The US cannot annex the Middle East- so Israel must be allowed to shrink and die.


Satire for Sanity

From the very beginnings of Zionism its leadership preached that Palestine had to be ethnically-cleansed of its indigenous Palestinians , " brutally ", in the words of David ben Gurion, so that European 'Jews ', with little or no connections to the Middle East could return ' home '. The appallingly philosemitic actions of the imperialist British allowed them to ' legally ' occupy over half of Palestine via UNGAR 181 in 1947 and they immediately began their program of expansion until they reached the limits of their armaments and man-power and declared their state in 1948 having successfully evicted three-quarters of a million Palestinians and killed many more.
The weakness of the Zionists' plan was that their territory was small- and being small it was vulnerable - so they chose to employ wars against their neighbors in order to expand and annex more territory. This was a fatal choice. It meant that Israel could never ever exist in peace with the people whose lands they had stolen and whose populations they had killed. It follows that Israel's only forward motion was through more wars.
All talk of ' peace ' since then has been a stalling tactic to enable the Zionists to further entrench themselves within Palestine, Lebanon and Syria , fully assisted by the USA for its own ' strategic ' purposes of securing Middle East oil . Not strong enough on its own to take on Syria, Iraq and Libya Israel wheedled the USA into doing its fighting for it , successfully destroying the military power of those countries and creating ' failed states ' , too weak to oppose the planned Zionist annexation of all of Palestine to create a ' Greater Israel ', larger and therefore less vulnerable to reprisal attack by the countries Israel next planned to go to war with- backed by the USA, of course, willing assistants to full control over the region. The miscalculation was that the tenacity of the Palestinian resistance was unexpected and that that tenacity inspired a wave of anti-Zionist fervor , world wide, which became more and more anti-USA over time as the source of Israel's aggressive power was generally identified. Terming those that resisted Zionist terrorists as 'terrorists ' themselves we find ourselves at a crucial point today wherein Israel's only hope of a future for itself is to kill off all regional opposition to its continued expansion.
The bugbear here is that Israel is still small- and therefore vulnerable to reprisal attack by the larger and most powerful of its chosen enemies- Iran.

And that, folks, is the point of this thread. Once forced into war - which is the Zionist/USA plan- can Iran inflict enough damage upon Israel to make any thoughts of continued Zionist expansion foolhardy, even to Washington Zionists and the power-crazed Jewish supremacists in the Knesset- or will the insanity of Zionism continue until it precipitates WW3. The Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans and the Pakistanis- all nuclear powers- and all threatened by one form or another of encroachment- are watching for America's level of intervention.

The choice of president in November is crucial. Trump is an AIPAC pawn and his election would make widespread war unavoidable. Harris, still relatively powerless behind the Zionist, Biden- is an unknown factor. She seems the best bet though, with Zionist insanity and WW3 as an alternative.
In the event of another Trump loss- insurrection is once again the Zionists' plan for the US elections. The result could be existential for Zionism.
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Israel needs to take out Iran via a shock and awe attack before Iran has any further chance to do damage.
Once and for all. No more messing around.
Yes, as I said in the OP- that's what Israel NEEDS to do.
The question was though- CAN Israel do it . As the Iranians claim in the article- Iran is large and has widespread targets. Israel is small and vulnerable.