David Jeffrey Spetch
Verified User
The UN global compact, just ignore that illegal invasion is not legal immigration and make up the lie
Key relevance is sell outs and traitors are leaving out "illegal invasion" and replacing it with immigration and they lie and deceive with such tactics while deliberately ignoring the key factor that illegal immigration is not legal immigration. The UN global compact, just ignore that illegal invasion is not legal immigration and make up the lie calling it simply "immigration" and using such as excuse to slander anyone against illegal invasion with such lies as racist which quite obviously doesn’t apply because being an illegal invader doesn’t qualify any individual as a variation of the human race let alone people legally migrating from the same variation of human where illegal invaders come from proves this isn’t about race beyond any shadow of doubt. Like the video explains, they ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish on everyone else. It’s pretty sad when I have to walk adults through this like their mental capacities never graduated infancy.
The following is the video I was referring too and this was an excerpt from a conversation on a thread following that video which can be found here where I intellectually smoked yet another on several occasions.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Key relevance is sell outs and traitors are leaving out "illegal invasion" and replacing it with immigration and they lie and deceive with such tactics while deliberately ignoring the key factor that illegal immigration is not legal immigration. The UN global compact, just ignore that illegal invasion is not legal immigration and make up the lie calling it simply "immigration" and using such as excuse to slander anyone against illegal invasion with such lies as racist which quite obviously doesn’t apply because being an illegal invader doesn’t qualify any individual as a variation of the human race let alone people legally migrating from the same variation of human where illegal invaders come from proves this isn’t about race beyond any shadow of doubt. Like the video explains, they ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief then start trying to force such rubbish on everyone else. It’s pretty sad when I have to walk adults through this like their mental capacities never graduated infancy.
The following is the video I was referring too and this was an excerpt from a conversation on a thread following that video which can be found here where I intellectually smoked yet another on several occasions.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada