The value of the Osama must be protected


FYI I feel like the Osama has officially become a unit of measurement now, like we're going to rank our trophy assassinations from now on in term of Osama's apparently. Osama was like a really impressive 30 point buck, and when Obama glowed so beautiful after that hunt, everyone wanted in on the game. But I fear at this rate, we may fall subject to Osama hyperinflation, as presidents print more Osama assassinations in desperate attempts to boost failing poll numbers by doing the most presidential thing imaginable, killing, they will rapidly deflate in value, people will inevitbly lose faith in the value of the Osama as pretty soon we're just be killing rando's who aren't even that brown, and being like "This guy was definitely the leader of a terrorist caliphate Empire 3x the size of Nazi Germany". And one day a tragedy will occur, like the passenger pigeon, the middle easterner will have gone extinct, Westerners will be left to reminisce fondly about the days when swarms of them could be seen migrating through Europe, far as the eye could see. If only we had practiced conservation and not been so greedy, we could still enjoy the pleasurable leisure of the hunt well into the future. But only if we pace ourselves.

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