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I think the American talk Show, "The View",something only a nit-wit could ever watch on a regular basis. (this is pretty much confirmed by ratings data which show that i"the View" is overwhelmingly watched by "middlebrow", middle-aged suburban women in the 25 - 50 age bracket) I mean, let's face it, only an idiot would look forward to sitting down to watch four, stupid women: trash-talking over coffee; making sexual innuendos about stuff like "Viagra" and, of course, the male member (Hee, Hee, Hee !!) , and generally trying to be clever, spontaneous and funny. Each episode is stuffed full of puerile, Left- liberal/Democrat talking points, which the hosts and co-hosts strive to discuss in an intelligent, meaningful way. But they fail.

When I first watched a few episodes of ,"The View", out of curiosity, the individual on the panel whom I found most irksome and unbearable was "Poopi Goldberg". Goldberg is a fat, Black, bumptious, loud-mouthed fool with a head that looks like a sucked mango. Her only claim to fame - that I can recall - was starring in the 1985 film, "The Color Purple". But 1985 was a long time ago and I am at a lose as to understanding how she has managed to maintain her status as a celebrity in America over the past 40 years ? I have heard she worked as a comic, but "Poopi Goldberg" is not funny - just gross; and besides ,female stand-up comics - (like Ellen Degeneres and Ruby Wax) - are about as funny as shark attacks. Right?

For me, Poopi Goldberg, was the most irritating and obnoxious thing I had ever seen on the American, mainstream, Left- liberal media (actually the political orientation of "The View's" is better described as full-blooded left-wing rather than merely "liberal"). They way she would continually blurt-out juvenile "libtard" talking points about race and gender and LGBTQI identity politics, etc; got right on my nipples.

Although "The View" is disgusting, cringeworthy garbage that lacks any thoughtful substance, there is, unfortunately, a very serious aspect to it. This is that there is generally a substantial amount of partisan, political content (both overt and implicit) in each episode, and the political line taken by the female host and co-hosts on "The View" is consistently very Left of centre on the issues. (Actually, there is one co-host in the show's regular line-ip who serves as a a token -Republic/Conservative. But she is a very attractive, White, American blonde who carries on like a histrionic prima donna, and is viewed as a narcissistic"figure of fun" Her role, I think, is to make a mockery of the political Right in America.

On "The View", the Democrats and their policies are firmly endorsed, while the Republicans (in particular, Donald Trump, are frequently excoriated). Even though any American with even an ounce of rational, common sense - intelligence would never - except at gun-point - regularly watch a risible, cringy, "low-brow" parody like "The View", it is a fact that this show is ranked in the Number 1 spot among all network and syndicated daytime talk shows in the US. "The View's" monthly instalments throughout 2024 averaged 2.6, 000,000 viewers. This explains why "The View" has had numerous, celebrity political guests on set this year including: Kamala Harris; Liz Cheney and Hakeem Jeffries."The View" has actually been very popular in America for quite a number of years , and past guests have included, political heavy-weights like Obama and Hillary Clinton, along with many other "Big Shots" have also appeared as guests on the show.

Here's the point I would like to make...When you realise that it is mostly low-brow to middle-brow (at best) women ( i.e. suburban Hausfraus who are really not the sharpest tools in the kit) who are the loyal fans of "The View".. Now imagine that you have millions of American women, who are so stupid that they think "The View" is a very clever and amusing source of information and entertainment, and so they watch this talk show all the time. When they watch "The View" they are handed a uniform diet for hard-left ideas. The extreme-left /progressive policies and politicians of the Democrat Party are overtly (and tacitly) endorsed by the hosts of the show (and the celebrity guests) as being: wise; cool; hip ; fashionable; sophisticated; de riguer and so on. The upshot is that millions of vulnerable, impressionable, stupid American women who watch this show, swallow the hard-Left political line it pedals "hook line and sinker." Then when a critical Presidential election comes up, they unthinkingly vote Democrat ("Because, you know, "Poopie Goldberg,"always votes Democrat, and "Poopie" sure is one smart lady, Yes Sir" !). Millions of these idiot women are the people helped to vote in the demented scoundrel and reprobate Joe Biden in 2020, and that all worked out just fine, DIDN'T IT ? My point being that politicised day-time, television Talk Shows like The View" are dangerous because they can very effectively indoctrinate huge numbers of bored, feeble-minded, American Hausfraus into embracing hard-left/neo-Marxist political beliefs and values.

Those individuals who finance the production of sordid, grubby, low-culture like , "The View", should be ashamed of themselves- politically indoctrinating "at risk", feeble-minded Hausfraus with dangerous (sugar-coated) leftist ideology that tricks them into voting for incompetent, destructive boobs like "Blow-Hole" Joe Biden and Kamala "Heels Up"Harris. "The View" (and crap like it) are also potent agents of decivilisation in America, they promote the degeneration of America's Western culture, and are very much a form of toxic ,cultural pornography.

t "The View" is hosted by four or five ridiculous, nit-wit "Leftist women, chatting "over coffee." The fact their dialogue is a frivolous, kaleidoscope of leftist crap is so incredibly popular with millions of American Hausfraus is one example of I why I believe that women should never have been given the Right to vote in America, namely because they are naturally very emotionally unstable and this impairs their ability to think in a clear and consistent rational, common sense, manner in the context of ordinary, practical day-to-day decision-making and problem-solving . As any male reading this will know, women's emotions are very labile - one minute they can be bawling their eyes out, the next, they will be happy as a piglet in shit, then they can suddenly, without warning, become very angry and nasty, etc, etc They are "ruled by their ever-changing emotions" and this greatly diminishes their capacity for calm, level-headed rational/logical thought. And the later is essential for making prudent judgement at the ballot box. Women should be stripped of their Right to vote in American elections. They have proven they cannot be trusted with the vote, because for decades to date, American women have shown a preference for the Left when casting their ballots, and given the catastrophic damage the Left have done in America over the years it is no longer acceptable to entrust women with the franchise.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound.
Seek help
YOU are telling ME to seek help ?!

That's rich PHANTITSSMALL, coming from someone who voted for Joe Biden in 2020.

Now THAT'S what I call psychiatrically disturbed and in need of help.

How could you possibly have voted Biden in November 2020 when anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that he was already afflicted with serious dementia unless you were a major league NUT -JOB ?

But wait, I'm not done yet. LET ME PUT THE CHERRY ON TOP OF THE CAKE. This is that you are actually going to vote DEMOCRAT AGAIN in November of this this year AREN'T YOU ?! (be honest). That is, after watching the Democrat Left spread chaos, destruction, misery and death all over America for FOUR YEARS, you are going to vote Democrat again, regardless !
FFS !!

I know that YOU ARE going to do this, and , can I tell you that this means you must be a certifiable LUNATIC

So, IRONICALLY, Phantitssmall, it is YOU who (URGENTLY) needs to seek help - NOT ME !

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound