on the stove, I like to be able to know when I am in danger of freezing to death because it is cold.

While I love to see things too, losing all four of the other senses would be totally unacceptable. If I had to choose between the above two options I would rather be able to enjoy sex than see.

Damo, i think you need a cold shower quicksmart.
hellen keller didn't know what the fuck she was talking about since she didn't get to experience the senses and can't know for sure which one would be better

I like to feel sex, the smooth skin of a beautiful woman, smell her perfume..... If I had to choose between the above two options I would rather be able to enjoy sex than see.

I see a parallel here between Helen Keller and Grind.....

both will never experience it, so they don't know what they are missing....
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That's not the Ulitmate Quesion! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

The ultimate question is...."Jeanie or Mary-Ann?"
No way. I mean don't get me wrong. Mary Ann is hot, hot, hot, but what could be better then a hot blonde who can give you anything you want and say's "Yes Master."?
Oh, The Southern Man misunderstood. I thought you were referring to Mary Ann's counterpart on the same show, "Ginger", not Barbara Eden's character. This is a much more difficult question.