The ultimate rape of the consitution.


Verified User
This is unbelievable, Alan Dershowitz claims abuse of power isn’t an impeachable offense, that will be scum bags defense in the impeachment trial. You just have to laugh at these kooks.How pitiful is their defense? Well lets put it this way, the argument on this can be abuse of power is not a crime , but it dam well is a impeachable offense. This is the impeachable part , scum bags attempt to initiate a quid pro quo using his presidential powers to advance his own personal gain with Ukraine is backed by a complete line of evidence mostly from scum bags own people. The people he elected to have around himself. The Idea that its the Democrats fault when it is his people is a hoot. Add in demanding that Ukraine make up something against Biden is also a criminal act and shitting on this countries flag. There is no support for scum bags action , he is guilty as charged . The point is that the politicians on the right would sell us out , piss on the flag and crap on the constitution to stay in power. as would his supporter. They want a dictatorship and they want it to be their man. Guilty as charged. When this is done the people who see the truth will never except the actions of the right, they will spend the rest of their lives doing everything possible to stop everything they do and every politician that will be stupid enough to be from this hate group they call a party.
This is unbelievable, Alan Dershowitz claims abuse of power isn’t an impeachable offense, that will be scum bags defense in the impeachment trial. You just have to laugh at these kooks.How pitiful is their defense? Well lets put it this way, the argument on this can be abuse of power is not a crime , but it dam well is a impeachable offense. This is the impeachable part , scum bags attempt to initiate a quid pro quo using his presidential powers to advance his own personal gain with Ukraine is backed by a complete line of evidence mostly from scum bags own people. The people he elected to have around himself. The Idea that its the Democrats fault when it is his people is a hoot. Add in demanding that Ukraine make up something against Biden is also a criminal act and shitting on this countries flag. There is no support for scum bags action , he is guilty as charged . The point is that the politicians on the right would sell us out , piss on the flag and crap on the constitution to stay in power. as would his supporter. They want a dictatorship and they want it to be their man. Guilty as charged. When this is done the people who see the truth will never except the actions of the right, they will spend the rest of their lives doing everything possible to stop everything they do and every politician that will be stupid enough to be from this hate group they call a party.

This is unbelievable, Alan Dershowitz claims abuse of power isn’t an impeachable offense, that will be scum bags defense in the impeachment trial. You just have to laugh at these kooks.How pitiful is their defense? Well lets put it this way, the argument on this can be abuse of power is not a crime , but it dam well is a impeachable offense. This is the impeachable part , scum bags attempt to initiate a quid pro quo using his presidential powers to advance his own personal gain with Ukraine is backed by a complete line of evidence mostly from scum bags own people. The people he elected to have around himself. The Idea that its the Democrats fault when it is his people is a hoot. Add in demanding that Ukraine make up something against Biden is also a criminal act and shitting on this countries flag. There is no support for scum bags action , he is guilty as charged . The point is that the politicians on the right would sell us out , piss on the flag and crap on the constitution to stay in power. as would his supporter. They want a dictatorship and they want it to be their man. Guilty as charged. When this is done the people who see the truth will never except the actions of the right, they will spend the rest of their lives doing everything possible to stop everything they do and every politician that will be stupid enough to be from this hate group they call a party.

Show us where the Constitution defines "abuse of power", and names it as an impeachable offense.
This is unbelievable, Alan Dershowitz claims abuse of power isn’t an impeachable offense, that will be scum bags defense in the impeachment trial. You just have to laugh at these kooks.How pitiful is their defense? Well lets put it this way, the argument on this can be abuse of power is not a crime , but it dam well is a impeachable offense.

“The President, Vise President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, TREASON, BRIBERY, or other high CRIMES and or MISDEMEANORS.” (Article Two, Section 4, United States Constitution)

Apparently friend in order to impeach a President CONSTITUTIONALLY you must do it by producing a HIGH CRIME or MISDEMEANORS!

This is the impeachable part , scum bags attempt to initiate a quid pro quo using his presidential powers to advance his own personal gain with Ukraine is backed by a complete line of evidence mostly from scum bags own people.

Such as?

Add in demanding that Ukraine make up something against Biden is also a criminal act and shitting on this countries flag.

What did he DEMAND Ukraine MAKE UP?

When this is done the people who see the truth will never except the actions of the right, they will spend the rest of their lives doing everything possible to stop everything they do and every politician that will be stupid enough to be from this hate group they call a party.

The only hate any honest and sane folk are seeing is coming from the left. Your OP is total evidence of that! Identifying America’s fine and great President as “scumbag” isn’t defining love, huh?
He lives on Fox. His liberalness is long gone. He is one of yours now.

Actually, Allen is his "OWN" man! He rejects that partisan politics should influence his principles and violate the Constitution, unlike CNN & MSNBC's brainwashed dupes.