The US white majority will soon disappear forever

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
But the white share of the U.S. population has been dropping, from a little under 90% in 1950 to 60% in 2018. It will likely drop below 50% in another 25 years.

White nationalists want America to be white again. But this will never happen. Since the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 and the start of the Colonial period, the U.S. has been predominantly white.
America is on its way to becoming predominantly nonwhite.

When Christopher Columbus arrived in America in 1492, there were around 10 million American Indians living in the lands north of Mexico. But by the 1800s their numbers had dwindled to about 1 million. They are now the smallest race group in the U.S.

The first sizable stream of immigrants to what is now the U.S. were whites from England. Their arrival at Plymouth in 1620 in search of religious freedom marked the start of large waves of whites coming to this land.

When the U.S. was established as a country in 1776, whites comprised roughly 80% of the population. The white share rose to 90% in 1920, where it stayed until 1950.

Declining numbers

The proportion of whites in the U.S. population started to decline in 1950. It fell to gradually over the years, eventually reaching just over 60% in 2018 – the lowest percentage ever recorded.

The future of whiteness

The aging white population, alongside a more youthful minority population, especially in the case of Latinos, will result in the U.S. becoming a majority-minority country in around 2044.

The demographic shift in the U.S. has resulted in many whites proclaiming that they are losing their country, and that they already are or will soon become a minority group.

In her research on working-class whites in rural Louisiana, sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild observes that many whites feel frustrated and betrayed, like they are now strangers in their own land. In Trump, they saw a white man who brought them together to take their country back. Hochschild points out that at a Trump campaign rally, whites held signs with slogans such as “TRUMP: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” and “SILENT MAJORITY STANDS WITH TRUMP.”


Trump doesn't even have any actual policies. At least none that he can remember for more than a minute or two.

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it was his policy to renegotiate with china.
it's his policy to use tariffs again as a tool.
its his policy to not do the tpp.
its his policy to not do the idiotic paris accords.
it's his policy to enforce borders and stop glutting the labor pool.
This is more phony alarm. The minorities will out populate the whites, But the Asians, Latinos,blacks, and others do not work together or have the same interests. They are not a voting bloc. The power of whites will remain for a long, long time.