The Update That The UK Just Got From Canada: UK Update From Canada 2020 & Congrats On

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
The Update That The UK Just Got From Canada: UK Update From Canada 2020 & Congrats On

The Update That The UK Just Got From Canada: UK Update From Canada 2020 & Congrats On Brexit!

I Just updated 650 United Kingdom Members of Parliament officials today and fired away with the following from title to finish with the included video along with the text photo was included as well. Enjoy ;)

UK Update From Canada 2020 & Congrats On Brexit!

Greetings once again Officials of UK and congrats also to those claiming victory in the most recent UK election from Canada's very own and everyone's favorite Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist David Jeffrey Spetch. After being in contact with UK officials for around 20 years and doing the UK update from Canada for almost as long, I knew better than to contact you for the first time in 2020 until after Brexit finally happened because it likely detracted attention from allot of other very important issues so again congratulations on Brexit.

Before we move on I would just like to say in lieu of Nigel Farage's final EU speech, I don't hate anyone or anything but that doesn't mean that some people's ignorance doesn't infuriate me and nor does it mean that their actions do not disgust me and the EU has proven to be among the most infuriating and disgusting group of people on the planet in modern day. Ok enough about Brexit.

We are having some serious issues with tyrants and traitors here in Canada as I am sure specifically all western civs being targeted by the globalist crime organization simultaneously in modern day are aware of precisely the same rubbish transpiring in their countries as well. Pay close attention and scroll below the following composition for more vitial information:

Conservative Party Of Canada Moved Out Along The Way And The Crooked Party Of Canada Wormed It's Way In

Conservative Party of Canada moved out along the way and the Crooked Party of Canada wormed it's way in while still assuming the CPC title under the guise of Conservative. Kind of like how Liberals morphed into full radical retards derived from their own choice to exorcise deliberate ignorance compulsively and obsessively and not to leave out the other parties also turning backs on Canadian citizens, turning backs on democracy while instead catering to the sick and radical plan of lobbyists and the globalist crime organization to even bait people to illegally invade other countries to be used as front line guinea pigs in the destruction of Western civilization economies and socially forcing wedges while removing having justice from western civilizations when the courts are upholding sick and filthy lies forced through legislation because a few sick and filthy low life's evidently think it's funny to pull this specifically on western civilizations facing potential ruin because of such rubbish.

What are we doing to put an immediate stop to such infuriating tyranny and treason selling us out to the most greedy, selfish and ignorant low life scum bags that exist in this part of the universe?!! You vote for a party these days and from what I see going on it's like signing your children's death warrant, as they strive to make sexually retarded idiots of your children so muslims look at your children like stupid sacks of garbage as muslim numbers begin to rise. It's no secret that everywhere in modern day where muslim populations begin to rise, so do the violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam and here in Canada I hear they are trying to make motion M 103 which is based on the islamaphobe lie (a very rational concern is not an irrational fear of which a phobia describes an irrational fear which proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe) into legislation thus attempting to rob citizens the right to stand on guard for the citizens of Canada. This is how tyrants and traitors are selling out citizens while trying force filthy and extremely offensive islamic garbage on everyone and in specifically western civilizations. Officials are passing lgbt and M 103 legislation to try and make citizens look like the idiot while they load western countries with muslim invasion. Do you see any of this LGBT regressive rubbish going on in muslim majority countries or do you hear of gays being launched off of buildings etc. if you hear anything at all these days because your government is also trying to hide violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam from citizens while they set citizens up like a bunch of dummies by forcing sick and filthy lgbt lies and deceptions through legislation and in schools to try and essentially force your children to become ignorantly retarded while also eagerly working towards killing their reproductive organs as they also attempt to make criminals out of parents for becoming infuriated with such sick inexcusable behavior. They also want to silence and make criminals out of non muslim citizens for speaking out against violent hate crimes deemed acceptable in islam happening to non muslims where muslim populations begin to rise with such sick and filthy lies as m-103. lgbt's rubbish won't last long either way.

This is inexcusable and unforgivable behavior, and needs to be met with genuine accountability, not this parliamentary circus allowing each other to get away with breaking federal law etc. What citizen wants their children launched off of buildings, no one I know of so why are we being set up with such obvious rubbish as lgbt garbage forced into legislation and in schools while the country us suddenly flooded with muslims making up such transparent lies as islamaphobe to base an invalid motion into a bill to force a radical and sick agenda on western civs?

Think: It's like they have a gun to the back of their heads for any of them to be so eager to force such absurd factually proven foundations of lies through legislation such as the infuriating inexcusable rubbish in bill C-16, while making motions promoting the already factually exposed lie islamaphobe. I'm confident many people can cite more but I seek to make my point and keep this brief.

It is up to the citizens of Canada to free our officials if not remove political parties and replace all of them in parties so we can have our officials fighting for us again minus a gun at the back of their heads dictating that they continue to betray citizens with such rubbish so willingly and eagerly and yes as I'm sure citizens around the world in mass numbers are very aware that it really is sickening that such redundant rubbish takes places infiltrating our political front like a disease.

This has got to stop! Our police, military, justice system etc. are all infected. Time to disinfect this through cleaning our countries and planet up from this madness.

A very sad part to all of this is, many citizens are helping the globalist crime organization with citizens own greed, selfishness and ignorance. Citizens are ignoring fact, making up lies, calling those lies their belief while trying to force their rubbish on everyone else while also complaining about others who do the same as they only it's a different set of lies. Then we have more citizens exemplifying this behavior while using the excuse that anyone else does it as their so called justification for thinking they can get away with it themselves. That is an obvious cycle of corruption. We've got to turn this around people, we must be the adults on this planet and protect our countries, planet and children from such madness! No one else will, time to wake up!

This video has amazing information with a touch of my own personal fury (and yes it will fill you in, in lieu of the above mentioned):


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada


The transparency of political islam

1. Every single muslim on the planet is loyal to islam.

2. Islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable.

3. These violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere muslim populations begin to rise in modern day.

I never once claimed that all muslims physically commit the violence.

Now look at this Trojan horse "islam" where all muslims play their part

The muslims who do not actually commit the violent hate crimes against non muslims are the horse itself and inside the horse are those who commit the violent hate crimes against non muslims. You got to see it as a whole and how it is being used to understand what is really going on here. Again all muslims are loyal to islam so you think long and hard about that.

Even though this is what happens everywhere around the world where muslim populations begin to rise, traitors like such as elected and appointed officials are ignoring this fact deliberately and instead of having concern for the well being and safety of Canadian citizens, they tell Canadian citizens in their own deceptive way that there is no just cause for concern here as they force the muslim invasion with even open borders while having the nerve to lie to Canadians by telling Canadians you have a phobia, an irrational fear of being slaughtered for not being a muslim even though this is what happens to non muslims everywhere around the world where muslim populations begin to rise in modern day. A rational and genuine concern is not an irrational fear thus is the very factual evidence proving beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe anywhere on Earth.

Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy. It's time to criminalize the Trojan horse called "freedom of religion" permanently for the well being and sanity of current and future generations thus we can finally start believing in ourselves and one another with such sick and filthy lies out of the way thus no longer dividing us as such sick and filthy foundations of religious lies have already been doing to us for thousands of years, long before islam even got here.

The non contestable factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god or what muslims call allah (the very foundation of some religions) is as follows in a nut shell and keep in mind proof that religious claim that the lie allah or the lie god is intelligent is that they are all foolish enough to worship or pray to a factually proven lie thus is them acknowledging they claim that factually proven lie is intelligent to be able to understand prayer or worship. The factual evidence quoted in a nut shell:

"Nothingness is the absence of energy and matter hence there is nothing. Energy and matter are both physical. If someone tells you that there is anything that exists beyond the physical realm, they are lying because the fact remains that without the physical there is nothing. Not anything can go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone develop an intelligence out of nothing, let alone be able to create with nothing because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything aka no such thing as a god / allah ever existed."

All anyone obviously needs to do to prove what I share is not fact at all is simply share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. We do no even have to get to the develop intelligence out of nothingness part because not anyone will ever share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness and I know this because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

As long as religion exists there will always be war and divide because that is where the following and spreading of lies leads as thousands of years already proves. Those who encourage religion obviously do not want anything to do with peace, they want to keep the masses dumb and gullible because it assures war and divide.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Note: I added until in bold because it wasn't there when I sent it to the UK. It was there, yet somehow my glitchy mouse and keyboard got the better of me yet again. If you attempted a composition on my set up, you most certainly would understand what I mean. What I have to go through just to write something these days is rediculous. My first lap top, not too happy ...
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