The unpopular populist

As Trump left the White House, his 34% job approval rating was the lowest of his presidency. That’s quite a feat, considering that his average approval rating over his term of office was the lowest ever recorded.

At this stage the ex-president is good for one thing: to split off part of the right wing vote by running ‘patriots’ against Republicans. Go for it, Trumpy! McConnell and Pence are Rinos. You can have big rallies. Show everyone you’re the greatest patriot ever.
As Trump left the White House, his 34% job approval rating was the lowest of his presidency. That’s quite a feat, considering that his average approval rating over his term of office was the lowest ever recorded.

At this stage the ex-president is good for one thing: to split off part of the right wing vote by running ‘patriots’ against Republicans. Go for it, Trumpy! McConnell and Pence are Rinos. You can have big rallies. Show everyone you’re the greatest patriot ever.

except he actually won the election, so premise refuted.
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Home202017 Facts That Prove Biden Stole The 2020 Election
Def-Con News brought you 10 Reasons Why The 2020 Election Results Are Fake. Those reasons were observations of anomalies and things that defied reality, all pointing to a stolen election. Here are some actual statistics and facts that prove 2020 wasn’t on the level. Putting everything together and the only conclusion is that Biden stole the White House.

Pollster Patrick Basham ran the numbers and nothing about 2020 makes a damn lick of sense. He laid out these reasons for The Spectator and they’re very compelling:

1 – Total vote:
President Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking reelection. He got 11 million more votes than in 2016, the third largest rise in support ever for an incumbent. By way of comparison, President Obama was comfortably reelected in 2012 with 3.5 million fewer votes than he received in 2008.

Trump’s vote increased so much because, according to exit polls, he performed far better with many key demographic groups. Ninety-five percent of Republicans voted for him. He did extraordinarily well with rural male working-class whites.

2 – Minority vote:
He earned the highest share of all minority votes for a Republican since 1960. Trump grew his support among black voters by 50 percent over 2016. Nationally, Joe Biden’s black support fell well below 90 percent, the level below which Democratic presidential candidates usually lose.

3 – Hispanic vote:
Trump increased his share of the national Hispanic vote to 35 percent. With 60 percent or less of the national Hispanic vote, it is arithmetically impossible for a Democratic presidential candidate to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

4 – History:
Bellwether states swung further in Trump’s direction than in 2016. Florida, Ohio and Iowa each defied America’s media polls with huge wins for Trump. Since 1852, only Richard Nixon has lost the electoral college after winning this trio, and that 1960 defeat to John F. Kennedy is still the subject of great suspicion.

5 – Cities
Midwestern states Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin always swing in the same direction as Ohio and Iowa, their regional peers. Ohio likewise swings with Florida. Current tallies show that, outside of a few cities, the Rust Belt swung in Trump’s direction. Yet, Biden leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin because of an apparent avalanche of black votes in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee. Biden’s ‘winning’ margin was derived almost entirely from such voters in these cities, as coincidentally his black vote spiked only in exactly the locations necessary to secure victory. He did not receive comparable levels of support among comparable demographic groups in comparable states, which is highly unusual for the presidential victor.

6 – Counties
We are told that Biden won more votes nationally than any presidential candidate in history. But he won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008. Yet, Biden somehow outdid Obama in total votes.

7 – Down ballot votes:
Victorious presidential candidates, especially challengers, usually have down-ballot coattails; Biden did not. The Republicans held the Senate and enjoyed a ‘red wave’ in the House, where they gained a large number of seats while winning all 27 toss-up contests. Trump’s party did not lose a single state legislature and actually made gains at the state level.

8 – Impossibility:
Another anomaly is found in the comparison between the polls and non-polling metrics. The latter include: party registrations trends; the candidates’ respective primary votes; candidate enthusiasm; social media followings; broadcast and digital media ratings; online searches; the number of (especially small) donors; and the number of individuals betting on each candidate.

Despite poor recent performances, media and academic polls have an impressive 80 percent record predicting the winner during the modern era. But, when the polls err, non-polling metrics do not; the latter have a 100 percent record. Every non-polling metric forecast Trump’s reelection. For Trump to lose this election, the mainstream polls needed to be correct, which they were not. Furthermore, for Trump to lose, not only did one or more of these metrics have to be wrong for the first time ever, but every single one had to be wrong, and at the very same time; not an impossible outcome, but extremely unlikely nonetheless.

None of these thing point to a Biden victory and yet he was declared the winner of the 2020 election. The two things that stick out the most are 1) it was statistically impossible for Biden to have won Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico and 2) Biden did worse with minorities everywhere but Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee.

The vote counting was a complete mess in those three cities and the vote totals from them are what gave Biden the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, as well as the 2020 election. You can literally pinpoint where the theft occurred and it was in these 3 cities.
As Trump left the White House, his 34% job approval rating was the lowest of his presidency. That’s quite a feat, considering that his average approval rating over his term of office was the lowest ever recorded.

At this stage the ex-president is good for one thing: to split off part of the right wing vote by running ‘patriots’ against Republicans. Go for it, Trumpy! McConnell and Pence are Rinos. You can have big rallies. Show everyone you’re the greatest patriot ever.

Made up numbers...

Wanna hear some real numbers? I forget which mainstream news livestream this was, but their livestream of the installation of Prime Minister Joe Biden only garnered a piddly 20k views, and had about 2k 'thumbs down' compared to about 1k 'thumbs up', meanwhile RSBN's livestream of a short impromptu Trump farewell speech garnered a massive 2.1 MILLION views...

Hardly ANYBODY gave a rat's ass about Biden's installation... If it weren't for the national guard being ordered to be there, there wouldn't've even BEEN anybody there...

When gas goes back up to $3, $4, and maybe even $5+ a gallon... when unemployment rates increase and stay much higher than the record lows that Trump's oversight had them down to... when there are shortages of any and every thing that Demonkkkrats tack price controls onto (such as wages, housing, and etc)... when we get entangled in foreign wars... when the working class gets raped by trade deals that screw them over... when tyrannical government inserts itself into any and every aspect of your life, refusing to recognize your internal governance and forcing its own will upon you (iow, turning you into a slave)... I will make DAMN sure to remind you OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again that YOU voted for that shit...

Do NOT complain to me when shit hits the fan under this newly founded oligarchy...
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Pollster Patrick Basham ran the numbers and nothing about 2020 makes a damn lick of sense.

I looked up Patrick Basham, described by Trump as “the best pollster in Britain”. I found this in Business Insider, Nov 9, 2020:

In an attempt to defend his assertion that the 2020 election results are not legitimate, President Donald Trump on Sunday cited a pollster who is accused of lying about his academic history. On Sunday morning, Trump doubled down and brought in what he seemed to believe were expert voices to support his assertion.

“Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that it’s impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states. Where it mattered, they stole what they had to steal,” Trump tweeted.

The pollster Trump referenced is Patrick Basham, who over the weekend wrote of “a mountain of evidence, direct and circumstantial, of widespread ballot fraud.”

Basham is founding director of the Democracy Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that predicted Trump would win by a landslide. Basham is also someone scholars have accused of faking having a PhD. Writing in the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal in 2008, they said there is no record of Basham having earned a doctorate as he claimed.

“In two BMJ blog postings Basham was referred to as Dr. Basham. He has claimed on a number of occasions to have a doctorate ... Today his LinkedIn page lists a PhD in Political Economy from Cambridge University. We have found no published source comfirming Basham has a PhD from any university.”

You can research Basham yourself if you want to find out what his opinions and veracity are worth. Here’s a clue: his polls are not included in the Five Thirty Eight aggregate, which correctly predicted a Biden win.
I looked up Patrick Basham, described by Trump as “the best pollster in Britain”. I found this in Business Insider, Nov 9, 2020:

In an attempt to defend his assertion that the 2020 election results are not legitimate, President Donald Trump on Sunday cited a pollster who is accused of lying about his academic history. On Sunday morning, Trump doubled down and brought in what he seemed to believe were expert voices to support his assertion.

“Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that it’s impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states. Where it mattered, they stole what they had to steal,” Trump tweeted.

The pollster Trump referenced is Patrick Basham, who over the weekend wrote of “a mountain of evidence, direct and circumstantial, of widespread ballot fraud.”

Basham is founding director of the Democracy Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that predicted Trump would win by a landslide. Basham is also someone scholars have accused of faking having a PhD. Writing in the peer-reviewed British Medical Journal in 2008, they said there is no record of Basham having earned a doctorate as he claimed.

“In two BMJ blog postings Basham was referred to as Dr. Basham. He has claimed on a number of occasions to have a doctorate ... Today his LinkedIn page lists a PhD in Political Economy from Cambridge University. We have found no published source comfirming Basham has a PhD from any university.”

You can research Basham yourself if you want to find out what his opinions and veracity are worth. Here’s a clue: his polls are not included in the Five Thirty Eight aggregate, which correctly predicted a Biden win.

his arguments are solid.
As Trump left the White House, his 34% job approval rating was the lowest of his presidency.

According to the same pollsters who predicted the Hildebeast would win the Electoral vote in 2016?

L.A. Times

Moody’s Analytics




Fox News

Associated Press

New York Times

It's one party rule now that democrats have Dominion.

On top of that they are going to make all the illegals citizens and as many more as they can convince to come up here.

It will probably be somewhere between 35 and 50 million new democratic voters.

Really no point in voting anymore.

Just hunker down and don't let the left notice you or else.