The undocumented immigrants

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Since many records have been digitized of family histories and DNA tracking, members of the white christer party should have no problem proving they came from legally landed immigrants

If they cannot prove that there ancestors came here legally, maybe they and their families should be imprisoned waiting deportation to whatever savage shit holes their white christian savage ancestors came from
Too bad we exterminated the indigenous ppl; there is no one to deport us.

I'm not sure what to do. My middle daughter is into genealogy and traced our roots back on my dad's side to someone called "The Puritan" (you may all break into hysterical laughter now) who showed up in the New World ~1640. On mom's side we have native ancestry from her father; her mother immigrated here from Switzerland as a child. And from who-knows-where there is even a bit of sub-Saharan African ancestry. My oldest daughter's DNA is even more chaotic -- she has all the above plus Asian. We don't know if that's an error on 23AndMe's analysis, or the real thing. Then there's the Neanderthal genes we all have.

What would you suggest? I'm wondering if I went back in time to the Neanderthal days bringing present knowledge, if I might be considered a Goddess? I mean, even more than I already am. lol
"Too bad we exterminated the indigenous ppl; there is no one to deport us."

You could always 'self-deport'.
Many of our ancestors would not have qualified under today’s immigration laws.
Today’s laws require that potential immigrants be closely related to qualified U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have employment offers from U.S. employers, or qualify as refugees. Today’s laws would have effectively restricted many of our families from coming legally to the United States.

Many European immigrants benefited from “amnesties.”
Acknowledging the large numbers of Europeans in the United States without proper authorization, the government devised ways for them to remain in the country legally. The 1929 Registry Act allowed “honest law-abiding alien who may be in the country under some merely technical irregularity” to register as permanent residents for a fee of $20 if they could prove they had lived in the country since 1921 and were of “good moral character.” Roughly 115,000 immigrants registered between 1930 and 1940—80% were European or Canadian. Between 1925 and 1965, 200,000 unauthorized Europeans legalized their status through the Registry Act, through “pre-examination”—a process that allowed them to leave the United States voluntarily and re-enter legally with a visa (a “touch-back” program), or through discretionary rules that allowed immigration officials to suspend deportations in “meritorious” cases. In the 1940s and 1950s, several thousand deportations a year were suspended; approximately 73% of those who benefitted were Europeans (mostly Germans and Italians).

Many of our ancestors would not have qualified under today’s immigration laws.
Today’s laws require that potential immigrants be closely related to qualified U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have employment offers from U.S. employers, or qualify as refugees. Today’s laws would have effectively restricted many of our families from coming legally to the United States.


I'm guessing Native Americans are regretting their 'Open Borders' position now.
Many of our ancestors would not have qualified under today’s immigration laws.
Today’s laws require that potential immigrants be closely related to qualified U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have employment offers from U.S. employers, or qualify as refugees. Today’s laws would have effectively restricted many of our families from coming legally to the United States.

Many European immigrants benefited from “amnesties.”
Acknowledging the large numbers of Europeans in the United States without proper authorization, the government devised ways for them to remain in the country legally. The 1929 Registry Act allowed “honest law-abiding alien who may be in the country under some merely technical irregularity” to register as permanent residents for a fee of $20 if they could prove they had lived in the country since 1921 and were of “good moral character.” Roughly 115,000 immigrants registered between 1930 and 1940—80% were European or Canadian. Between 1925 and 1965, 200,000 unauthorized Europeans legalized their status through the Registry Act, through “pre-examination”—a process that allowed them to leave the United States voluntarily and re-enter legally with a visa (a “touch-back” program), or through discretionary rules that allowed immigration officials to suspend deportations in “meritorious” cases. In the 1940s and 1950s, several thousand deportations a year were suspended; approximately 73% of those who benefitted were Europeans (mostly Germans and Italians).


But then; back THEN isn't today is it. :D

At a certain time in our history, you wouldn't have the internet to voice your whines.
my great grandfather arrived in Ellis Island and was processed with all required paperwork......his youngest daughter was born in South other three grandparents all came through Ellis Island with their parents......I expect you are right......its very easy to prove........
Since many records have been digitized of family histories and DNA tracking, members of the white christer party should have no problem proving they came from legally landed immigrants

If they cannot prove that there ancestors came here legally, maybe they and their families should be imprisoned waiting deportation to whatever savage shit holes their white christian savage ancestors came from

Melanomia is already questionable. If Don liked non-Aryan women this would be altogether a different pissing match.
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Since many records have been digitized of family histories and DNA tracking, members of the white christer party should have no problem proving they came from legally landed immigrants

If they cannot prove that there ancestors came here legally, maybe they and their families should be imprisoned waiting deportation to whatever savage shit holes their white christian savage ancestors came from

It doesn't matter if their ancestors came here legally. If they were born in the U. S. they are natural born citizens.