The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World


Verified User
From 2019 but totally accurate currently nevertheless.

The United States fell 6 places to a ranking of only 22 in Transparency Internationalis's list of countries by corruption. Under Trump, America is not in the top 20 for fair dealing.

But as I have argued before, the United States is the most corrupt country in the world, and should be ranked 194, not 22. What follows is a much revised version of my popular list...

Both parties have brought us to this point.
From 2019 but totally accurate currently nevertheless.
Both parties have brought us to this point.

This is a PERFECT example of why there are SO many INCREDIBLY ignorant people in the world.

First, this article is from almost, 3 fucking years ago.

Second, America was ranked 22'nd out of 180(!) countries.
How the fuck can we honestly be called 'the most corrupt' by anyone with a properly working brain?


Third, I bet you most posters on here will just read the title/OP. And assumed that America might indeed be WAY more corrupt than it really is. Because they are too fucking gullible and/or lazy to look up the real numbers.

The older I get.
The more I think that most human beings - at least 2/3'rds - simply do not have the mental capacity to be allowed to vote.

I had hoped that the internet would allow the ignorant masses to gain knowledge of the world.
Unfortunately, all it seems to do is allow these knuckleheads to gravitate towards the information they want to read.
And shut out the truth if their whittle bwains don't understand/like it.
This, in turn, leaves them even MORE ignorant then they were previously.

And since humanity is getting dumber since the mid 1970's?

Sadly, I now have to face the fact that more democracy is NOT the answer.
Less is.
I went to the website that did this ranking and perused it for a while. It is anything but transparent.

I could find nowhere on the site what metrics and methods of measurement they were using to get the scores they did. It was all blather and a list of results backed by nothing.
From 2019 but totally accurate currently nevertheless.

Both parties have brought us to this point.


But agreed. Sad.
From 2019 but totally accurate currently nevertheless.

Both parties have brought us to this point.

racist white men brought us too this point they have been in charge of this country since they stole it from the native americans.
racist white men brought us too this point they have been in charge of this country since they stole it from the native americans.

What are you going to do about besides whine and bitch like a school girl having her first period?
From 2019 but totally accurate currently nevertheless.

Both parties have brought us to this point.

No, but it's not as good as it once was. I agree with the "Both parties have brought us to this point", though.

Bipartisan bills to allow legal bribery and insider trading is a lot of it.

That was done well before 2019. More like in the 70s and 80s.